cellular respiration Flashcards
laws of thermodynamics?
- energy is never created or destroyed, only transformed
- with each transformation some energy is lost (to your system) as heat
how to make ATP
- substrate level phosphorylation: ADP + Pi
- chemiosmosis (PMF): proton gradient created using ETC
Aerobic respiration vs anaerobic respiration
Aerobic: catabolic pathways that require oxygen (kinda glycolysis, pyruvate oxydation, krebs cycle, chemiosmosis)
Anaerobic: an inorganic molecule other than o2
is used as the final electron acceptor
- lactate and ethanol fermentation?
why does cell resp create 36 OR 38 ATP?
explain what happens during gycolysis?
splitting glucose in cytoplasm
glucose –(invest 2 ATP) - fructose 1,6 bisphosphate - 2 G3P (oxidation: + Pi, - NADH) (ATP) - 3 PEP - (ATP) 2 pyruvate
products: 2 net ATP, 2 NADH, 2 pyruvate
pyruvate oxidation?
transforms pyruvate [3C] into acetyl-CoA [2C] producing 1CO2 and 1NADH per pyruvate
krebs cycle?
acetyl coA [2C] binds with OAA [4C] becomes citrate [6C] - eventually becomes oxaloacetic acid (OAA) again
how is ATP production regulated?
PFK (phosofructokinase) -
NAHH dehydrogenase -
related pathways?
you can get energy from other sources (not just glucose) since other molecules can join along the way. for example fatty acids and amino acids can isomerize into certain molecules along the pathways (ex. pyruvate)
what is PMF
proton motive force across the mitochondria inner matrix
what are the total outputs in each step of cell resp
glycolysis: 2ATP, 2 NADH (but they can become FADH if they go through the glycerol phosphate shuttle) [6/4 ATP in etc]
pyruvate oxidation: 1 NADH, 1 CO2
krebs: 2 ATP, 3 NADH, 1 FADH, CO2 and H2O [x2 per pyruvate]
ETC: 28 ATP (24 from NADH, 4 from FADH)
TOTAL: 36/38 ATP
what is fermentation (why is helpful, and what are the types)
fermentation is an form of anaerobic respiration when there is no o2 avaliable to be the final electron acceptor. this allows NAD+ to be regenerated for another round of glycolysis to generate 2 ATP.
Lacate fermentation: H from NADH binds to pyruvate making lactic acid/lactate (in humans)
Ethanol fermentation: pyruvate loses a CO2 and H from NADH binds to make ethanol
what complexs make up the electron transport chain?
NADH dehydrogenase
bc complex
cytochrome c
cytochrome c oxidase
explain glycolysis
[use diagram]
explain krebs
[use diagram]
explain ETC
what is entropy
disorder; energy is needed to decrease entropy
catabolic vs anabolic reactions
- breaking things down, system loses energy
-negative deltaG
- exergonic
- building things up (uses energy)
- positive delta G
- system gains energy
- endergonic
Net production from each glucose molecule
Glycolysis: 2 net ATP
Pyruvate oxidation: 2CO2
Krebs: 4co2, 6NADH, 2FADH, 2 ATP