Humanitarian Intervention Flashcards
When does the UN charter envisage lawful use of force? (Rogers)
- in individual collective self-defense
- as a result of a mandate from the UN security council
How doe those in favour of intervention view UN charter? (Rogers)
- not concrete and must adapt. Cannot cover ever eventuality
- intervention in Kosovo in 1999 was justified on grounds of humanitarian crisis coupled with non-compliance by parties with security council resolutions
What does article 2 paragraph 4 of charter state? (Rogers)
-all members should refrain from threat or use of force again the territorial integirty or political independence of any state, or in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of UN
`What is the problem with the UN charter? (Rogers)
-set up to regulate inter-state dealings. It does not really address serious humanitarian problems
How is their not unanimity among 5 permanent security council members and examples? (Rogers)
- China nd Russia support principle of non-intervention
- Indian annexation of Goa, US condemend but soviet Union vetoed security council resolution calling for withdrawal
What 6 groups of legal opinions? (Rogers)
- first those who say intervention unlawful
- second, it’s currently unlawful, but may one day. Should move towards code on it
- Third, lukewarm acceptance there might not be international condementation if saving lives, but wrong if restoring democracy
- Fourth, justified in situations of state collapse
- Fifth, consider right of intervention emerging
- Sixth, those who suggest there is already a legal right
What are peace operations ultimately about? (Berdal)
-righting wongs and advancing wider humanitarian purposes
What does the basic idea of peace enforcement rest on? (Berdal)
- military force, even though it involves coercion, can be used impartially to ensure compliance without designating an enemy
- using force in this manner, because it is impartial and even handed, will not prejudice the political outcome of conflict
What has shaped the manner in which force has been employed? (Berdal)
- moral imperatives
- considerations of prestieg
- perceptions of national interest
- historical memories
- bureaucratic politics
- outlook of decision makers
What links Somalia and Bosnia intervention? (Berdal)
-both the level of force employed was designed to create military realities on the ground that would, in theory, facilitate the search for more lasting political solutions
Somalia 1993 case study (Berdal)
- Boutros Boutros-Ghali asks US to lead taks force to somalia to secure elief and prepare for large operation
- goal of recreating somali state on democracy and improving economy
- Killing of 24 Pakistan UN peacekeepers in 1993
- Lesson: one cannot wage peace and make war in one location at the same time
UNPROFOR Case study? (Berdal)
-Bosnia involvement, idea it was bombing campaign alone that got treaty is wrong
weakning military position of serbs
- UNPROFOR withdrawl from isolate positions helped
- Strong artilitary support
Wha idea seriously underestimates impact of outside military action on local balance of politics? (Berdal)
-that peace enforcement operation can clinically apply force to manipulate the behaviour of various parties on the ground without designating in enemy, while assuming action will not influence political dynamic
What did the 2001 responsibility to protect report suggest? (Cronogue)
-argues that states and international community have a duty to protect civilians from acts of mass violence
What are the key considerations facing UN actors when thinking about intervention? (Cronogue)
- legal forces
- strategic concerns
- pure pragmatics
How do countries hide behind charter? (Cronogue)
-US reeling from black hawk down didn’t want ot intervene in Rwanda, so they used the charter to explain lack of intervention
How does pragmatic impediments play a role? (Cronogue)
-intervention is costtly, some countries aren’t good ground for intervention as Somalia shows, hence no intervention in Syria but in Libya there was