What quote can be applied from Marks ‘Jesus heals the woman with severe bleeding’?
“My daughter, your faith has made you well.”
What Parable can be evidence of Jesus as a liberator?
The Good Samaritan.
What is a liberator?
Someone who brings freedom. Challenges religious authority.
How else was Jesus a liberator?
Had dinner with sinners. e.g. Jesus calls Levi.
How were some of Jesus’ followers names suspicious? Give example.
‘Simon the Zealot.’ Seeking political reform and revolution.
What term does Cone use? Why?
“Black Messiah.” White theologians have ignored Jesus’ ethnic background.
What are the two ways that Jesus expresses his role as a liberator?
- Challenge to political authority.
- Challenge to religious authority.
What is Jesus accused of at his trial?
Blasphemy - but the charge soon changed to political charge.
What does the question “are you the king of the Jews?” demonstrate?
He is referring to himself as a spiritual leader rather than a political leader.
What is Jesus seen as the leader of?
A new exodus.
What do many argue about this message of redemption?
Salvation cannot be reduced to the merely political, even though it might have profound political effects if lived out.
Where is there evidence that Jesus was a pacifist?
Sermon on the mount: “Blessed are the peacemakers.”
Where is there evidence that Jesus was not a pacifist?
Confronted authority and demonstrated righteous anger when driving out money changers from the temple.
What is Jesus accused of at his trial?
Blasphemy - a religious crime - but the charge is soon changed to a political one.
How is Jesus related to Moses?
Just as Moses led the people out of slavery, Jesus is the leader of a new exodus, someone who can liberate from oppression.