Population composition Flashcards
Population composition
Physical, sociocultural, and economic attributes of the population (e.g., age, sex, place of residence, language, religion, marital status, race/ethnicity, literacy, education, occupation).
Sex composition measures
1) Masculinity proportion: # males divided by total population 2) Sex ratio: # males divided by # females 3) Excess or deficit of males
Measures of age and digit preference
Index of age preference:
(1) Whipple’s index (measure of preference for ages ending in 0 and 5)
(2) Myer’s blended method
Age accuracy index:
(1) Age ratio analysis
(2) Sex ratio analysis.
Index or relative differences
Index of dissimilarity
Age composition measures
1) Dependency ratio: Ratio of age 0-14 plus 65+ to age 15-64
2) Child dependency ratio: Ratio of age 0-14 to age 15-64
3) Aged dependency ratio: Ratio of age 65+ to age 15-64
4) Aging index: Ratio of age 65+ to age 0-14
5) Mean, median, mode
6) Graphical measures: Population pyramid
Population pyramid: Less developed regions
Population pyramid: More developed regions