Policys Flashcards
What is the aim of psychoanalysis? (Freud)
To highlight the unconscious conflict between the ID and the SUPEREGO, and to access repressed thoughts that could be the cause of criminality.
What is the evidence in support to psychoanalysis therapy? (2)
- McLead - criminals may be cured by making their unconscious thoughts conscious in the hope they no longer act on them as they have to think about the action.
- Not costly
What are the limitations in psychoanalysis therapy? (4)
- Is a lengthy treatment
- Only 40% of patients who under go psychoanalysis improve
- It could be considered morally incorrect and a form of abuse, as the people who administer the psychoanalysis have the power to say what’s right and wrong
- Blackburn - insufficient evidence in support
What is the aim of Operant Learning?
To rehabilitate offenders by positive reinforcement of pro-social behaviors, through token economies. (Bandura)
What is the evidence in support of operant learning? (2)
- Hobbs and Holt - young offenders show big different in positive behavior using a token enconomy compared to the non-token group.
- Allyon and Milan - found similar results in adults
What is the limitations of operant learning? (3)
- People may fake good behavior to earn rewards and then revert back to their old self
- Hobbs and Holt- found short term effectiveness
- Ethical? deciding who gets what if you behave in a certain way
Who is aversion theory for?
Sex offenders
How does aversion therapy work?
Asked about sexual fanasty until aroused - aversive stimulus given - procedure repeated
what evidence for support is there in regards to aversion therapy? (3)
- Better than no treatment at all
- can be combined with different types of therapy
- In a study, 50% of alcoholics abstain from drinking for at least a year
what is the limitations of aversion therapy? (2)
- is it ethical?
- reoffending rates are high
What is CBT and what is the aim?
Looks at the thought process which shapes our behavior - aim to change this and change this behavior
(covers wide range of offenders)
Offenders have a distorted cognition that can be changes to reduce the chance of them reoffending
What does CBT stand for?
Cognitive behavior therapy
Strengths of CBT (2)
Novaco - inability to manage anger leads to anti-social behavior
-widely used in the uk for anger management courses with good results
Cons of CBT (2)
- Little long term research
- doesn’t take place in a natural environment