Political Philosophy Exam 2 Flashcards
Whose works were followed during the European Dark Ages?
Whose works were banned during the European Dark Ages?
What religion experienced significant growth during the European Dark Ages?
What did Islamic philosophers think about the physical world?
God created the physical world so it must be woth studying
Whose works were preserved and followed by early Islamic philosophers?
St. Thomas Aquinas was a ________ ?
What did Aquinas and Aristotle have in common?
They were both Naturalists
What was Aquinas’s idea that was similiar to Aristotle’s theoretical wisdom?
Speculative Reason
What is speculative reason?
General truths and theories
What was Aquinas’s idea that was similiar to Aristotle’s practical wisdom?
Practical Reason
What is Practical Reason?
The ability to apply general priciples to specific situations.
This law governed motion of the universe
Eternal Law
Most important law for humans, innate knowledge of right and wrong that god placed in us
Natural Law
what law cannot contradict natural law?
Human Law
law stated in bible or scriptures
Divine Law
Law designed to help humans when they are confused about natural law
Divine Law
Unlike Hobbes, Aquinas believes that?
humans should be happy all the time
What is the purpose of government according to Aquinas?
to provide the common good
Aquinas believes the best type of government should be based on?
Natural Law
Aquinas believes the best type of government is?
A Monarchy
List the types of government in order from best to worst that Aquinas thinks shold be in power.
- Monarchy
- Aristocracy
- Reresentative Democracy
- Direct Democracy
- Oligarchy
- Tyranny
British Philosopher (1588-1679)
Thomas Hobbes
What was on the rise in Europe during Hobbes time?
Nation States
What was Hobbes’s view on human nature?
Humans act on our self interest only
Hobbes’s view on the state of nature?
life is poor, nasty, brutish, and short; war of all agaist all
Hobbes’s thought that humans in the state of nature would eventually get together and form a social contract because
people would realize that the state of nature was not in anybody’s self interest
What does the sovereign do?
Makes, enforces and judges the law.
British Philosopher (1632-1704)
John Locke
What was the divine right of kings?
The idea that kings and queens developed laws through god
What philosopher wanted to get rid of the divine rights of kings?
Locke believes that God gave everyone______?
Natural Rights
______ believed that when humans labored upon nature________?
Hobbes, that became private property.
Locke believed that Private property was a ______ _______ from god?
Natural Right
What did Locke think the pupose of government was?
A social contract with people to protect private property
What did Locke think the best type of government was?
Representative democracy
Hobbes and Aquinas share this idea_______
Natural rights
French Philosopher (1712-1778)
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Who wrote the book “ The Social Contract”
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains
quote from Rousseau, social contract
This philosopher is against Aristotle’s idea of slavery by nature
Jean Jacques Rousseau
What did Rousseau think about the state of nature
Can be a good place, Native Americans were able to enjoy it.
Rousseau believed that the only reason for the social contract was
Rousseau disagreed with _______ about the idea of ________
Hobbes, Self Interest
What Philosopher believes that humans can rise of self interest.
Jean Jacques Rousseau
What type of governmnet does Rousseau believe is best with small population?
Direct Democracy
What type of governmnet does Rousseau believe is best with large population?
Representative Democracy