Poli _ Local Government Flashcards
IV. Local Government
A. Public Corporations
1. Concept; Distinguished from Government-Owned or Controlled
IV. Local Government
A. Public Corporations
- Classifications
a) Quasi-Corporations
b) Municipal Corporations
IV. Local Government
A. Public Corporations
- Classifications
b) Municipal Corporations
(1) Elements
IV. Local Government
A. Public Corporations
- Classifications
b) Municipal Corporations
(2) Nature and Functions
IV. Local Government
A. Public Corporations
- Classifications
b) Municipal Corporations
(3) Requisites for Creation, Conversion, Division, Merger or Dissolution
IV. Local Government
B. Principles of Local Autonomy
IV. Local Government
C. Autonomous Regions and Their Relation to the National Government
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
1. Powers
a) Police Power
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
- Powers
b) Eminent Domain
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
1. Powers
c) Taxing Power
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
1. Powers
d) Closure and Opening of Roads
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
1. Powers
e) Legislative Power
(1) Requisites of Valid Ordinance
(2) Local Initiative and Referendum
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
1. Powers
f) Corporate Powers
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
1. Powers
f) Corporate Powers
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
1. Powers
g) Ultra Vires Acts
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
1. Powers
g) Ultra Vires Acts
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
- Liability of LGUs
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
- Settlement of Boundary Disputes
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
- Vacancies and Succession of Local Officials
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
- Recall
IV. Local Government
D. Local Government Unit (LGU)
- Term Limits