Policies And Procedures Flashcards
Who is unit officer?
Highest ranking ices certified person assigned to fire rescue unit
National fires incident reporting system
Short forms are to be kept in secure place until entered into epcr, and then sent to ___ in sealed envelope
Records custodian
Hard copies of incident reports or NFIRS forms should be ____ after completing incident and unit reports
Shredded and destroyed
Requests for ems reports must be transmitted in writing to _____
MCFRS records custodian
Who is responsible for ensuring a unit completes their unit report?
Station Officer
Who is the official custodian of records?
Fire chief
At what time must station officer query RMS to ensure reports are complete?
Reports must be completed by —-
End of shift
Ems reports must be posted before
Unit leaves hospital
In mass casualty situations, an epcr report must be completed for each ptient no greater than ____ after the incident. Unless authorized in writing by incident commander
24 hours
Under extenuating circumstances the battalion or lfrd chief may grant an extension to complete unit and incident reports no greater than ___
7 days
Q when transferring ot to hospital and using short forms you must
-leave short form at hospital
- complete epcr within 7 days
- send short form with signatures to records custodian at PSHQ
Is employee eligible for disability leave for injury obtained while volunteering in county?
Employees can not volunteer where they work
Can employees participate in LOSAP?
Can an employee volunteer on a specialty team in county?
If employee is receiving workers comp for injury obtained while volunteering, they must be placed in ___ status
Employees must complete ____ annually before volunteering
Application for volunteer service
Executive regulation
Approved by county council
Draft documents must be circulated to division chiefs for comments and returned to document control officer within ____ days
30 days
Signed fcgo’s are sent to___ commission for approval or fisdap rogal
fire and emergency services FESC
Critical injury/illness
Illness or injury that requires admission to hospital or extensive recoup time.
When not possible to notify family by one’s self ____ is to make the notification
Supervisory or Chief officer
Class A uniform
Cap, cap badge, dress blouse, long sleeve dress shirt, tie, dress pants, belt, black shoes, badge, collar insignia, pins, name plate, raincoat
Class b
Class c
Outermost garmet must have collar
Class d
Business attire
Class E
can be worn to FROMS ipe, work details, hose testing as approved by battalion chief
Mock turtleneck
Short neck, can’t be worn as outer garmet unless class E uniform
Not be worn when conducting inspections, meeting public during non emergency situations or while in any building other than fire rescue station
Lost stolen or damaged property up to ____ must have a police report filed?
Property request forms must be approved by supervisor (not used during standard allotment)
No two patches on one sleeve except the ___ on the ___ sleeve
Honor guard, left sleeve
Award pin placement
Above nameplate
Mark uniform with ____ not visible on outside of uniform
Fire department id number
You may return newly issued items within ____ days
30 days
Those who seperate from the department have ____ days to turn in all issued uniform after seperation date.
Picking up allotment for another employee.
Same station, sign receipt form, give to other employee and have them sign receipt form and inter office mail it back.
Station Officer
Senior officer
Station officers must schedule ___ activity periods per shift. What are they. How long?
- App checks, morning, afternoon, evening. 1-2 hours.
May include: PT, Drills, Fire prevention, Pub Ed, training, maintenance etc
When must lineup be conducted?
0700 or when significant personnel changes occur during the shift
Log book day
Accidental death
Due to trauma or injury that does not appear suspicious
Natural death
Appears to be from a Previously known Medical condition
SIDS age
Less than 1 year
Suspicious death
May have been from violence abuse neglect or foul play
Serious violation
Threat to public or personnel safety. Undermines public trust and confidence in fire rescue service
Example: negligent act, omission, theft, assault, battery
Unbecoming conduct
Improper behavior
Obey supervisor order UNLESS
Require you to commit illegal, reckless, unethical act
If supervisory issues order that conflicts with previously issued order….
Call attention to conflicting order. If conflicting order is not riscinded, it will stand.
