political parties Flashcards
what is a political party and how do they differ to pressure groups?
a political party is a group of people that are drawn together due to their similar beliefs and values. Though they may still be deeply divided. A political party will have a broad spectrum of things that they will fight for.
they will be different from pressure groups as they only campaign for a specific issue.
what functions do political parties perform within a democracy?
representation- the main role of the political parties is to represent the people, whom have voted for them.
participation- they will have people that they will encourage to participate in politics. an example of this would be labour lowering the annual subscription to £3
recruiting office holders- for a small number of people they will be able to hold office.
formulating policy- parties will formulate policy that will match the core beliefs of their party and this will lead to their manifesto, there are often key issues that parties will discuss for example the NHS.
providing government- the winning party will form a government and that party will control the business of parliament and will hope that they can pass their manifesto into law. the one who wins will typically have a large party. the prime minister is not voted for directly by the people though if they lose the confidence of their party then they are in a weak position.
the funding of UK political parties.
MPs are paid by general taxation and will also be allowed to claim expenses to cover the cost of running for election. most of the ways parties are funded are by subscription from membership and from fundraising events. though there will be state provision to help support the opposition.
the 2000 political parties, elections and referendums Act was passed, this would bring in rules such as the amount a political party could spend was capped at £30,000 and donations over £5000 would have to be declared.
there was the loans for peerages scandal in 2006-7.
Conservative funding- the top ten party donors have all donated funds that are over £1 million the top donations would donate over 2.5 million.
how is the funding of parties controversial?
some people believe that people with a lot of money and wealth can buy political power. this was prevalent in the days of “new labour”
Blair and Ecclestone- there was a connection between the donation of £1 million and the delay ban on smoking with regards to motor sports in 1997.
2006 many wealthy people that had donated to the Labour Party had been nominated for honours.
The 2000 Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act
an independent electoral commission was set up
the amount a party could spend was capped at £30,000 per constituency
donations for more than £5000 nationally and £1000 locally had to be declared.
donations from individuals that were not on the electoral roll were banned.
potential reforms that may take place with regards to funding?
in 2007 Sir Hayden Phillips suggested that parties should be funded by tax payers money. a suggestion by Labour and the Lib Dems in 2010 suggests that there should be limits on donations to parties, though this would be complicated as Labour would also gain a lot from the trade unions.
what are the arguments for and against state funding of parties?
parties play an important role in representative democracy
public funding would remove the disparity in what parties get
might encourage people to participate towards their part
would curb the influence of private backers on party policy
could lead to greater state regulation and reduce parties independence
hard to decide how much support a party should have to qualify for funding
could isolate parties from the wishes of the voter
taxpayers would resent compulsory contributions to parties of which they disapprove.
what is traditional conservatism?
a party that is dedicated to the defence of property and traditional authority against the threat of revolution. they would stress that gradual reform was necessary in order to conserve institutions. the party would gain support from the middle classes.
what is one-nation conservatism?
this was a form of conservatism that would try to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor and this was achieved through paternalistic means, for example the elite saw themselves as the natural leaders and they would help create a platform for the poor to feel aspired. the conservative prime minister disreali had this approach.
There have been clear references to one-nation conservatism in recent years, this was evident with David Cameron’s attempts to modernise the conservative party, with the concept of the “Big Society”. Boris Johnson referred to himself as a one-nation tory in 2012, Ed Miliband also used the term one nation 46 times in his 2012 conference speech. Though, with the recent 2024 election it is evident that the conservative party is moving towards the right, in 2019 Johnson ousted key proponents of one nation conservatism, such as Dominic Grieve.
what was Thatcherism and the new right and its key themes?
this was completely different to one nation policy, and would remove the view that it was necessary to compromise. they would seek to remove state intervention of the economy and would also seek to restore order with the trade unions.
key themes:
control of public spending and tax cuts
privatisation of industries and services that were taken into state ownership
legal limits on the power of trade unions
a tough approach to law and order
assertion of British interests abroad
a desire to protect national sovereignty against the EU. This displayed a split in the party in 1992 when the Maastricht Treaty was passed, causing Thatcher to be hostile to Major
There is remains of Thatcher in the Conservative Party today, the divisive Rwanda policy, Badenoch stating that maternity leave has gone too far.
