Polysemy/ Homonymy Flashcards
found on a tree vs. animal sound
bark - homonymy
part of a ship vs. the top of the nose
bridge - polysemy
behaviour vs. to lead an orchestra
conduct - polysemy
not clear vs. lose consciousness
faint - polysemy
unspecific vs. military officer
general - polysemy
having no legal force vs. a sick person
invalid - homonymy
a dark tar-like substance vs. the highness or lowness of a musical note
pitch - homonymy
a type of flower vs. the total supply of goods kept by a retailer
stock - polysemy
to tread heavily or noisily vs. someone who has no settled home
tramp - polysemy
a garment vs. a headland
cape - homonymy
part of the body vs. a container
chest - polysemy
a large bird vs. a machine for lifting things
crane - homonymy
a tree trunk vs. a ship’s diary
log - polysemy
an animal’s skin vs. to keep out of sight
hide - homonymy
very small vs. a measurement of time
minute - homonymy
noise vs. a broad stretch of water
sound - homonymy
to hit vs. to stop work
strike - polysemy