Fire administrator must begin investigating serious violation within ____ of notification of violation
24 hours
If fire administrator is not please with result of serious violation by Dfrs or lfrd, they must notify in writing within ____ of notice of action take
30 days
And disposition determined unsatisfactory by fire administrator must be referred to ____. Who will ____
Internal affairs officer
Present finding of facts to fire administrator who will then take appropriate action
The subject of a serious Serious violation complaint must be promptly notified of the allegation UNLESS
Allegations of criminal conduct, sexual harassment, title 7 violations, or other conduct which investigation procedures are covered by another law, regulation or policy
During investigation where subject is notified, they may have a representative present during investigative review so long as representation would not ____
Unreasonably delay the proceeding.
Two types of MCFRS incidents
Basic incidents
-unit officer can manage all aspects of call from start to finish
-does not require more than 1 outside agency
-no threat of harm to large numbers of people
-No special operations components
-can be resolved in less than 1 hour
-span of control 5 units or less
Complex incident
Where any 1 of basic incident principles is not true
Incident priorities
Life safety, incident stabilization, property conservation
All operations must be directed toward ____
Clearly defined and attainable objective
Relationship between hazards and harm
Unit officers are responsible for
- knowing location and action of all crew members
- developing and communicating action plan to unit
-acting in support of incident objectives and team effort
No personnel may enter hazard area before
-intervention teams in place
-size up conducted
-risk assessments conducted
-objectives developed and communicated
Demands of operational environment
Moral, mental, physical
Three core operational values
Commitment to duty
Respect for others and organization
Effective leadership
-Recognize duty to act
-Refuse unnecessary risk but not risk averse
-Engaged in continuous learning
Defense in depth (scaled response)
As risk or complexity increases, so to resources
First arriving unit officer sets tone for incident operations. Subsequent operations must focus on _____
Supporting initial decision makers
Action in the absence of orders
Situational awareness
Ability to identify, process and comprehend critical elements of information about what is happening at the incident
Two incident strategies
Actively attempting to correct problem
Example: directing hose stream into burning structure, plugging leak
Contain problem
Example: putting hose stream on threatened exposure, build containment around leak
Must not rule out suvivability of Al compartments based on conditions in ___
Single compartment
Operational success is
Application of operational doctorine, policies, procedures, training and education to create solutions
Incident Management System is intended to promote _____
Communication, coordination, accountability, effective action
MCFRS uses a ____ and ____ Incident management system
Modular and Scalable
Incident command process begins with ____
Scene size up
Operations must be directed toward ____
Clearly defined and attainable objectives
Second CCO primary role is to
Enhance situational awareness and cognitive bandwidth of IC
6 basic incident management functions
Situational awareness
Effective communication
Risk assessment
Established objectives
Intiating and monitoring action
When ems unit officer establishes command, first arriving primary unit officer must ____
Assume command
One primary unit officer can not assume command from ____
Another primary unit officer
If command is passed from one primary unit officer to another, The new primary unit must have _____ command
Command can be passed ____ from primary unit to primary unit
Maintaining stationary command from ______ is an option of last resort
Officer seat of the fire aparatus
Branch directors are responsible for ____, ____, and ____ of all assigned resources
Command, control, accountability
Geographical area
First use must be provided ___ mins after dispatch, and intervals not greater than ____ mins
10 mins, 10 mins
Tactical staging
Take assigned position, lay lines, provide required size up reports, remain in aparatus
Remote staging
Without passing last water source stage 600 ft or 2 blocks away. (Whichever is greater). Without passing last available water source
Base staging
Report to specific location determined by the incident commander
Who will be staging area manager?
First primary unit to arrive in staging
Staging manager responsibilities
Account for resources assigned to staging, assign units as appropriate to command when requested
In absence of direction from command on where to stage, units will ____ until called upon command
Remote stage
In a multip story structure, which floors are considered the exposures?
Two above and 1 below
Par checks are to be conducted at intervals not greater than ____ mins
20 mins
Five objectives common to initial actions on structure fires
Provide continued survival of occupants who may be trapped
Ensure immediate care of those on fireground in need of medical care
Prevent fire from spreading from its current location
Control movement of smoke
Reduce property loss
The structure fire appendix is optimized for
Residential compartment fires
How many command officers are in the standard response plan for a structure fire?
