pni Flashcards
muucslcuteneous nerve loss of function dermatome refkex affected causes
c5-c6 crcbrachialis, biceps and bracihails unable to flex elbow with forearm supinated lateral aspect of forearm biceps # of clavicle and humerus anterior dislocation surgery ( putti platt, bankart)
median nerve
c5-c8 pronators, palmaris longus, fcr,fds, fpl, fdp, op, apb, fpb, 1st and 2nd lumbricals ape hand defortimity grip weak radial deviation at wrist lost
ulnar nerve
c8-t1 guyon tunnel claw hand flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorium profunds extrinsic muscles and interossie benediction hand deformity cock up splint knitting
radial nerve
c6-8t1 triceps, annconeus, extensors and supinators of forearm crutch palsy drop hand saturday night palsy shaft # triceps
femoral nerve
L2-4 Iliacs,pectinus, sartorius, quads hip flexors weak loss of knee extension unable to control knee flexion in swing phase medial side of thigh and leg reflex patellar
obturator nerve l2-4
obturator externus and add
cannot cross legs
medial thigh on ant aspect
sciatica nerve l4 s123
hamstrings and add magnus and gluteals
weak knee flexion
loss of ankle and foot control
affect all phases of gait
medial and lateral hamsrtring, achilles and
sensation post thigh and leg and whole foot instep and medial mallelous
post tibial nerve l4s123
planterflexor, tb post, popliteus, extrinsic toe flexors, lumbricals and interossie, add haullcis and abd hallucis
tarsal tunnel syndrome
sensory - sole of foot expect medial border, plantar surface of toes
plantar and calcaneal nerve
pes cvus, claw toes, heel pain
plantar nerve intrinsic muscles except edb
common peroneal nerve
compresion from crossing legs fracture of fibular head rupture of lcl tight applied cast foot slap and high steppage gait supply ant and lateral
deep peroneal nerve
df, toe extensors, peroneus tertius, edb
foot drop
unopposed eversion
pes valgus
suprerficial peroneal nerve
peronrus longus and brevis
affects eversion
slr tibial nerve
dorsiflexion with eversion
slr sural nerve
df with inversion
slr preoneal nerve
pf with inversion
axillary nerve root muscles deformity MOI dermatomes
c5- c6 deltoid and teres minor loss of abduction and lateral rotation square shoulders surgical neck fracture, anterior dislocation, forceful abduction delatoid region anterior shoulder pain
erbs palsy waiters tip hand duchenne palsy nerves involved, atrophy causes, weakness, loss of function
supracapular nerve,. mcn nerve, axillary nerve
loss of sensation in the arm
atrophy of deltoid and biceps and brachialis
loss of abd and LR; weakness of supinators and elbow flexors
shoulder depressed and Lateral flexion of neck to opp side:’ football, birth injuries
klumpke’s paralysis
compression by cervical rib and stretched shoulder overhead, traction on the abducted arm, falling from tree
interossie ,thenar, hypothenar-
flexors of wrist and finger - flexor carpi ulnaris and fdp ulnar half
forearem pronators may be involved
horners syndrome - dilators of iris and elevators of eyelid
deformity - forearm supinated and wrist and fingers flexed
dorsal- abd dab
palmar - add pad
ulnar nerve
flexion at mcp joint and extension at ip joint
median and ulnar nerve
felxor pollics brevis
oppen pollcs
abd pollicis brevis
adductor pollics — ulnar nerve
felexor digiti minnimi brevis
abd digti minimi
opponens digiti minimi
sleep disturbance with excessive pillow
inability to carry bag and drive, computer or desk work
carpal tunnel ( fdp, fds, fpl , fcr)
extrinsic finger flexor tendon
nocturnal numbness
loss of two point discrimination
inability to ,manipulate small objects
forward head posture and decreased cervical motion
active wrist extension with passive wrist flexion
suprascapular nerve
C5 C6
supraspinatus and infraspinatus
pain in posterior shoulder
horizontal add, notches
long thoracic nerve
spinal accessory nerve
trapezius (shoulder elevation)
drooping of shoulder and aching
Subscapular nerve
subscapularis and teres major ( medial rotation)
c5-6 post cord
Dorsal scapular nerve
rhomboids, LS
thoraco dorsl nerve
latismus dorsi
saphenous nerve
medial side of knee - medial side of leg and medial mallelous
symptoms- distal to proximal
stage 1 - acute and reversible- vasodilation 3 weeks to 6 months
hyper hydrosis, warmth, erythema, rapid nail growth, edema in distal extremity
Stage 2 - distrophical and vasoconstriction phase, ischameic stage — brittle nails, sympthatic hyperactivity, burning pain, hyper asthesia aggravated by cold weather, mottling and coldness, osteoprosis
Stage 3- atrophic stage- severe osteprosis, pain decrease or worse, waisting and contractures.