population dynamics Flashcards
what methods are there to determine population size
quadrant (can use indirect evidence like scat, hair, etc)
transect (good for water populations)
mark and recapture - this is an estimate
N = (#originally marked)(individuals in recapture)/ (marked individuals in recapture)
what are the distribution patterns
clumped: around a ressource
random: when food is abundant (no competition)
uniform: food is scare, individuals are protective of their territory
birth rate (how many/litter reach age of maturity)
what are the types of populations
Type 1 (K strategists): few offspring but high survival (all resources into that one offspring, low fluctuation)
Type 2: steady decline/death rate
Type 3 (R strategists): lots of offspring but low survivial (live close to biotic potential, high fluctuation)
biotic potential
highest possible growth rate for a pop (in ideal conditions) - exponential growth
density independent vs dependant limiting factors
ex. light (plants), natural disasters, etc)
dependant: bigger pop size (more competition)
- intraspecific: within pop for ressources
- interspecific: between other species for same resources
= exclusion principle: 2 species with the same ecological niche cannot coexist forever
types of symbiosis
+/- predator/prey, parasitism
+/o commensalism
+/+ mutualism (inter/intraspecific)
-/- competition (inter/intra)
weaponry and defense mechanisms
teeth claws, beaks, poisons, toxins, ec.
camouflage, warning coloration, mimicry
how much energy is lost through each trophic level
ex. 1000 Kcal, 100 Kcal, 10 Kcal, 1 Kcal
what are the trophic levels
what is biomass
kg/dry weight energy [Kcal/kj}
mercury accumulates thru trophic levels: poisons you (important to not eat too many top predators)
Ecologicl vs crude density
Crude: overall density
Ecological: density of area a pop uses
What is lambda?
Geometrical growth rate/population growth
(as percent x100)
Intrinsic growth rate (r)
Percentage change (X100 as a percent)
What is delta N
Growth (births - deaths) excluding immigration /emigration
Doubling time
N(0) x lamda^t =N(t)
Pop size it t number of years
Amount more of individuals
rN x (k - N/N)
Realistic growth (k = carrying capacity)
Community vs ecosystem
Community: sum of all biotic factors
Ecosystem: the relationship between biotic factors
Inter vs intra competition
Inter : between species
Intra: within a population for resources