4 (2 must respond)
Rural response
6 engines, 3 tankers
Unit assignments for structure fire SOP are based on ____ not ____
Order of dispatch not order of arrival
3 types of occupant status
Accounted for
Not accounted for
Known to be trappped
The backup line must be charged regardless of ___
The status of water supply
When descending stairs during a basement fire, command must be notified and you must prepare to relocate if you experience
Flame, fire, or high heat along entry pathway not immediately suppressed by water flow
Whenever an interior attack is utilized a ___ of the structure must occur
4 types of search
Primary- fire control ongoing
Secondary- after fire knocked preferably when you can see
Directed- credible information that somebody is trapped
High risk- directly above uncontrolled fire or below attic fire without protection of charged hose line
You must notify command and be acknowledged before initiating ____ and ____ searches
Directed and high risk
When must sprinklers be charged? (Should be charged immediately if they are part of the standpipe)
Visible smoke or fire
Water flow alarm
OIC directs them charged
What 2 things must the first due engine driver notify command via radio?
When supply line is charged.
When fire protection systems are charged.
On rural assignments what does the second due engine do?
Pump tank water to attack tanker
If the 1st or 3rd due engine takes their own hydrant, what should the 2nd and 4th due engines be or spared to do?
Augment their water supply
3rd due truck highrise box and designate ventilation stairwell
Pressurize all remaining stairwells
Develop ventilation plan
First due tanker job after collocating
Connect supply line to intake, connect discharge to 1st engine, connect supply line from 2nd engine to intake
2nd and 3rd tankers
Supply clappered Siamese with tank water
All crew members operating inside a structure fire must carry a ___and a ___
Hand light and a radio
First due truck must pressurize the ___
Attack stairwell
When fire is above 9th floor, consider placing fans ___ floors below the fire and at the base of the stairs
2 floors below
Who designates ventilation stairwell?
3rd due truck
When can personnel not use an elevator?
Location of fire is unknown
After completing lowest levels check, third due engine should move to ___
Floor above fire
When it is determined a fire is wind driven, it is forbidden from doing what two things?
Opening door from apartment to corridor
Opening door from corridor to stairwell
When corridor is clear, the door to the fire apartment should remain closed until…
Apartments immediately adjacent to the fire apartments are searched
Corridor is confirmed free of occupants
All doors to the hallway are confirmed closed
If necessary, Who designates the fire attack stairwell?
1st due engine
Ventilation stairwell is used to exhaust smoke from fire apartment out stairwell. It must be …..
Checked for occupants on all floors above the fire floor before ventilation begins
Who designates the attack stairwell?
First due engine
Elevators are not to be used if
Fire smoke or heat detected in the hoist way, shaft or elevator machine room
Hoist way smoke or heat detector indicator is activating
Fireman’s service is unavailable
Any incident ON OR BELOW the 5th floor
If in independant service mode
Non emergency service providers are on board
Before entering elevator, personnel must
Check hoistway
Note location of nearest stairwell
Note location and operation of emergency stop switch
Wear full PPE wit facepiece on ready to clip in
Ensure sufficient room for all to clip in
While using elevator, personnel must
Stop halfway to test fireman’s service, check orientation and recheck shaft
Connect facepiece if elevator fails to stop
If hydraulic ventilation is not successful, the next option is to …
Use apartment on opposite side to exhaust smoke through
Two categories of water supply
Urban rural
What is the critical flow rate?
The amount of water in GPM to suppress a fire in 30 seconds
Percentage of class a foam in initial suppression according to RIP F
Which engine operates as a “defense in depth” for water supply operations?
5th due engine
The attack tanker operation (1st 2nd engine and 1st tanker) Carry’s between ____ and ____ gallons of water
4000 and 5000
Attack tanker operations are limited to ____GPM fire flow
500 GPM
In order to call “own hydrant” you must
Use preconnected soft sleeve
When must first arriving engine officer consider laying dual lines?
