causes of conflict Flashcards
What is the 1948 UN genocide convention definition? (Pres)
‘intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such
Causes of genocide (Pres)
- social divisions
- prejudice
- discrimination
- economic depression
- systematic exclusions from the perpetrators
- intergroup de-humanisation
What does Stewart ague and what does Collier argue, and which camp are they in? (Keen)
- Stewart argues horizontal inequalities in economic, social or political dimensions significant, in the grievance camp
- Collier point to important of economic agendas, In greed camp
What examples does Brown give that puts doubt on greed agenda? (Keen)
-discovery of oil in Aceh was a major spur to separatism there, and that one element in this was resentment that reality low education levels were encouraging employers ot hire Javanese outsiders
What does Ostby find about countries with severe social and economic horizontal inequalities? (Keen)
-between 1986-2003, higher probability of onset of conflict
What does Stewart note about participation and its influence? (Keen)
- countries where indigenous groups participate in politics tend to discourage outright rebellion. No conflcit in Ecuador and Bolivia, conflict in Guatemala and Peru
- Ivory coast exclusion of northern politicians from 1995 ignited conflict
Why is collier wrong to suggest high military spending can predict renewed conflict? (Keen)
-in Rwanda violence carried out by sooliders who feared demobilisation after 1993 arusha peace agreement
What analysis does Collier’s fit well into? (Keen)
-neo-liberal interventionist zeitgeist
What can be issue with peace agreement?? (Keen)
-where grievance is ignored agreement just papers over societal cracks
One cannot understand war without understanding…(Keen)
-the diverse functions of warfare for actors within the counter-insurgency
What distinguishes new from old civil wars? (kalyvas)
-criminal rather than political
Difference suggested from old to new? (kalyvas)
Causes: old: collective grievance, new: private loot
Support: old- broad support, new: lack of popular support
violence: old- controlled violence, new- gratuitous violence
Why is argument on new not being ideoligical wrong? (kalyvas)
- arguments often based on journalistic evidence that quote city-dwellers or members of pro-gov orgs
- looting isn’t necessairly all personal interest, 1992 los angeles riots cannot be reduced to looting
- In Sierra Leone rank-and-file members of african rebel movements have a sophistacted understanding of thier own participation
- ‘Progressive’ Zimbabwean rebels didnt; use ideology, but religion
Issues with popular support arguement?(kalyvas)
-based on lack of information, the Vietcong relied on coercion
Issue with controlled versus gratuitous violence argument? (kalyvas)
- Abduction of children always occured
- killing by knife and machete tend to horrift more, but don’t kill as much as aerial and field artillery bombings
What does Schelling and others suggest about killing civilians? (Valentino)
-it’s a means to an end, not an end itself
Three scenarios associated with mass killing? (Valentino)
- implementation of programs of radical social transformation
- forced relocation of large numbers of people
- large scale counter-guerrilla warfare
Why does mass killing happen if it’s so ineffective? (Valentino)
-requires the active participation of few, so few who want it can prevail
Why are perpretrators unlikely to stand down without a fight(Valentino)
-see themselves locked in an existential struggle with victims, and see killing as only strategy
What would a 15,000 troop intervention of Rwanda done? (Valentino)
-saved 125,000 lives
Why can soft strategies backfire? (Valentino)
-promoting perception among perpetrators that victim groups are in league with foreign enemies