2012- the publication of Britannina unchained, which stated that the UK had not changed since the 1970’s, the key authors were people such as Liz Truss.
Though, it has been suggested that she would have voted to remain in the EU, as she was a key proponent of the single market.
what did the post-Thatcher party look like?
Thatcher would be a very defisive figure, and her successor would represent a continuation of the same policies though he would be less confrontational, Major closed most coal mines and privatised the railways. Though there would be a major defeat in 1997 and labour would take charge.
the next three leaders would all fail against Tony Blair, William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith and Micheal Howard would all fail. they would fail to appeal to a more diverse society.
what was David Cameron like as a prime minister? and what were his key policies?
he would be an admirer of Thatcher though he would also be aware that the country needed to change and would be someone who would describe himself as a “liberal conservative” who would also claim to be empathetic towards minorities, he would claim that he stood on the side of ordinary people. he would be progressive for example legalising gay marriage.
economic policy- was to reduce the budget deficit that would be inherited from labour, whom he would accuse of overspending. they would have some public spending cuts these were to maintain confidence of the financial markets, the budgets of Whitehall would be cut by 25%
welfare policy- the policies would be tough on benefits and sought to penalise governments, the universal credit system was sought to encourage people who were unemployed to seek employment. the private sector was also allowed to compete with state hospitals.
law and order- he would seem to be liberal and would introduce things such as “hug a hoodie”, though he would support tough sentencing on certain crimes after the 2011 London riots.
foreign policy- his approach would be consistent with Thatcherism, there would be strong links with the USA and support for air strikes against Islamic terror groups. there would also be some suspicion of Europe.
what was Old Labour?
Clement Attlee of 1945 would be the first Labour Prime Minister to have a majority government, who would have been considered an old socialist.
clause 4 would campaign for a more nationalist approach.
the labor governments from 1945 to the 70’s would showcase social democracy where they would not seek to abolish capitalism, rather they would fight for the workers. this would be the creation of comprehensive schools.
the defeat of James Callaghan in 1979 would signal a change in the party from socialism.
what is new labour?
this would be a move away from the hard left and people were becoming more affluent and a campaign just for the working class would not be enough.
under the leadership of Tony Blair clause 4 would be rewritten and it would no longer be committed to nationalistionism. The party would be come more pro-EU and the party would develop Links with the business side. the new labour government would lead the party towards the right.
what were Blairs key policies ? and why didn’t the socialists like him?
many of the old socialist would not like his attempts to modernise the party, they felt that his values would be too right wing and his 2003 Iraq war involvement would also affect his credentials.
key policy:
Emphasis on wealth creation rather than redistribution- would seek to reduce poverty but would not seek to eliminate inequality. they would introduce a NMW at a lower level and would encourage aspiration.
people need to be aware of responsibilities and rights- would bring in legal measures to deal with anti-social behaviour, Blair declared that Labour needed to be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime.
Responsibility in handling of national finances- they would conserve resources before investing in key public services, the increase in National Insurance Contributions in 2002 led to the largest ever rise in spending on the NHS.