If they believe the fire may require master streams
Must the 3rd due engine lag dual lines if the first due does?
Which system should be charged first? Standpipe or sprinkler?
Who announces full site location?
First due engine
Whenever practical, who should develop the dump site?
3rd engine and second tanker
A relay may be attempted when there is a reliable water source at least ____ feet from the ____
3000 ft from the clappered Siamese
When should laying dual lines be considered in a relay?
Lengthy of relay exceeds 2000 ft
Required fire flow exceeds 1000 gpm
Cisterns less than ____ gallons can not be used as only fill site location
30,000 gallons
Each full site should be able to fill tankers at a rate of at least ____ GPM
By ___ minute mark of aircraft emergency, crews should have located the scene of the emergency
20 min mark
Initial emphasis in aircraft emergencies is on creating an _____
Evacuation corridor
Potomac TRACON
Potomac terminal Radar Approach Control Facility
Who is responsible for search operations within the county?
Air Force Rescue Coordination Center
Initial entry crew aircraft emergency
First due engine first due special service
Isolate incident and establish rescue corridors
Appriach fixed wing aircraft from ____ degree angle from the nose or wing tip and rotary aircraft from ____ degree angle from the nose
Fixed 45
Rotary 90
emergency locator transmitter
What must be announced on aircraft incident when immediate life hazard is present?
Declare radio silence
Announce prescence of hazard
Announce number of personnel entering Hazard zone and their objective
Announce when personnel are clear
Who makes I total entry team and who is initial entry team leader for aircraft emergencies?
First engine first truck. First engine officer
Radio procedure for closing an airfield
Request airport manager, Potomac tracon, and ECC to announce “the runway at _____ is unsafe”
The IC should transmit the message on aircraft aviation radio via UNICOM channel
Message should be transmitted at 5 min intervals
What is the framework for thinking through initial moments of a mayday?
Pause, listen, look, light
4 tiers of rapid intervention
2 out
Special teams
2 out
Must be on scene and prepared to act before entry is made
One member of 2 out must maintain contact with initial entry team visually, verbally, or by radio as an ONLY FOCUS
2nd member must have gear on and scba immediately available
Second member may move hose outside of structure or place ladders
At least 2 firefighters
Must be on scene and prepared to act before 2 out is relieved
May NOT engage in activities such as laddering or removing egress hazards unless necessary to immediately save a life or prevent an emergency from occurring
Rescue squad, aerial, als provider, second ems unit (if als provider is in chase car)
Once rig is compiled, may engage in proactive tasks as long as members are immediately available if needed
Tier 2 and higher teams must be led by a minimum of a ____ but preferably a ____
FireIII, Officer
Ems units from RID MUST remain available to render ems care to sick or injured persons
Who must bring rit bags to command post?
Units dispatched after initial alarm that hve rit bags
When may 2 out be forgone?
Known life hazard exists
If initial officer decides to forego 2 out they must make radio announcement saying what
Identifying units involved, their mission, and location
Once known life hazard has been resolved when 2 out is forgone, what must occur?
Units withdraw until 2 out is assembled
When must 2 out duties not be assigned to ems units?
If people require medical care
4 primary planning considerations for the RIG
Building preparation
When a mayday is called, when will the RIG engage?
When ordered to by IC. Must not engage until ordered
Initial search team of rig is composed of ___ personnel and their objectives are …..
3-4 personnel
Provide air
When mayday is declared ECC will notify command ____ mins into mayday. At this time mark, command should do what?
15 mins into mayday. Should rotate rapid intervention crews
4 basic types of technical rescue
Rope, trench, confined space, structural collapse
4 objectives common to all technical rescue incidents?
General methods to reduce and mitigate risk for initial responding units during technical rescue
Establish IC
Identify and mark isolation zones
Develop and communicate incident objectives
Hazard ID and control
Control zones for
Confined space
Structural collapse
Hot 100’ from trench
Warm 100-250’ from trench
Cold beyond 250’ from trench
Varies based on fall hazards, debris etc
Confined space
Varies based on fall hazards, debris etc
Structural collapse
Minimum of 250’
Structures 4 stories or greater 500’ in all directions
When may first responder personnel enter a trench?
