POM medicaiton Legal Issues Flashcards
When is age a legal prescription equirement?
When patient is under 12, is date of birth acceptable?
Does the signature of prescriber need to match the name of prescriber on a prescription?
No, a different may have signed the prescription. It is ok to dispense.
Is the name of prescriber a legal requirement on prescription?
No, only their particulars - e.g. number for cost centre.
What is the appropriate date for a NHS prescription?
Either the signed date or the indicated start date, which ever is later.
What is the appropriate date for private prescription?
The date it was signed.
What is EPS?
Electronic prescription (service)
How many times can a repeatable private prescription be used if no number of repeats is stated?
One repeat unless it is an oral contraceptive (repeated 5 times).
How long can a private repeat prescription be used?
For the repeats there is no time limit, but for intial dispening - usual expiry dates apply.
Can a patient take a repeat private prescription to another pharmacy once initial dispensing has occured?
Yes as long as you write the pharmacy name and date of supply for the initial dispening on the prescription.
(Remember private items are paid for up front.)
Can you dispense from a photocopy/ carbon copy of an NHS prescription?
Yes if it signed in ink
Are the channel Islands part of the UK? Can dispense their prescriptions?
Not part of UK, can dispense items with normal requires but not CD2,3.
What prescriptions are used in prison? Can you use NHS repeat dispening there?
Custom NHS prison Rx used for regular use. Fp10 are sometimes issued for urgent use - therefore no NHS repeat dispening.
How long are owings valid for (CD and non-CD)?
Non CD and CD 5 = 6 months
CD 2’3’4 = 28 days
How long does a private prescription need to be kept (not CD2,3)? How long does the private PoM register need to be kept?
Both 2 years from last dispensed item.
Which 2 types of private prescriptions do not need to be entered into the Pom register?
Oral contraceptives and CD 2 (they have CD 2 register).