CJUS Theory Test 1 Flashcards
lists the numbers of variouscrimes that have become known to the nations police
Uniform Crime Reports
Rivals or surpasses that in other industrialized western nations
Lawlessness in the US
Bad family life, unemployment, lenient courts
Social factors that influence crime
Actions or behaviors that violate social norms, including formally enacted rules/laws as well as informal violations of social norms
one of the most underreported crimes
This is not evenly distrubuted
Crime in the U.S.
example of difficulty in predicting crime trends accurately
tended to locae the cause of crime not in demographic shifts, but rather whithin individuals, in their souls, their wills or their body constitutions
Early Theroies of Crime
stressed the conflict between absolute good and absolute evil
a victory by one of the two accussed would go to the innocent
trial by battle
subject the accused to life threatening or painfulsituations
trial by ordeal
reputable person swear an oath that the accused was inncocent
the cjus system creates criminals by
The labeling theory
asks why do some people not commit crime
control theory
example of the difficulty in predicting crimes trends accurately
Crimewarps wrote by Bennet
influences the explanations of crime
social context
tended to locate the cause of crime not indemographic shifts butrather within indivduals
Early theroies of crime
stressed the conflict between absolute good and absolute evil
focuses on the individual criminalad their abilityto have free will
classical school
searches for empirical facts to confirm the idea that crime was determinned by multiple factors
positivist school
first naturalistic explanation of crime
the physical body
brain is organ of the mind
hippocrates dictum
◦the most important feature of the classical school of thought is its emphasis on the individual criminal as a person who is capable of calculating what he or she wants to do
classical school
◦individuals were guided by a pain and pleasure principle calculating risks and rewards
classical school
◦the punishment should be suited to the offense
classical school
punishment sould be a deterrent
student ofclassical school
behavior is a result of free will and hedonistic calculas
Bentham-Classical School
studied prison reform