Enlisting the public sector to deliver public services- the PFI was enlisted to build new schools.
influence of liberal ideology on labour thinking- this would be in devolution and putting a less of an emphasis on Westminster, the passage of the HRA. however, the new gig would curb civil liberties in their campaign against crime and terrorism, extending the time that suspects could be detained, widening police powers and proposing the introduction of identity cards.
what did Labour look like under Gordon Brown?
the financial crisis and and recession in 2008-09 led to some key policies from Gordon Brown.
the treasury would pump money into the banking system in an attempt to boost the economy.
the government would nationalise or part nationalise key industries in order to restore faith in the banks.
he would create a new 50% band of tax for those who earned more than £150,000 per year,
he would propose to maintain public spending.
this would lead to claims that labour had abandoned the new labour ideology.
what did labour look like under the rule of Ed Miliband? 2010-2015
the rule of Ed Miliband would shift more to the left than the new labour government and, for example he would campaign for the 50p tax rate for top earners, this would be reduced to 45p by the coalition.
he would describe the difference between “predatory” and “responsible” capitalism.
he would try and combine the new labour love of business and also preserving the rights of the working class constituency. many would describe his defeat as his dislike towards the private sector and the willingness to return to “tax and spend policies.
what did the Labour Party look like under Jeremy Corbyn?
he was regarded to be much more radical and it would signal that the labour party would want to adopt a more leftist view, a key Blairite Liz Kendall would win only 5% of the vote.
economic policy- would call for a large-scale funding of industry and infrastructure organised by National Investment Bank- to reduce regional inequalities. would call for renationalisation of the railways and he would favour the 50p tax rate.
welfare policy- he would strongly oppose benefit cuts and as a socialist he would suggest that the poor were just victims of capitalism, oppose the new labour view of the private sector and would oppose tuition fees.
law and order policy- he would be for increased actions to irradiate terroism and both supporters of Blair and Corbybites would find common ground on not cutting police number.
foreign policy- would vote against the use of force for example his fervent views of NATO. would support British membership of the EU and wicked highlight the positive role that it held with regards to workers.
the context of the Liberal Democrat party.
classic liberals were committed to the freedom of the individual in terms of the state playing a limited role, for example the widening of the franchise and free trade.
modern liberalism- this would recognise that individuals cannot be free based of off the inequalities that can be produced from capitalism.
they would struggle to define their party and appeal to both middle and working class voters.
in the 1960 and 70s the FPP system would fail them.
the SDP would be part of the party that would break away from labour and would merge with the liberals to form the Liberal Democrat party.
the beginning of the Liberal Democrat party.
in the 1997 election they would gain 46 seats and tactical voting, this would mean that they would get some of labours vote. by 2005 they would have gained 62 seats.
Nick Clegg and the coalition government.
under the rule of Charles Kennedy they would be opposed to the Iraq war, identity cards and student tuition fees and they would regard themselves as centre-left party, he would regard himself as a social liberal ad not an orange book liberal.
Nick Clegg, would ideologically fit to the more traditional values of the freedom of the individual.
in 2010 would be part of a coalition with 57 seats.
they would have to go along with the cuts that were instigated by the conservatives and this waist order to remain responsible. it would gain the unfortunate position of being unpopular by association. they would also not get their alternative vote in 2011 and this would highlight the lack of power that they really had. they would suffer major losses in 2015 and would only have eight seats.
what do the liberal democrats stand for?
Tim Farron would take on the party in 2015 and he would describe himself to be more left leaning.
Economic policy- they would continue their emphasis on eliminating the budget deficit and they would want to borrow less than labour and cut less than the tories. they would also support green policy such as a commitment to renewable energy.
welfare policy- they would want to control spending on benefits and would update pensions and would extend free childcare to allow people to return to work. they would also pledge an increase in funding on the NHS.
law and order- they would regard the defence of civill liberties a key characteristic, they would be against the “snoopers charter”, which would give the government more power to know what people are doing online.
foreign policy- they have been the most enthusiastic for membership of the EU and they would be reluctant to accept the result of the BREXIT referendum, they would not respect the popular verdict.
the importance of other parties in the UK.
these are often parties that will campaign against the three larger parties and two of the smaller parties, UKIP and the Green Party would campaign based on their desire to campaign for a specific issue. if people vote for them, they are more of a protest site as they tend to have no real desire to form a government. the smaller parties may also only be based regionally, so they the basis of their support is in a certain part of the country for example Plaid Cymru and the SNP. the Welsh National party is more successful in the assembly of Wales where they had a coalition government with labour until 2011.
