Political Parties Flashcards
What is the break down of the soil south and what is its affect?
The losses of the Democrats in the south to the Republicans, forcing the Republicans to the right and polarizing US politics.
What are the 4 factors which led to rising partisanship?
1- Reagan wooed the conservatives into the Republicans corner.
2- End of the cold war foriegn policy consensus
3- Partisan Presidents
4- role of the media
Who is chair of the DNC?
Tom Perez
Who is chair of the RNC?
Ronna Romney McDaniel
Who is a leading member of the Tea Party?
Ted Cruz
Who is a leading fiscal conservative?
Marco Rubio
Who would be classified as a Rhino Republican?
George W Bush
What are the divisions on foreign policy in the GOP?
Isolationist and nationalist approach, versus a neo conservative hawker type approach.
Who is a leading progressive in the Democrats?
Elizabeth Warren
How much of the vote did the two parties get in 2016?
Name one third party and give some key facts
Green Party- 3rd largest party on the ballot in 40 states plus Washington DC. Major effect in 2000, losing it for Al Gore.
How much of the vote did Ralph Nader achieve?
2.7% in 2000.
What was the effect of Naders 2.7% in 2000?
Flipped the election for Bush. Bush won flordia by 537 votes, Nader gained 100 000 votes in Florida which could have gone Gore.
How much of the vote did Ross Perot achieve in 1992?
18.2%- no electoral college votes
What is the idea that parties steal policy from third parties in order to gain votes at the next election?
Co optation
Who was the only candidate to match fund in 2016?
Jill Stein
How much of the vote must you have achieved previously to gain match funds?
What are the ballot access laws in Tennesse?
25 signitures
What are the ballot access laws in New York?
signatures from every county
In 1980 how many signatures did John Anderson require to get on the ballot?
1.2 million
What does Duvergers law state?
People will not vote for third more extreme parties as in a plurality rules system with two main parties this is likely to cause the opposition side to win. Therefore you go with the best of the worst option to ensure the worst option never wins. The effect can be seen in 200.
What do Trump and Sanders show about candidate selection?
Increasingly out of the control of the parties.
Name one movement which is growing?
Swing Left to gain a democratic House in 2018
Name one Nationalised election campaign
Pledge to America 2010
Six for 06
Both were successful leading to the parties controlling the House of Representatives.
How much of the DNC vote do super delegates account for?
What is party decline?
decline of parties in terms of membership, function and importance both in elections and congress.
What is party renewal?
opposite to decline and are becoming more important in election, fundraising and government.