Protective systems are in place and there is no failure of these systems,
Atmosphere has been checked at multiple elevations and is clear,
Victems condition requires immediate extrication
First responder personnel may execute ___ rescues which are less than ___ degrees
Low angle, 45 degrees
Rappelling from any component of an aerial is prohibited
Fall arresting systems must be in place for anyone operating within ____ ft if an exposed area with a fall risk of greater than ___ ft
Within 10 ft, greater than 6 ft
Who is responsible for establishing and maintaining isolation zones?
Role of squad in TRT calls
Make access to victems and calm and reassure them
Csx Mileposts preceded with letters _ _ for metropolitan subdivision
Diseal electric locomotives diseal tank ____ gallons. Weight of cars ____
5,000 gallons, weighs over 100 tons
Left and right sides of car are determined by standing at ___ end and looking at ___ end. The ___ end has the handbrakes
B looking at A. B end has brakes
Document that says what train is carrying. Carried by ____
Consist, or shipping papers. Carried by conductor
Which commuter rail service accounts for number of passengers and crews aboard?
All requests for train stoppage must be made through ___ which is based out of ___
CSX, Jacksonville FL
After request to stop trains has been made, personnel should anticipate train movement for at least ___ mins
10 mins
According to heavy rail policy, what area is considered the roadway
Any area between fences or within 20 ft from track bed
No apparatus should be closer than ___ ft from the roadway at any time
30 ft
Unless there is a known life hazard, personnel must remain ___ ft away from roadway until train traffic has been controlled and there are lookouts in both directions ___ miles from the incident
30 ft
2 miles
When operating around a train, personnel should remain at least ____ ft from ends of train
20 ft
When fire involves locomotives personnel should ___
Activate fuel cutoff switch
Not enter locomotive engine room without permission of IC with consult of railroad personnel
Not direct hose down exhaust stack
Railroad lookouts must be equipped with ___ ___ min flares. Personnel should not be closer than ___ ft from trackbed
3, 30 min, 30 ft
If train is spotted, spotters must wave flares ____ until ____
Horizontally accross body
Until engineer acknowledges with 2 short horn blasts
If train fails to stop for lookout, activate EB and declare priority message of train not stopping
Who is responsible for locating the train conductor and escorting him to IC?
2nd due engine
Who is initial on scene lookout for heavy rail?
1st due aerial
Who is responsible for securing upright cars with handbrake in case of derailment and for choking switches?
1st due aerial
Rescue squad assignments on heavy rail
Begin process of rescue, assist with pt movements
Units aside from ____ should stage and wait orders of IC during heavy rail incidents
First 2 Engines, first aerial, rescue squad
3 types of swift water rescue
Swift water, flat water, ice
Swift vs flat water
Swift water moves faster than average person comfortably walks. Flat moves slower than average person comfortably walks
Three common occurances that form basis for water rescue IRP
Urban street flooding
Creek flooding
Flat water emergencies
Non swrt personnel are not permitted to connect pfd to rope unless ___
They are operating on ice
Incident has discretion to allow coats worn in warm zone (within 10 ft from waters edge) during
Ice rescue
Shallow water crossings are less than ___ inches deep, and must be minimum of ___
18 inches, boat crew
Only ___ may participate in ice rescue of animals
Rescue sequence
Minimum PPE for water entry
Helmet, pfd, whistle, dry suit (if air water temp combo less than 120 degrees or water is contaminated)
Keyless ignition key fobs should be placed at least ___ ft from the vehicle
15 ft
A charged hosine of at least ____ diameter must be deployed during any extrication or when flammable liquids are present
1.5 inches
a group of ___ or more firefighters is considered a crew
2 or more
Downstream safety consists of teams of ____
Teams of 2 with water rescue ppe, radios, 2 throw bags each
Core operational approach for MCFRS operating on structure fires is
Fast water coordinated ventilation
According to definitions irp, what is the speed of flat water?
