Policy Flashcards
Alcohol policy: what are the RACP key policy areas?
- Minimum price on alcohol
- Restrict the physical availability of alcohol (trading hours, outlet density, community-based alcohol restriction plans)
- Restriction on advertising and marketing (and penalties for breaches)
- Raise the minimum purchase age for alcohol
- Further reduce the incidence of drink driving (consider reduced BAC limits)
- Improve prevention of FASD
- Provide more effective and accessible alcohol treatment services
- Strengthen data collection and evidence
National HIV, hep B and C strategies - what are the priority areas for action?
- Prevention
- Testing (improve knowledge, increase access and uptake, ensure high quality and safe)
- Management, care and support (improve access to Tx, improve models of care between primary care and specialists, promote evidence-based guidelines)
- Workforce (ensure provider training and support, collaboration with community/gov org’s)
- Enabling environment (support access to prevention and tx, health promotion)
- Surveillance and monitoring
- Research and evaluation