Politique Flashcards
Rishi Sunak
Chancellor (of the Exchequer) since February 2020 = finance, Trésor
Conservative Party
Grands-parents Penjab, parents indiens habitant en Afq.
PPE Oxford + MBA stanford
wife : Akshata Murthy, daughter of the Indian billionaire businessman Narayana Murthy (founder Infosys)
Supported the UK leaving the European Union (EU) in the June 2016 membership referendum.
recent general elections UK
NB : démission -> désignation -> confirmation élections générale + tard
2010 : David Cameron (coalition lib-dem)
2015 : David Cameron (maj absolue)
2017 : Theresa May (démission DC suite Brexit en 2016)
2019 : Boris Johnson (démission TM qq mois avant)
next : May 2024
president Ukraine
Volodymyr Zelensky (depuis 2019)
Dominic Raab
Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since 2021
Secretary of State for Justice, Lord Chancellor since 2021 (2 nominations qui vont ensemble)
Conservative Party
Law Oxford + Cambridge
père juif tchécoslovaque (arrivé enfant UK), mère anglaise
2018 Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (following the resignation of David Davis) - démissionne qq mois plus tard car désaccord avec T May
2019 Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs (BJ), remplacé par Elizabeth Truss
2021 poste actuel