point D, case studies A, category locations A Flashcards
The pulse cannot be felt with light pressure but only w/heavy pressure at which point it is soft and forceless. Which point prescription is most applicable?
A) SP 10, BL 17
B) CV 6, DU 4
B) CV 6, DU 4
Pulse is deep and empty = interior condition of xu of qi and yang
The pulse cannot be felt w/light pressure but only w/heavy pressure at which point it is hard and forceful. Which point prescription is most applicable?
a) PC 4, BL 15, CV 17
b) CV 7, SP 6, KD 6
a) PC 4, BL 15, CV 17
Pulse is deep and full = interior xs condition - stagnant blood or qi/interior heat or cold
The pulse is felt on deeper pressure where it feels forceful and like a stretched and twisted rope. Which of the following point prescriptions is most applicable?
a) TW 5, LV 3 GB 34
b) SP 4, ST 36, CV 11
b) SP 4, ST 36, CV 11
Pulse = tight or tense, deep and full = interior, xs, cold
34 yo woman complains of low fever which occurs w/fatigue. Other sx incl SoB, fatigue, lack of spirit, dry mouth w/o desire to drink, sweating w/slight exertion poor appetite and loose stools. T = pale. P = weak. TX?
a) CV 6, SP 6, BL 17, BL 20, BL 21, ST 36, LV 3
b) CV 12, CV 6, ST 36, CV 4, LI 11, DU 20
b) CV 12, CV 6, ST 36, CV 4, LI 11, DU 20
DX = Xu SP Qi w/ clear yang not ascending
a 57 yo obese woman has been dx’d w/coronary artery disease. She has dull pericardial pain w/a feeling of oppression in the chest. Pain worsens w/fatigue. She feels weak. Facial complexion is dull w/bluish lips. She appears gloomy. She has loose stools. The tongue is dark red w/very little coating. P = deep and moderate Tx?
a) PC 6, SP 4, BL 15, CV 14, ST 36, SP 6
b) BL 23, BL 15, PC 6, KD 2
a) PC 6, SP 4, BL 15, CV 14, ST 36, SP 6
Dx = HT stagnant blood, Xu SP qiq
A 24 yo man had an appendectomy. He has abd distention w/no gas being passed. The complexion is dark. He is restless. The mouth is dry but he has no desire to drink. He has a bitter taste in his mouth. The urine is scanty and yellow. He is nauseous and occasionally vomits. T = dark red w/greasy and yellow coat. P = deep and forceful. You treat the pt w/ ST25, ST 37, PC 6, ST 36 w/no improvement. How do you change the pt prescription?
a) LI 11, DU 14, LI 4, BL 25, BL 40
b) BL 32, BL 25, PC 6, ST 36
b) BL 32, BL 25, PC 6, ST 36
Dx = Damp heat obstructing Intestine Qi leading to Rebellious ST qi
A 65 yo man has hypertension. He has h/a, blurred vision, tinnitus, deafness in one ear, fullness in the chest, restlessness, palpitations, insomnia, and weak knees. The sx are aggravated by physical and mental exertion and by emotional stress. The head and body feel heavy. The tongue is red w/redder tip and w/o coating in the central area. P = wiry. Tx?
