Pop. Density and Ec. and En. Growth Quiz Flashcards
List some examples of import participation in terms of national exports: (list 3-5)
Factory work, mining, lumber/forestry, Subsistence/commercial farming, commercial fishing.
What is GDP?
The total value of goods and services produced within a country for a year by considering import participation and all national exports.
What two things have the area gone through since the fall of the Soviet Union?
boom and bust cycles
What has the dependence on jobs such as commercial farming and factory work kept people from doing?
Financially prospering
Russia has dealt with a ___________ __________ until 1991.
Command economy
What is a command economy?
An economy system that is controlled by a single government.
What type of system did Russia end up transforming into?
A free market
What is a free market?
An open economy that is moderately controlled by the government.
List the three different types of businesses and how they are run:
-Proprietorship: 1 person, 1 place -Partnership: 2 people, 1 place or more -Corporation: Multiple owners, multiple places
During post Soviet Union (1991), Russians attempted to shift to a 1.________________. During this, Russians attempted to open 2.______________________ with mixed results.
- Free market 2. Private businesses
During post Soviet Union (1991), what led to inflating prices? Additinonally, what happened to the Ruble during this period of time?
Secure government jobs and set prices were let go. The ruble experienced inconsistent periods of stable value during the 1990s.
What are Central Asia’s GDP’s different to?
Russia’s GDP
Why have GDP’s remained low on a global scale? What has this additionally led to?
Due to the limitations that the physical landscape, climate, and ecosystem bring. This has directly affected population densities and economic growth.
Before 1917, what did nomadic herding allow for?
Spontaneous development but not enough for any substantial economic growth.
By 1917 (USSR), people began to settle as the 1.____________ demanded participation in 2.____________________.
- Communists 2. government, or collective farms
Crops grown by 1917: (list 3)
Wheat, dry land produce (carrots, asparagus, corn), & cotton.
What is the main issue with cotton?
The grounds nutrients gets used up, and the ground gets exhausted. Land is now not worth much to sell for new land.
In what time period did the Soviet Union attempt to indutrialize?
The 1960s-1980s.
Results of the Soviet Union industrializing: Few incentives under the 1._______________________, which leads to low distribution totals. Additionally, levels of 2._______________________ are permitted to a certain extent due to lack of incentives. 3.____________ was brought into 4.____________ in order to develop industries.
- Command economy 2. Subsistence farming 3. Machinery 4. Factories
Name three industries that machinery brought to factories as a result of the Soviet Union indutrializing:
Vehicles, Electronics (TV), Process Food
Why was money not being allocated, or distributed accordingly?
Citizens were seen as less of a priority than the military.
In the 1980s, 1._______________ started to implement radical economic reforms. Now, 2._____________ was first priority and 3._____________ was second.
- Mikhail Gorbachev 2. People 3. Military
What are two economic policies that occurred and what do they allow:
-Glasnost: “Sense of openness, which brought along private businesses and freedom of speech. -Perestroika: Allows people to own their own businesses, and consistently keep the profit.
1.______ of the Russian population lives in Siberia due to the 2.________________.
- 20% 2. Thematic limitation
Which natural resources are found in Siberia? (list 3-5)
Oil, natural gas, coal, species of fish, and timber.
Why has tapping into resource potential been difficult in Siberia?
Due to the harsh conditions, the remote location, and the limited transportation avenues.
What were the two methods of moving goods and in what time periods did these systems take place in.
-Trans-Siberian Railroad -Complex system of pipelines -Were developed in 1900s.
What problems are Central Asian countries faced with?
These countries are landlocked and contain a mountainous terrain, making it difficult for production and trade.
Who were the fist group of people to arrive in Central Asia. Who were the second?
-1st came the Nomads -2nd came the Soviets
When the Soviets arrive, what happens to the Nomads?
They are forced to live and work under the Soviets.
What happens when collective farms are put in?
Scarce water sources have been depleted
In what time periods did the Nomads exploit or tap into oil reserves?
The 1500s-1800s
What do Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan benefit from?
Natural gas and oil production.
In Turkmenistan, 1._______ of all 2.___________________ are within this country’s 3._________.
- 80% 2. National exports 3. GDP
What do geographers predict oil and natural gas production will reach this year?
120 million tons
Who was the ruler of Russia before Putin?
-Boris Yeltsin
What do farmers rely on in order to produce enough crops for profit?
A system of complex irrigation systems.
What two main rivers have allowed for farming to develop?
-Syr Darya -Amu Darya
What do Soviets order workers to do and what has this led to?
They order workers to set up irrigation systems. This led to a mismanagement of water diverting.
What does being uneducated about water diversion lead to?
Massive depletion of the Aral Sea.
Who was the person that ordered the nomads and indigenous people of Central Asia to divert water from the Aral Sea?
Nikita Khrushchev
Who was Nikita Khrushchev?
Leader of USSR during the 1960s
Even though the water in the Aral Sea flowed to collective farms, what did this depletion of the water leave behind?
Left the area full of pesticides, toxic waste, and fertilizers
What were the consequences of the dangerous waste left behind from the depletion of the Aral sea? (List 4 consequences)
Tuberculosis, Cancer, Accelerated heart rates, and poor nutrition
How has the dried parts of the Aral Sea contribute to climate change?
Dust from the wind in the deserts around the Aral Sea has blown into the atmosphere and hence contributing to change in climate.
In these situations, what does it mean when people become arrogant?
They know what’s going on, but don’t choose to take action and try to fix the problem.