Define terms Flashcards
When did the Slavs come to Western Russia
The 800s
Who did the Slavs coexist peacefully with:
With the vikings, by living side by side with them.
What language did the Slavs speak, and what was their culture?
Slavic languages, and practiced similar cultures.
Why were the Slavs seen as an influential group in Russia?
They would later expand with the vikings throughout Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Ottoman Empire, which would mark a period of evolution for the Russian Empire.
Where did the vikings come from and where did they settle?
-Came from Scandinavia -Settled in Western Russia
Who did the vikings coexist peacefully with?
The Slavs
Where did the vikings and Slavs expand into?
throughout areas of Europe, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire
What did the vikings do throughout the 8th to 11th century?
they traded throughout regions of Europe and Russia
Why were the vikings seen as important in Russia?
they have coexisted with the Slavs and helped with the expansion and development of settlements.
What type of group is the Mongols?
What can mongols do with their history?
They can trace their ancestry back to the 400s and 300s BCE.
Who is the Mongol leader
Genghis Khan
Where did Genghis Khan help to expand the mongol empire?
Throughout the eastern coast of China stretching to the Adriatic Sea.
How and when were the mongols seen as an importance in Russia?
During the 1200s, they interrupted Slavic expansion and contributed to the development of the Russian Empire.
When did the Slavs settle in modern Kiev, Ukraine area?
From the 800s-1000s.
What does Kiev, Ukraine neighbor?
The Dnieper River and the Crimean Peninsula.
Why is Kiev an important capital city?
It served as an influential urban center for the Slavs and their expanding empire.
Define authoritarian:
A form of government where only a few elites have power. The government has control over the people and their lives.
Why was the authoritarian government important in Russia?
Since the Soviet Union’s former republics were trying to move toward this form of government during the 2000s.
What are Czars also known as
Russian Emperors
When did Czars rise to power?
The mid 1400s
What did the Czarist Russian Empire experience?
In the 1800s, the empire would experience an invasion from Napoleon Bonaparte. They would then try to rebuild after victory.
Why were the Czars were important rulers in Russia?
They helped to expand the Russian Empire.
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?
A French military leader.
What did Bonaparte do in the 1800s?
He invaded the Russian Empire, which lead to a period of rebuilding.
Why was Bonaparte’s invasion in Russia important?
It shows how hard it can be to conquer the determined people and harsh climate.
What did the Russians think in 1917?
They didn’t think the government was tending to their needs, and became distressed.
What happened during the Russian Revolution?
Revolutionaries revolted and executed the czar after becoming distressed.
Why was the Russian Revolution important?
It prompted the start of communist rule in Russia.
Why was the Russian Revolution important?
It prompted the start of communist rule in Russia.
What does the term Bolsheviks relate to?
Members of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers.
What did the Bolsheviks attempt to do?
To grapple for power, but failed due to Lenin taking power.
Why are the Bolsheviks seen as important to historians?
They helped to overthrow tsarist rule by dethroning the Romanov family in the early 1900s.
Who Was Czar Nicholas II?
The Ruler of Russia during the 1900s.
What didn’t Czar Nicholas II do in World War I?
He did not tend to the needs of peasants and proletarians, which later lead to the czar being abdicated and later executed.
Why was Czar Nicholas II’s rules seen as critical?
It would mark the end of tsarist rule throughout the Russian Empire, which altered the course of history in Russia.
In what century did Carl Marx live in?
19th century
Who was Karl Marx?
A philosopher, politician, and economist.
What did Marx indicate in his publish of the “Communist Manifesto”?
That there were many struggles between the rich and the poor classes.
What did Marx observe under capitalist rule?
That only wealthy people could rise to the top.
Why did Marx claim that made him important?
he fearlessly claimed the struggle between the existing classes.
Who created the Communism Manifesto and when?
In the 1800s, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
What did Marx claim in the Communist Manifesto?
The struggles between the bourgeoisie and proletariat classes
Why do Historians reference the Communist Manifesto?
Vladimir Lenin used it to base his ideas off of for the Russian Revolution.
What does the term Bourgeoisie relate to?
Members of the upper class.
What did Marx say about the Bourgeoisie?
They had most of the wealth and the resources for producing goods.
Why are the Bourgeoisie important?
They created tensions between themselves and the proletariats, which would cause the proletariats to revolt during the Russian Revolution.
What does the term proletariats refer to?
People in the working class and manufacturing industry.
What did the proletariats do?
They overthrew the bourgeoisie and the rich, which permitted there to be equal poverty amongst the classes.
Why are the proletariats important?
Their revolutionary actions against the richer classes caused a change in poverty and injustice throughout Russia.
What system was the Soviet Union run under?
Communist system
When did the Soviet Union exist?
The 1900s.
What did the Soviet Union experience?
periods of dictatorship under certain leaders.
Why is the Soviet Union seen as important?
It helped to influence relationships between other major powers.
Why is the Soviet Union seen as important?
It helped to influence relationships between other major powers.
What did Vladimir Lenin help to overthrow?
The revolutionaries
What did Vladimir Lenin believe about communism?
It allowed for the people to be equalized with each other economically and politically.
Who did Vladimir Lenin base his ideas off of?
Karl Marx
What system was Lenin against?
Why is Lenin important?
He led Russia into a communist based system, and led the Bolshevik revolution, which would result in a more equalized poverty among the classes.
Who were the Cheka and what did they do?
The Cheka were a police force meant to track down people who went against their political leaders.
When was the Cheka created?
What types of things did the Cheka do to people?
The cheka arrested, executed, and imprisoned these people.
Why were the Cheka important?
They were a critical enforcer of the laws by bringing a period of terror to the citizens in Russia.
Who brought along the New Economic Policy?
Vladimir Lenin
What was the New Economic Policy based off of?
Capital based
When was the New Economic Policy introduced?
The early 1900s
Why was the New Economic Policy important?
It would help to restore the economy from being under War communism.
When did Joseph Stalin lead the Soviet Union?
1920s to the 1950s.
What was Joseph Stalin and what did he do to citizens?
He was a brutal dictator, and killed millions of citizens by using terror.
Where did Stalin send many citizens to?
Labor Camps called
Where did Stalin send many citizens to and why?
Labor Camps called gulags as a punishment for their crimes
What happened if people met their job goals under Stalin’s rule?
They were rewarded.
Why was Joseph Stalin seen as a crucial leader?
He helped change the Soviet Union to a more industrial and military lifestyle, by using terror to force citizens into harsh conditions.
When was The Great Purge launched and by whom?
-During the 1930s. -Josef Stalin
Why was The Great Purge launched?
In order to constrain their attention on party activists, industrial managers, and even regular citizens.
What was set up against communist leaders during The Great Purge?
Trials were set up to confess crimes under threats to their family’s.
What does the term collective farms relate to?
Farms that were owned chiefly by the government.
Owners of Collective farms typically worked 1._____________ in 2.____________________.
- together 2. farming activities
Why were collective farms seen as important to historians?
They limited the amount of livestock in farms, and made food more scarce.
What was the cold war about in Russia?
Stalin and his contemporaries followed authoritarian rule to overthrow colonial imperial powers.
What did the US become of Stalin?
Suspicious, and they carried out a verbal argument.
What did the US become of Stalin?
Suspicious, and they carried out a verbal argument.
Why is the cold war seen as important?
It shows the gap between democracy and communism.
What did the US become of Stalin?
Suspicious; and they carried out a verbal argument.