Political parties Flashcards
Multi party system
What is a multi party system?
A system where many parties compete for power and the government exists as a series of coalitions
Conservative party
Who said “The palace is not safe when the cottage is unhappy”?
Benjamin Disraeli
Factors of sucsess for political parties
E—-o–l s–t-m
Fill in the gaps
Electoral system
Characteristics of Old Labour
H——l c——t to s——m
Fill in the gaps
Historical commitment to socialism
Functions of political parties
Fill in the gaps
Who did the Conservative party enter coalition with in 2010?
Liberal Democrats
Factors of sucsess for political parties- media
Which year did the Sun ‘wonnit’?
What year was the expenses scandal?
Funcitons of political parties
Fill in the gaps
Factors of sucsess for political parties- Media
Give an example of a newspaper which supports the Conservative Party
The Telegraph
Funding of politcal parties
What is PPERA?
An act which created the electoral commision to regulate election campaigns
Labour party
Does socialism think that property should be owned privately or nationally?
Conservative party- One nation
Which act is described here?
Standardised and upgraded the education systems of England/Wales
Education Act (1902)
Conservative party- Thatcherism
Which year was the Housing Act passed by Thatcher?
Funding of political parties
What did Blair do following the £1 Million donation to the Labour Party by Bernie Ecclestone?
An exemption was made to the new law banning tobacco adverts
Liberal Democrats
Which year were the Liberal Democrats formed?
Conservative party- One nation
Who passed the Family Allowances Act (1945)?
Clement Atlee
A Labour PM even though he passed a one nation Act
Labour party
Which year did Gordon Brown privatise the Bank of England?
Minor and emerging parties
Types of minor party
Conservative party- Thatcherism
A methord through which policy decisions are made. Aims to control the economy by raising taxes and controlling spending
Which key term is best described by this definition
Funding of political parties
When was the Transparency of Lobbying Act passed?
Liberal Democrats
Which party did the Gang of Four leave?
Labour Party
Funding of political parties
Which act made it an offence for a lobyist not to register themselves?
Transparency of Lobbying Act (2014)
Which annual event do party members come together and vote on policy proposals?
A party conference
Funding of political parties
Which act from 2009 aimed to further control donations given to political parties?
(Donations of more than £7500 can only come form resedents of the UK)
Which party was Clement Atlee leader of?
Conservative party- Thatcherism
What is the definition of this key term?
An economic phase where inflation and unenployment are high and economic growth is low.
Labour party
Which year was the National Air Traffic Services privatised selling off 51% of shares?
Minor and emerging parties
Name a nationalist minor party
SNP/Plaid Crymru
Labour party
In what year was the National Insurance Act passed which meant that all people of a working age had to pay a weekly sum in return for access to benifits?
Functions of political parties
P—-y d—p—–t
Fill in the gaps
Policy development
Funding of Political Parties
What act created the Electoral Commission to regulate election campaigns?
Minor and emerging parties
What percentage of the total votes did UKIP get in the 2015 General Election?
1 seat
Functions of political parties
Fill in the gap
Multi party system
What is it called when a political party copies a mainfesto policy from another political party?
In which year was the EU referendum?
Characteristics of Old Labour
P—y of the w—–g c—s
Fill in the gaps
Party of the working class
What year was the expenses scandal?
Multi party system
Give an example of co-optation
Conservatives committed to 2050 targer for climate change- co-opted from the Green party
Any other vaild answer allowed
Funding of political parties
What is Short Money?
Available to all oposition parties in the House of Commons that secured either two seats or one seat with over 150,000 votes at the last general election.
Funding of political parties
What year was Short Money introduced?
Factors of sucsess for political parties
Fill in the gaps
Funding of politcal parties
When was PPERA passed?
Labour party
Under which leader did the Labour Party adopt ‘New Labour’
Tony Blair
When was Margret Thatcher prime minister?
Which seat does the Green Party retain every election?
Brighton Pavillion
Conservative party- Thatcherism
Further limited the power of the trade unions by banning “political strikes” and limiting grounds in which workers could go on strike. Also made trade unions liable for any damages up to £250,000
Employment Act (1982)
Labour party
Who was Tony Blair’s chancellor?
Gordon Brown
Labour party
How does socialism look at human nature?
Conservative party- Thatcherism
Which year did Thatcher try to introduce Poll Tax leading to riots across the country?
Factors of sucsess for political parties
Fill in the gaps
Conservative party- Thatcherism
An ideology which fears social fragmentation so it encorages high levels of law and order and is for anti-permissive policies such as the banning of Gay marrage.
Which key term matches the definition
Multi-party system
What is a Two party system?
A system where two major political parties consitently dominate the political landsacpe
Liberal Democrats
Which major manifesto promise did the Liberal Democrats fail to deliver during their time in coalition?
Scrapping of university tuition fees
Insted raised them to £9000/year
Labour party
Which year was clause IV of the Labour Constitution changed?
Funding of Political parties
Which chamber of parliament does Cranborne money relate to?
House of Lords
Multi party system
Agenda setting
Define the term
When the political agenda/climate changes (normally directed towards a particular issue)