Less than 1 knot
Floor of care. What interventions are secondary to floor of care?
Assessment of rhythm, shocking, cpr, ventilations.
Other interventions secondary to floor of care: iv lines, meds
High rise definition
Structure 6 or more stories in height or 75 ft above to lowest fire sept vehicle access
Define inner circle
Work area around vehicles 10-15 ft in all directions
Definitions Keyless ignition- may be activists if key fob is within ___ ft of the vehicle
5 ft
Definitions known life hazard
Can see or hear person in distress or recieved information from ECC or bystander than person is in idlh atmosphere
Definitions Low angle rescue- rescuer and victem primarily supported by ___ not ___
Surface not tensioned rope system
Definitions roadway (metro)
Whithin tunnel walls, tlbetween fences, between safety railings, on aerial structures, in track areas of metro yards
Definitions roadway heavy rail
Area between fences or WITHIN 20 FT of track bed
Definitions Shallow water crossing pole
Round hard wood pole 1-2 inches diameter. 6-8 ft long. highly visible painting for first 18 inches on both sides
S Stop
P Press
A Apply pads
S elect paddles
M metronome on
Define Still water
Not moving at all
Define Swift water
Moving greater than 1 knot. Takes less that 30 seconds to travel 50 ft
Trenches in excess of ___ ft must have protective systems in place prior to entry
Upstream spotters consist of teams of ____
Pats should be conducted every ___ mins for units operating in idlh environments
20 min intervals
If all are accounted for after a par the unit officer is to respond with ____
What is the next step after the hot wash?
The initial written AAR (after action review)
What are the 4 levels of AARs
Written AAR
Enhanced AAR
Significant Incident Investigative Report
How does enhanced AAR vary from initial written AAR?
Enhanced Includes all elements of Initial with additional media, site plans, additional details
Who can order an enhanced AAR
Duty operations chief, operations division chief, fire chief
Significant Incident Investigative Report
Comprehensive report produced by a panel appointed by the Fire Chief
Cpr boss is to announce when there are ___ and ___ seconds prior to a rhythm check
30 and 15 seconds
What is the standard staffing for all primary units
4 personnel
To meet minimum staffing standards for engines trucks and rescue squads, personnel must be ___ years old and a minimum of a fire ___
17 years, fire 2.
To count as minimum staffing on als or bls units, personnel must be ___ years and a maryland ___
18 years, maryland EMT
Firefighter I’s may be used as ____ staffing but do not count as ____ staffing
Supplemental staffing, minimum staffing
Standard staffing
Primary units
Als bls units
Chase cars
Brush trucks
Special units
Standard staffing
Primary units 4
Als bls units 3
Chase cars 2
Tankers 2
Brush trucks 2
Special units 2
On units responding with Fire II as the officer, personnel must not engage in IDLH firefighting until an entry team of ___ personnel with at least a ____ as the supervisor is assembled
Team of 2, FFIII
According to substance abuse testing and rehab, a substance abuse test will occur after a crash if there is an estimate of at least ____ dollars in damage caused by the accident
Personnel charged or convicted of a drug/alcohol related offense must report any charge or conviction to their supervisor within __ calendar days
Is drug test is possitive then what
Gc/ms test will be performed on the same sample.
If that is positive, employee can be placed on sick, annual, comp, or LWOP pending conclusion of matter.
Within 30 calendar days of positive drug test employee is provided with
Copy of test
Copy of this policy
Written notice of departments intent
Notice of right to request independant testing
Employee may request specimen is independently tested by another laboratory upon receipt of positive test results.
Voluntary exit from employee assistance program will require random drug testing for up to ___ months
60 months
The fire chief will assess job performance in individuals placed on a random testing schedule not to exceed ____
24 months
Employees that complete rehab are subject to random testing for ____ years
5 years
Any employee found to be abusing drugs or alcohol after two rehabs or withdraws from the second rehab is ____
Subject to termination