Why was revealed theology special?
It did not rely on people having particularly strong intellectual gifts, but was available for everyone through faith.
What did the doctrine of the Trinity demonstrate?
The truth about Jesus as the Christ and Son of God, and ideas about life and death.
How do Christians believe the fundamental distinctive teachings have been given to them?
By God as revelation.
What is immediate revelation?
God makes himself directly known.
How did Adam and Eve experience immediate revelation?
Before the Fall, when God walked with them in the Garden of Eden.
What is mediate revelation?
When people learn about God and gain knowledge about him less directly.
How did Moses experience mediate revelation?
Those who listened to Moses and trusted him to take them out of slavery into the Promised Land had mediate revelation.
How can a much fuller knowledge of God be attained?
By revelation through faith and by God’s grace in giving knowledge of himself through the Holy Spirit.
What was ‘scientia’ in Aquinas’ Summa Theologica?
Certain knowledge as we can see the evidence in front of us.
What did Aquinas call faith in Summa Theologica?
‘an act of the intellect assenting to the truth at the command of the will.’
When is it believed people can only have full knowledge of God?
When God graciously chooses to give it.
How is revelation revealed through the beauty of the world in Psalm 19?
“The heavens declare the glory of God.”
How can revelation be understood through event of history?
Seen as the work of God, and so by recalling the past, people can gain a greater understanding of what God wants from them.
What does Proverbs state about understanding revelation through traditional wisdom?
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.”
How can revelation be understood through the words of the prophets?
People who were chosen and commissioned to reveal God’s words to the people.