the Scottish national party
this was founded in 1934 and it’s main purpose is to secure independence of Scotland. from 1997-2007 the Blair government would be successful in allowing devolution which would give the people of Scotland enough power not to vote for the SNP which would be powerful until Alex Salmond became leader of the SNP. in 2014 there would be a referendum for Scottish independence and though this was defeated and leaders would go to Scotland to campaign for the people staying in the union, the issue would not go away. Nicola Sturgeon would argue that Scotland was being taken out of the EU against its will and that Scotland would be entitles to hold another referendum soon. the SNP will try to refrain from voting at Westminster in order to stay true to their views that they do not want to be involved in English issues. in 2023 they held 43 out of 59 Scottish seats in the House of Commons.
this is often associated with one man Nigel Farage and opposition to Britain being a part of the EU, they would owe their profile towards the dissatisfaction towards the way that the three main parties were dealing with the issue, 2014 they gained 24 MEPS, they would have 3.9 million votes in 2015. this a right wing party that is more traditional and the supporters are often rapidly changing, some would see the immigration the is taking place as a threat to their jobs.
they satin for, taking back control of the EU, and after they won the referendum there should be no backsliding on British interests. They also want to restrict immigration and would campaign for a points based system and there should be a cap on the number of migrants that can enter the country. they would also hold support for grammar schools, scrap green taxes and should increase NHS and migrants and visitors to the UK should have private health insurance.
the Green Party
would win its first seat in 2010, Caroline Lucas would become MP for Brighton. they would win more than a million votes in 2015, though would gain no more seats. they are strongly EU and see the EU as a safeguard for environmental protection. they stand for environmental issues and reducing social inequality, and the minimum wage should be reduced to a living wage of £10.
the different types of party systems?
one party system- there are multiple parties but only one will have the realistic prospect of holding power.
two party system- the two main parties will compete for power and the other small parties have no real chance of power.
two and a half party system- the two main parties are the main players though they may be threatened by a smaller third party.
a multi party system- a number of parties will contend to form a government and coalitions are the norms.
the west minster elections
post the mid 70’s Westminster and the two main parties gaining 91% of he vote changed to only 73% share of the vote. this changed due to the threat of larger parties and in particular the threat of the liberal democrats, the TFTP system means that it is difficult for smaller parties to gain power. the coalition from 2010-2015 could be described as a two and a half party system where the Liberal democrats will gain 23% of the vote, 35% of voters will support parties other than the conservatives and labour. This period would not sustain as the conservatives would gain a majority in 2015, in 2015 the liberal democrats will have less than 10% of the vote.
the devolved bodies.
the AMS system, which is a proportional allows smaller parties in both Wales and Scotland to gain more votes.
the Northern Ireland assembly prior to 2017, when the agreement fell would use a proportional voting systems.
what are the factors that affect party success?
the strength of a parties leadership- voters will respond to people who display a clear sense of direction. the James Callaghan party of Labour would seem weak because they could not control the trade unions in the winter of discontent in 1979, people would vote Thatcher because she brought a tough regime. People would also respond to the leadership of Therese May and she would always be seen to be a head of Jeremy Corbyn.
The extent to which the parties are divide or united between different factions- divided parties do not perform well and this will be true of the government of John major as he would suffer a heavy loss in the 1997 election, a key element of this was the subject of the EU. by contrast, Tony Blair would re-shape the party.
the role of the media in projecting a particular image of the party- the use of televised events in 2010 would help to enhance the appeal of Nick Clegg and this would allow his to form a coalition, though they would underperform in 2005 with 5 fewer seats so televised debates don’t always help.
what does the Conservative Party look like under today’s leadership?
