Police Ethics-Chapter 6, The Development of Character Flashcards
Natural trait that involves the ability to learn complex concepts and study difficult subjects.
academic intelligences
Propensity of some police officers to deliver their own brand of “justice” (usually in the form of physical violence) to suspects on the streets.
curbside justice
Being self-aware about one’s actions and statements.
Traits that relates to the ability to interact with other people with insight, compassion, and effectiveness.
emotional intelligence (EQ)
Lack of integrity or a lack of congruence between one’s philosophy and one’s actions.
Trait involving behaving in congruence with or in concert with one’s philosophy
intelligence quotient (IQ)
The study of personal space, having to do with how close people can/should be to others when interacting with them.
Level of sophistication in dealing with other people in social situations.
social intelligence (SQ)
Doing as little work as possible on the job;getting the job done by doing as little as possible.
Common sense: police term for those officers who are good at dealing with problems on the street, regardless of their academic intelligence or formal educations levels.
street smarts
The truthis that most briliant exploints often tell us nothing of the virtues or vices of the men who performed them, while on the other hand a chance remakr or a joke may revela far mor of a mans character than the mere feat of winning battles in which thousands fall or of marshalling great armies or laying siege to cites
Character is defined as a persona moral disposition, character is actually the source of all ethical- as well as unethical conduct.
term given to the enduring traits how a person sees the world, understands it and acts in it.
honesty, courage and loyalty
moral virtues
personal character include traits
contribute to their general wellbeing to their aptitude for success in life
one of the traits that is most important when we discuss how the individual can work at his character in a positive way
“if you’ve got integrity, nothing else matters. If you dont have integrity, nothing else matters.
former senator alan k simpson, wyoming
another positive trait that is important with regard to working on one’s character is industriousness or tenacity.
being busy, skillful and persistent in ones character.
soldering along
individual who tend to do as little as possible on the job in an effort to stay out of trouble, remain as safe and secure as possible and collect paycheck.
two most important individual characteristics a person/police can actively work on is an effort to live a good life are the two referred to by Fast Eddie. “
“a good person has to be who he or she really is, and be that way deliberately.
act is deliberate, knowing behavior.
intelligence quotient- a calculated percentage that relates any individuals native intelligence to average persons native intelligence.
academic intelligence
understanding of administrative taskd; legal analyisis, search and seizure laws, interrogation, report writing,
emotional intelligence
dealing with conflicting citizen interests, multiple definitions of justice, problematic ethical dilemmas and vague legal issues
in police work, a persons emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important. why
in police work, the above average IQ is commonplace in todays officer corp, a high EQis often wanting. High EQ people interact well with the public, with criminal suspects, with superiors within police organizational structure and with subordinates as well.
EQ and social intelligence (SQ) overlap to a great extent. It could be argued that EQ is a critical part of SQ and vice versa
Emontioanl Intelligence section
Definition of Social Intelligence: Karl Albrecht suggets that this concept (SPACE) includes
Situational awareness Presence Authenticity Clarity Empathy
Officers that can work thru those daily situations and encounters, and then go home to decompress
Officers with “street smart”
The socially skilled officer, the one that could seemingly balance their emotions, “unique”, special or super professional. These people are
emotionally smart
a gauge of what interests them, what they find significant in the scene and what they understand about it.
emotional response
Our _____ is our recognition of the wrong we have done and of the person we have become in so doing.
emotions such as remorse and pity are natural aspect of?
moral judgement
impartiality in certain situations is a mode of ?
mode of fairness; does not signify a lack of care
impartiality can go too far; it can develop a _______and a ________ in the professional that impedes the ability to make ______ decisions
cynicism and a coldheartedness
____is expressed in what one sees as much as in what one does.
Character; Therefore, morality begins in character
____, then, are absoutely vital to an intelligent, ethical perspective in life.
when we are trying to be good police officers, we can learn to feel differently about peoples life ___and ___
situations and perspective
There is a difference between appropriate and inappropriate anger, appropriate and inappropriate fear. When anger is inappropriate, its is _____ or not called for.
Anger must be appropriately channeled into the desire to take legal action. It cannot rationalize___ ___ by allowing the cop to deliver a beating as punishment for such behavior
curbside justice
This first kind of anger, _____________, is not only understandable, but it is an important part of what motivates the professional officer to act.
driven by empathy for the victim
The second kind of anger,___________, is dangerous for the professional as it rationalizes the use of excessive force and convolutes the entire meaning of justice system.
driven by a desire for revenge
The desire to be a decent person-the desire to be a competent police officer requires that we remain ?
remain critical of ourselves.
“There are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to meet.”
Admiral William F Halsey, USN
Many of the choices we make concern long-term intentions, and such future thinking reveals the kinds of people we are trying to be. This is what is meant by the claim that choices ____ _____
” exhibit character”
___are a critical element in moral understanding because we perceive the morally relevant facts of a situation thru our emotional responses
The key is to cultivate a pride in remaining open to questions. Probably no one thing is more telling of a person’s character than the ability to be ?
critical of himself
_______ is best understood as a set of judgments about possibilities because the decisions we make involve assessing our possibilities in terms of the way they fit into our overall concept of what is good.
Moral judgments
The concept of justice and the good are ______ principles in a moral life.
Because police work is carried out at the level of procedural justice, police competence is unavoidably bound to ____ _____.
good character