Elections and Voting Flashcards
How many visits were made to Iowa before the caucus in 2012?
How did Chris Christie try to raise his profile during the invisible primary?
3 day trade visit to Britain
Name Jeb Bushes affiliated Super PAC
Right to Rise
How many states held primaries before the end of March?
34- evidence of front loading
How many GOP primaries are winner takes all?
What was the main effect of front loading in 2016?
Turnout fell from 62% in New Hampshire to 5.8% in Washington State
What were the demographics in the 2012 Tennessee Primary?
1/2 college educated, 3/4 45 or older, 1/4 $100,000 per year.
In 2016 how many states held caucuses?
Who does better in caucuses?
Ideologically extreme- Ron Paul and Ted Cruz
What happened in the 2012 Iowa caucus?
8 precinct not counted and 131 counted incorrectly.
Where was the Democratic Convention?
Where was the Republican Convention?
What was Clinton bounce following the convention?
What was Trump bounce following the convention?
How many Americans believe conventions to be important?
What does the 2016 DNC platform show?
influence of Berney Sanders at the convention and his role in the primaries.
What was the total cost of the 2016 Presidential election?
$2.6 billion
What is the first major piece of campaign finance legislation?
1974 Federal Election Campaign Act: limit individuals to $1000, corporate to $5000, establish FEC, ceilings on spending.
What are the key supreme court rulings on campaign finance?
Buckley v Valeo (1976)- spending was 1st amendment right
Citizen United v FEC (2010)- corporations have 1st amendment rights. Super PAC
McCutcheon vc FEC (2014)- no caps can be imposed on contributions
How did Jeb Bush get around the restrictions?
Declared in June that he was running meaning he could coordinate with Right to Rise and raise funds without limits- $100 million
What was the largest Super PAC in 2016 and how much did they spend?
Priorities USA Action with $140 million
How much money was spent outside official channels in the US election?
$15 million
Who was the only candidate to match fund in the 2016 election?
Jill Stein
How much of the vote must you be projected to receive to get on the debates?
15%- only Ross Perot third candidate to debate in 1992.
How many people watched first debate?
84 million- highest ever.
Why was the second debate viewing figures so low?
NBC played American Football rather than the debate.
How many people believed Romney won the first debate in 2012? (CNN Poll)
What was Obama key soundbite against Romney in the 2012 debates?
Foreign policy of the 1980’s, social policy of the 1950’s and economic policy of the 1920’s
What are the debate rules of thumb?
- style more important than substance
- verbal gaffes can be costly
- good sound bites are helpful
How much did Clinton spend on adverts by October?
$220 million
How much did Trump spend on adverts by October?
$30 million.
How did the independents vote?
39% Trump, up 9%
How did African Americans vote?
88% Clinton
How did Hispanic vote?
65% Democrat
How did Catholic vote?
52% Trump
How did low income groups (under $30,000) vote?
53% Trump BUT Trump was up 16%
How did the rust belt vote?
“working class” vote 43% went to Trump
How many Americans see America as being on the wrong track in 2016?
How are votes distorted between large and small states in the electoral college?
1 electoral college to 675,000 people: California
1 electoral college to 185,000 people: Wyoming
What is the relationship between votes and electoral college votes in 2012?
Obama 51% vote to 61.2% of electoral college votes.
How many rogue electors were there in 2016?
How many House members face no primary opposition?
What is the average support for incumbency?
What is the coat tails effect?
the effect of the top of the ticket on the down ticket candidates. Can be positive or negative.
How many competitive House seats were there in the 2016 election?
What are the benefits of holding office?
Congressional Staff
Communications- $100,000 on franking
Beaucratic Ombundsmanship
Legislative Record
What is gerrymandering?
The power of state legislatures to redraw the boundaries of the districts every 10 years, often done in a partisan way to benefit a party by putting groups of voters together.
One example of a national tide?
2002 National Security Post 9/11 Tide
How many McCain Democrats lost in 2010?
Who was defeated by the Tea Party in 2014 by surprise?
Eric Cantor
How many states can use the proposition process?
2016 examples of propositions:
Colorado amendment 70 to increase the minimum wage, California legalised marijuana
How many states have defined marriage as being between a man and a women?
31 states
In 2012 how much was spent on propositions?
$491 million