Politics of Migration and Refugees Flashcards
How does Schmit define sovereignty? (Schmit)
‘he who decides on the exception’.
=Exception understood to refer to a general concept in theory of state and merely to a construct applied to any emergency decree or state of siege
What does can the sovereign do? (Schmit)
-decides whether there is an extreme mergency as well as what must be done to eliminate it
What shows Frontex success, and what is constraining them? (Mathiason)
- 173500 lives saved last year
- little power and struggles to operate as straitjacket imposed by collective failure of member states and brussels to fully commit and cooperate with it
What is Frontex restricted to acting as? (Mathiason)
-A coordinating agency, has to borrow gear no real power
How bad are staff shortages compared to what is requested by Frontex? (Mathiason)
-ranging from 4% to 20%
What is a major issue for Frontext? (Mathiason)
- they were distance to protect from illegal migration. that is a different profile from what we’re seeing
- existence of agency gives apperance of ollective operation without the resources and remit to be meaningful, its a smokescreen
Example of scrapped Italy operation? (Mathiason)
- Refusal to fund Italian missions, as fear it encourage migration by reducing risk
- replaced by Frontex-run operation Triton what was smaller, 5 months intro hundreds of lives last at sea so bigger mission needed. given much more money
How much of the 862 million euros recieved since formation has Frontext given back? (Mathiason)
In 7 years to 2014, more than 350 million reimbursed to 43 countires. Italy spain have recieved more than 100 million
How do countries in North see Frontex and how do countires in the south? (Mathiason)
- Countries in north use it to ensure southern states adopt their border control standards
- Southern countries see it as both an agent of control and a cash cow
How many people have Frontext arranged return for and what are the issues? (Mathiason)
- since 2006 return of more than 15,500 in 302 seperate missions.
- Worries human rights campaigners, 40% done th no independent observer, no complaints procedure
- Expected to be given more return responsibility
What is the process of connecting migration to criminal and terrorist abuses related to? (Huysmans)
-a wider politicization in which immigrants and asylum-seekers are portrayed as a challenge to the protectino of national identity and welfare provisions
What sustains a process of deligitimising the presence of immigrants, asylum-seekers and refugees (Huysmans)
-wider process of generally regulation to third-country nationals
What increased political rhetoric against migration?? (Huysmans)
-despite decision to halt migration, pop still grows due to fmily reunion, increasing public awareness of immigrant pop
What did council regulation 1612/68 do?(Huysmans)
distinugished between right of free movement of nationals of member states and free movement of nationls from third-countries
What did the opening up of internal borders result in? (Huysmans)
-a tightening of external ones