a) LV 3, KD 3, PC 7, LV 8, LI 11, ST 40
b) ST 40, SP 9, ST 44, CV 12, HT 7
a) LV 3, KD 3, PC 7, LV 8, LI 11, ST 40
DX = LV Yang Rising, HT fire blazing, accumulation of phlegm
The points LI 11, SP 10 SP 6 symptomatically treat
a) sore throat
b) fever
c) pruritis
c) pruritis
The points CV 22, LU 7 symptomatically treat
a) inability to speak
b) cough
b) cough
LU 7 relieves cough
CV 22 descends LU qi
Pt has intercostal neuralgia w/stuffy chest,nausea, and heavy body sensation. Selected prescription is TW 6, LV 5, GB 34 combined w/
a) ST 40, LV 13, SP 9
b) LV 3, GB 40, PC 6
a) ST 40, LV 13, SP 9
Pt has acute bronchitis w/persistent coughing. Selected point prescription is BL12, BL 13, LI 4 and ding chuan w/
a) LI 11, DU 14
b) LU 5, LU 7
b) LU 5, LU 7
Pt has epigastric pain w/frothy vomit, dizziness,palpitations, and lumpy feeling in the chest. The selected prescription is PC 6, ST 36, combined w/
a) BL 17, SP 6, SP 4
b) CV 14, ST 40
b) CV 14, ST 40
dx = phlegm dampness obstructing ST
Pt has epigastric pain that changes location, distention relieved by belching and sour taste in the mouth. Point prescription = PC 6, ST 36 and
a) CV 12, LV 3
b) ST 43, ST 44
a) CV 12, LV 3
dx = LV stagnant qi invading ST
A pt has hyperthyroidism w/palps and insomnia. Point prescription = PC 5, SP 6, qi ying and
a) HT 7, KD 7
b) HT 7, an mian
b) HT 7, an mian
Pt has hiccups w/low sound, cold sensation in the limbs, fast breathing and weakness. Points = CV 22, BL 17, PC 6 and
a) CV 4, CV 12, CV 6, ST 36
b) CV 14, ST 25, LV 2, ST 44
a) CV 4, CV 12, CV 6, ST 36
24 yo man had an appendectomy. There is abd distention w/no gas being passed. The complexion is dark. He is restless, has a bitter taste in the mouth. Urine = scanty and yellow. He is nauseous and occasionally vomits. T= dark red w/greasy yellow coat. P = deep and forceful. Points = ST 25, ST 37, PC 6 ST 36. There was little improvement. What points now?
a) BL 32, BL 25, PC 6, ST 36
b) LI 11, DU 14, LI 4, BL 25, BL 40
a) BL 32, BL 25, PC 6, ST 36
DX = Damp heat obstructing Intestine Qi leading to Rebellious ST qi
35 yo woman has abd distention for 4 yrs. It started w/a break up w/her boyfriend. Complains of depression and frequently sighs. She has a sallow complexion, is irritable, quick to get angry. Appetite is poor and she is freq tired. She has loose stools. The abd distention improves w/farts. Periods are irregular w/dark red flow. Breasts are distended during menses. T = pale. Pulse = thin and wiry
a) CV 12, ST 36, ST 25, SP 9, SP 6 LI 4
b) SP 4, PC 6, LV 3, CV 12, CV 6, ST 36
b) SP 4, PC 6, LV 3, CV 12, CV 6, ST 36
Dx = Stagnant LV qi invading the SP
Pt has cough, an itchy throat, nasal obstruction, thin sputum. He complains of fever and aversion to cold. T= thin white coat. P = floating
a) BL 13, LU 7, LI 4
b) LU 5, CV 12, ST 40, DU 14, TW 5
b) LU 5, CV 12, ST 40, DU 14, TW 5
Wind Cold Invades the LU
Pt has dysentery w/frequent stools, pus and blood in the stool, absolutely no appetite, and nausea. T = yellow sticky coating. P = soft rapid
a) ST37, ST 25, CV 12, CV 6, moxa SP 9
b) ST 37, ST 25, CV 12 PC 6
b) ST 37, ST 25, CV 12 PC 6
Dx = Food Resistant Dysentery
Pt has loud hiccups which are worse after meals, epigastric and abdominal distention. T = thick, greasy coat P = slippery and forceful
a) PC 6, BL 17, CV 12, ST 36, BL 19
b) BL 17, CV 12, CV 14, ST 36, PC 6
b) BL 17, CV 12, CV 14, ST 36, PC 6
Dx = Retention of Food in ST
65 yo man has hypertension. H/As, blurred vision, tinnitus, deafness in one ear, fullness in the chest, restlessness, palpitations, insomnia, and weak knees. The sx are aggravated by physical and mental exertion and by emotional stress. The head and body feel heavy. T = red w/redder tip and w/o coating in the central area. P = wiry
a) LV 3, KD 3, PC 7, LV 8, LI 11, ST 40
b) ST 40, SP 9, ST 44, CV 12, HT 7
a) LV 3, KD 3, PC 7, LV 8, LI 11, ST 40
LV Yang Rising, HT Fire Blazing, Accumulation of Phlegm.
