Poli _POWERS AND STRUCTURES OF GOVERNMENT _I. Preliminary Concepts Flashcards
A. Nature of a Constitution
1. Parts
A. Nature of a Constitution
- Manner of Interpretation (Self-Executing and Non-Executing
A. Nature of a Constitution
- Process of Change (Amendments and Revisions)
B. The Philippines as a State
1. Elements (People, Territory, Government, and Capacity to Enter
into Relations With Other States)
B. The Philippines as a State
- Distinction Between Internal and External Self-Determination
C. Fundamental Powers of the State
1. Police Power
C. Fundamental Powers of the State
- Eminent Domain
C. Fundamental Powers of the State
- Taxation
a) Constitutional Exemption Principles
Powers and Structures of government
D. Relevance of the Declaration of Principles and State Policies
Powers and Structures of government
E. Dynamics Among the Branches of Government
1. Separation of Powers
Powers and Structures of government
E. Dynamics Among the Branches of Government
- System of Checks and Balances
Powers and Structures of government
E. Dynamics Among the Branches of Government
- Delegation of Powers
Powers and Structures of government
F. State Immunity
1. Basis
Powers and Structures of government
F. State Immunity
2. Exceptions
Powers and Structures of government
G. The National Territory
1. Scope (Terrestrial, Aerial, and Fluvial Domains)
Powers and Structures of government
G. The National Territory
1. Scope (Terrestrial, Aerial, and Fluvial Domains)
2. Archipelagic Doctrine