Rishi Sunak can be seen to be a pure Thatcherite holding the same string views with regards to economics that she did, he said in a speech in 2015 that public spending should not exceed “37% of GDP”, he would also outline how we need to be “tough on welfare” and would also hold similar criticisms.
the flagship policy of Rwanda would have matched the same political ideology of Margaret Thatcher on this issue.
what did the Conservative Party look like under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher?
the Legacy of Margaret Thatcher is one that has defined subsequent tory premierships, many governments have been compared to the government of Margaret Thatcher.
Margaret Thatcher would represent a small state and free markets, she would be against any-form of state ownership. Thatcher would also represent the values of traditional family values
she would advocate for monetarism
there would be major cuts in tax for example the basic rate of tax would fall to 25% whilst the higher rate would fall from 85% to 40%
the government would abandon the commitment to full employment and there would be the selling of council houses to their tenants.
one of her most controversial policies along with the poll tax would be the introduction of section 28, compared with the conservative government of David Cameron who would want to legalise gay marriage this would indicate how the Conservative Party had changed.
what does the labour party look like today?
this is leadership under Keir Starmer, many would say that he would be Corbyn though with some different ideology, he would describe Corbyn as both a colleague and a friend, he would later say that he hasn’t spoken to him for years, and Starmer would it clear in interviews that he would strive to keep a left wing economic belief. it can be said that the pivotal moment would be in 2021 when Starmer would be able to hold onto a Yorkshire labour seat with a winning of 32.5%.
His party would also seek to purge those who would hold centrist and unideological views, this would mean that the left-wing members from Jeremy Corbyns reign would be pushed away. This is further seen when in Broxtowe, Greg Marshall could not stand despite the fact that he would be backed by 8 unions. There has been a wide number of plans that Starmer has set out that would please the more left leaning members of the party that he has not committed to, this would include the £28 billion green energy plan.
what did the conservative party look like under May and Johnson?
there would be stance to get Brexit done and they would support intervention and would have a minimum spend of $8 billion.
did labour lose it’s red wall?
many people have argue that it is the system of FPTP that makes the party look worse and the notion that labor has lost the working class vote can be questioned because the people who are considered working class have changed from miners to health people.
what are the key elements of the liberal democrats manifesto? 2019
revoke article 50
£500m fund for youth
use £50 bn remain bonus to invest in public services
replaces SATs
all new cars to be electric by 2030.
the Plaid Cymru party?
in 1999 would win 17 seats put of 60 and won 3 mp’s in 2010, they would campaign to remain in the EU though 52.5% of people would vote to leave.
some have criticised this party for standing still.
the DUP?
they would oppose measure such as the anglo-sottish agreement of 1985 and this would lead to them revoking their seat in parliament. The DUP would oppose the 1998 Good Friday agreement though 71.7% of people in NI would be for it. The DUP would gain more power in 2017 when Theresa May would call a snap election and they would be given £1 billion worth of funding, though the DUP would not support Theresa May in 2019.
does the UK now have a multi-party system?
24.3% of people in 2019 would vote for parties that were not the big two and the Liberal Democrats would also be prominent in the coalition of 2010.
Though Labour and the conservative parties are the only realistic parties who have a chance of forming a gov.
though, in 2019 75.7% of people would still vote for the big two.
what were the key opening remarks of recent conservative pm’s?
Cameron- manifesto, is a manifesto for working people, “30 million people cope with cost of living” “millions more jobs” “will deliver referendum”. There is a key message of unity, “giving everyone a chance”
May- “DC has led a one nation government”, “conservative and unionist party”- key theme of unity, listening to working people
Johnson- “no ifs or buts” “another 20,000 police on the streets” “20 new hospital upgrades”
Truss- “our fundamental belief in freedom” “now is the time to deal with the issues that are holding Britain back”
Sunak- “we are facing a profound economic crisis” “some mistakes were made” in reference to Truss and the economic turmoil.
what is the key policy of the Labour Party today?
Starmer seeks to reset relations with Europe, he, himself was a key advocate for a second referendum.