Population and The Environment (Case Study) Population Change in Bangladesh Flashcards
What is the population of Bangladesh?
8th most populous country, 165 million, expected to rise to 202 million by 2050.
What is the population increase and fertility rate?
Annual rate of population increase is 1.05%, fertility rate is 2.2, low for an LIC.
What is the age distribution and population density?
58% of population under 30, 1238 people per km^2, Dhaka 40,000 people per km^2
How much land mass does Bangladesh cover?
Small, covering less than 150,000 km^2, just over half of the Uk.
What is the proportion of people living in slums?
70% of people who are living in slums in Dhaka moved there because of environmental pressures such as climate change.
What is the proportion of land used for farming?
70% of land in Bangladesh is already used for farming, meaning there is little capacity for agricultural expansion.
What is happening to the fertility rate in Bangladesh?
It is declining, 7.0 in 1970, down to 2.3 in 2017.
How has the utilisation of contraception changed?
Couples using contraception increased from less than 8% in 1970s to over 60% in 2014. Achieved by government and NGO schemes, such as providing rural communities with health workers.
How have infant mortality rates and life expectancy changed in Bangladesh?
32 deaths per 1000 births in 2014, compared with 150 in 1970, this has fallen mainly due to a successful immunisation programme.
Life expectancy at birth is now 73.2 years, compared to only 47.5 years in 1970.
What migration is occurring in Bangladesh?
Net migration rate is -3.1 migrants per thousand, economic workers moving in the short term to Arab Gulf states
Name the biggest slum in Dhaka
Rural-urban migration has led to large slums on the outskirts of cities. Korail, home to 200,000 residents. Only 1/3 of urban population have access to a piped water supply, with a sewer system only serving 18% of Dhaka.
What is evidence that food supply is keeping up with demand in Bangladesh?
Stunted children fell from 55% in 1997 to 36% in 2014. This is largely due to the fact population growth is slowing.
Why could the incidence of non-communicable diseases increase, and why might the burden on education be eased?
In 2000, 5% of the population was over 60, by 2050, this could be 19%.
Number of under 15’s stabilising
How much remittances does Bangladesh receive?
$1 billion per month in remittances
How much of the country is covered by forest?
Only 11% of the country is now covered by forest
What is happening to levels of air pollution in the cities?
Increased air pollution in cities. Dhaka, annual mean concentration of PM(fine particulate matter) over 8 times higher than recommended maximum limits. In 2015, more than 120,000 deaths in Bangladesh as a result.
What has happened to the population pyramid?
It has narrowed slightly at the base as birth rates have been falling. There are now about 1.6 million fewer people under the age of 10 than there are in the 10-19 age group.
What economic benefits could Bangladesh experience?
The dependency ratio is falling, so Bangladesh could experience a demographic dividend. To ensure this occurs there must be investment in the health and education systems so that more people are able to work.