Poli _CITIZEN IN RELATION TO THE STATE _II. Bill of Rights Flashcards
II. Bill of Rights
A. Private Acts and the Bill of Rights
II. Bill of Rights
B. Due Process
1. Procedural and Substantive
II. Bill of Rights
B. Due Process
- Void-for-Vagueness
II. Bill of Rights
B. Due Process
- Judicial and Administrative Due Process
II. Bill of Rights
C. Equal Protection
1. Requisites for Valid Classification
II. Bill of Rights
C. Equal Protection
- Standards of Judicial Review
a) Rational Basis Test
II. Bill of Rights
C. Equal Protection
- Standards of Judicial Review
b) Strict Scrutiny test
II. Bill of Rights
C. Equal Protection
- Standards of Judicial Review
c) Intermediate Scrutiny Test
II. Bill of Rights
D. Arrests, Searches, and Seizures
1. Requisites of a Valid Warrant
a) Arrest Warrant
II. Bill of Rights
D. Arrests, Searches, and Seizures
1. Requisites of a Valid Warrant
b) Search Warrant
II. Bill of Rights
D. Arrests, Searches, and Seizures
- Warrantless Arrests and Detention
II. Bill of Rights
D. Arrests, Searches, and Seizures
- Warrantless Searches
II. Bill of Rights
D. Arrests, Searches, and Seizures
- Administrative Arrests
II. Bill of Rights
D. Arrests, Searches, and Seizures
- Exclusionary Rule
II. Bill of Rights
E. Privacy of Communications and Correspondence
1. Private and Public Communications
II. Bill of Rights
E. Privacy of Communications and Correspondence
- When Intrusion is Allowed
II. Bill of Rights
E. Privacy of Communications and Correspondence
- Exclusionary Rule
II. Bill of Rights
F. Freedom of Speech and Expression
- Prior Restraint and Subsequent Punishment
II. Bill of Rights
F. Freedom of Speech and Expression
- Content-Based and Content-Neutral Regulations
II. Bill of Rights
F. Freedom of Speech and Expression
- Facial Challenges and Overbreadth Doctrine
II. Bill of Rights
F. Freedom of Speech and Expression
- Tests to Determine the Validity of Governmental Regulation
II. Bill of Rights
F. Freedom of Speech and Expression
- State Regulation of Different Types of Mass Media
II. Bill of Rights
F. Freedom of Speech and Expression
- Commercial Speech
II. Bill of Rights
F. Freedom of Speech and Expression
- Unprotected Speech
II. Bill of Rights
G. Freedom of Religion
- Non-Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses
II. Bill of Rights
G. Freedom of Religion
- Benevolent Neutrality and Conscientious Objector
II. Bill of Rights
G. Freedom of Religion
- Tests to Determine the Validity of Governmental Regulation
a) Clear and Present Danger
b) Compelling State Interest
II. Bill of Rights
H. Liberty of Abode and Right to Travel
- Scope and Limitations
II. Bill of Rights
H. Liberty of Abode and Right to Travel
- Watch-List and Hold Departure Orders
II. Bill of Rights
I. Right to Information
1. Scope and Limitations
II. Bill of Rights
J. Eminent Domain
- Concept
II. Bill of Rights
J. Eminent Domain
- Public Use
II. Bill of Rights
J. Eminent Domain
- Just Compensation
II. Bill of Rights
J. Eminent Domain
- Expropriation by Local Government Units
II. Bill of Rights
K. Right to Association
- Scope and Limitations
II. Bill of Rights
L. Non-Impairment of Contracts
- Scope and Limitations
II. Bill of Rights
M. Free Access to Courts and Adequate Legal Assistance
II. Bill of Rights
N. Custodial Investigation
- Meaning of Custodial Investigation
II. Bill of Rights
N. Custodial Investigation
- Rights of a Person Under Custodial Investigation
II. Bill of Rights
N. Custodial Investigation
- Requisites of a Valid Waiver
II. Bill of Rights
N. Custodial Investigation
- Exclusionary Doctrine
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
1. Criminal Due Process
2. Bail
3. Presumption of Innocence
4. Right to be Heard
5. Right to Counsel
6. Right to be Informed of the Nature and Cause of Accusation
7. Right to Speedy, Impartial and Public Trial
8. Right of Confrontation
9. Right to Compulsory Processes
10. Trial in Absentia
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
- Criminal Due Process
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
- Bail
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
- Presumption of Innocence
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
- Right to be Heard
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
- Right to Counsel
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
- Right to be Informed of the Nature and Cause of Accusation
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
- Right to Speedy, Impartial and Public Trial
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
- Right of Confrontation
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
- Right to Compulsory Processes
II. Bill of Rights
O. Rights of the Accused
- Trial in Absentia
II. Bill of Rights
P. Right to Speedy Trial and Speedy Disposition of Cases
II. Bill of Rights
Q. Right Against Self-Incrimination
- Scope and Limitations
II. Bill of Rights
Q. Right Against Self-Incrimination
- Immunity Statutes
II. Bill of Rights
R. Right Against Double Jeopardy
- Requisites and Limitations
II. Bill of Rights
R. Right Against Double Jeopardy
II. Bill of Rights
S. Right Against Involuntary Servitude
II. Bill of Rights
T. Right Against Excessive Fines, and Cruel and Inhuman Punishments
II. Bill of Rights
U. Non-Imprisonment for Debts
II. Bill of Rights
V. Ex Post Facto Laws and Bills of Attainder
II. Bill of Rights
W. Writs of Habeas Corpus, Kalikasan, Habeas Data, and Amparo