PC 7 - to calm the mind
LV 8 nourishes LV yin
Pt has sudden epigastric pain, vomiting, cold feelings, and deep tight pulse. Tx?
a) ST 36, CV 12, BL21, CV 6
b) ST 21, SP 4, CV 13, ST 34
b) ST 21, SP 4, CV 13, ST 34
Pt has blurred vision, scanty periods, a dull and pale complexion and a pale tongue. Tx?
a) BL 18, BL 17, ST 36, SP 6, LV 8, CV 4
b) LV 8, SP 10, SP 6, LV 3, GB 34, GB20
a) BL 18, BL 17, ST 36, SP 6, LV 8, CV 4
Dx = Xu LV Blood
PT has freq, pale and copious urination. What is the tx?
a) BL 23, DU 4, BL 28, CV 3
b) DU 20, BL 23, DU 4, BL 28, CV4
b) DU 20, BL 23, DU 4, BL 28, CV4
Dx = Bladder Xu Cold
Pt has loose stools, chilliness,edema,cold limbs,and fatigue. What is the tx?
a) SP 3, SP 9, SP 6, CV 12, ST 8
b) CV 12, ST 36, SP 3, SP 6, BL 20, SP 9
b) CV 12, ST 36, SP 3, SP 6, BL 20, SP 9
DX = SP Yang Xu
Pt has shaking of the head, tremors and pale tongue. Tx?
a) TW 5, CV 4, LV 8, LV 3, GB 20, SP 6, BL 17
b) LV 3, GB 20, GB 38, SP 6, KD 3
a) TW 5, CV 4, LV 8, LV 3, GB 20, SP 6, BL 17
Dx = Xu LV Blood
TW 5 = subdues xs LV yang
Pt has bearing down sensation, prolapsed stomach and weak pulse. Tx?
a) CV 6, DU 20, DU 1
b) DU 20, CV 6, ST 21
b) DU 20, CV 6, ST 21
Dx = SP Qi Sinking
Pt has constipation, abd pain, fever, thick, dry yellow coating and a big pulse. Dx?
Heat Obstructing LI
Pt has edema in the ankles, pale and swollen tongue, and deep weak pulse. Tx?
a) SP 6 DU 4, BL 23, CV 9, SP 9, KD 7
b) DU 4, BL 23, CV 12, ST 36, SP 6
a) SP 6 DU 4, BL 23, CV 9, SP 9, KD 7
Pt has sensation of oppression in the chest and epigastric area, feelings of heaviness in the head, and greasy white tongue coating.
a) SP 9, CV 9, CV 12, ST 36, SP 3
b) SP 9, SP 6, CV 12, SP 3, ST 8, CV 9
b) SP 9, SP 6, CV 12, SP 3, ST 8, CV 9
Dx = Damp Cold Invading SP
Pt has pain in the heart region, cyanosis of the lips, purple tongue. DX?
Heart Blood Stagnant
Pt has a fever, dark scanty urine, fullness in the chest and hypochondriac area, bitter taste, poor appetite, vag discharge and itching, red tongue body w/sticky yellow coat, and slippery wiry and rapid pulse. Tx?
a) LV 14, BL 18, GB34, SP 9, SP 6, LI 11
b) LV 2, GB 20, GB 13, LI 11
a) LV 14, BL 18, GB34, SP 9, SP 6, LI 11
Dx = LV Damp Heat
Pt has palpitations, pain in the heart area, constriction in the chest, bluish lips and nails, cold hands, purple tongue, and a knotted pulse. Tx?
a) HT 7, PC 6, CV 15, CV 4, HT 6, KD 6, KD 7
b) PC 6, PC 4, HT 7, CV 17,BL 17, SP 10, KD 25
b) PC 6, PC 4, HT 7, CV 17,BL 17, SP 10, KD 25
Dx= HT Blood Stagnant
KD 25 is a local point that moves qi and blood in the chest.
Pt has palpitations, SoB on exertion, sweating, paleness, fatigue, listlessness, pale tongue and empty pulse. Tx?
a) HT 7, PC 6,CV 15, CV 4, HT 6, KD 6, KD 7
b) HT 5, PC 6, BL 15, CV 17, CV 6, DU 14
b) HT 5, PC 6, BL 15, CV 17, CV 6, DU 14
Dx = HT Qi XU
Pt has edema more pronounced in the legs and ankles, cold feelings, fullness and distention in the abdomen, sore lower back, scanty and clear urination, pale swollen tongue and white coating. Deep weak and slow pulse. Dx?
KD Yang Xu w/ Water Overflowing
Pt has palpitations, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, poor memory, mental restlessness, malar flush, hot sensations in the evening, night sweats, dry mouth, peeled red tongue, thin fast pulse.
a) HT 8, HT 7, CV 15, SP 6, KD 6
b) HT 7, PC 6, CV 15,CV 4,HT 6, SP 6, KD 7
b) HT 7, PC 6, CV 15,CV 4,HT 6, SP 6, KD 7
Dx = HT Yin Xu
What is the the metal point of the hand tai yin meridian?
LU 8
What is the yuan source point of the hand shao yin meridian?
HT 7
What is the water point of the hand tai yang merdian?
SI 2
What is the location of the water point of the hand tai yang merdian?
a) when the palm faces the chest the point is in the bony cleft on the radial side of the styloid process of the ulna
b) when a loose fist is made the point in a depression just distal to the mcp joint
b) when a loose fist is made the point in a depression just distal to the mcp joint
The point is SI 2
What is the earth point of the hand tai yin meridian?
LU 9
What is the location of the earth point of the hand tai yin meridian?
a) at the transverse crease of the wrist in the depression on the ulnar side of the radial artery
b) at the transverse crease of the wrist betw the radial artery and the tendon of abductor pollicis longus
b) at the transverse crease of the wrist betw the radial artery and the tendon of abductor pollicis longus
The point is LU 9
what is the water point of the foot tai yang meridian?
BL 66
what is the location of the water point of the foot tai yang meridian?
a) on the lateral side of the dorsum of the foot posterior and inferior to the head of the 5th metatarsal bone at the junction of the red and white skin
b) in the depression anterior and inferior to the 5th metatarsophalangeal joint
b) in the depression anterior and inferior to the 5th metatarsophalangeal joint
The point is BL 66
What is the luo point of the foot jue yin meridian?
LV 5
What is the luo point of the hand yang ming meridian?
LI 6
What is the location of the luo point of the hand yang ming meridian?
a) 3 cun above LI 5 in a line connecting LI 5 and LI 11
b) 3 cun above LI 4 in a line connecting LI 5 and LI 11
a) 3 cun above LI 5 in a line connecting LI 5 and LI 11
What is the xi cleft point of the foot shao yin meridian?
KD 5
What is the location of the xi cleft point of the foot shao yin meridian?
a) posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus in the depression medial to the attachment of tendo calcaneus
b) 1 cun directly inferior to KD 3 in the depression anterior and superior to the medial side of the tuberosity of the calcaneum
b) 1 cun directly inferior to KD 3 in the depression anterior and superior to the medial side of the tuberosity of the calcaneum
The point is KD 5
What is the location of the earth point of the foot yang ming meridian?
a) 6 cun inferior to ST 35 one finger breadth from the anterior crest of the tibia
b) 3 cun inferior to ST 35 one finger breadth from the anterior crest of the tibia
b) 3 cun inferior to ST 35 one finger breadth from the anterior crest of the tibia
The point is ST 36
What is the earth point of the foot yang ming meridian
ST 36