hip Flashcards
posterior approach
avoid hip flexion more than 90, add and IR beyond neutral
do not cross legs, low and soft chairs, bend trunk over legs, rotate body towards operated extremity, in side lying position
do transfer to sound side, keep knees slightly knees lower to hips, bed raise on blocks,
anterior approach
avoid hip extension, add and ER past neutral
do not do combined postion—-hip flex, abd and ER
antigravity hip abd do not if gluteus medius inscised
avoid hyperext in ambulation
avoid rotating away from operative side
trochanteric osteotomy approach
antigravity hip abd for 6 to 8 weeks
no exercise involving weight bearing on operated leg
avoid low intensity isom of abd
contraindications to THR
insufficency of gluteus medius
dental work
high impact activities
Hip Joint
resting position
capsular pattern
resting position: 30 flexion, 30 abduction, ER
Capsular: flexion, abduction, internal rotation
CPP: extension, abduction , internal rotation
Legg-calves perthes age deformity cause weakness
- 2-13 yes male
- weakness of psoas major
- abduction and extxn is limited
- LE moves in add, flexion and ER
- aka osteochondritis
- femoral head necrosis happens
slipped capital femoral epiphysis
- 8-17 yrs
- active rom limited in abd, flexn and IR
coxa vara and valga angles
vara- 125
femoral anterversion
- 25-30 or greater
- squinting of patella nd toeing in
- pigeon toe walking
piriformis syndrome
- refferal pain to post thigh
- pain on add and IR
- weakness in abd and ER
- pain on walking and getting up from bed
- excessive pronation of foot
- intolerance to sitting
IT band
- obers test and noble test
- pain while climbing stairs nd downhill walk
- activities involve 30 degree of hip flexion
trochanteric bursitis
- pain outside of hip, buttock
- pain while sitting into car, climbing stairs
- overuse, scoliosis, leg length descrepency, arthritis
- increase pain while sitting with affected leg crossed
ischiogluteal bursitis
- pain on sitting when legs are not crossed
- pain in buttock, in kick, running, jumping
acetabular labral tear
- in ice hockey, golfer, soccer, ballet
- locking, cliking and cacthing sensation
- pain in hip and groin
patrick or fabers test
-dysfunction of hip
scoring test
- labral tears
- OA and DJD
thomas test
-rectus femoris
obers test
-TFL and IT band tightness
Elys test
-tightness of rectus femoris
90-90 hamstring test
-tightness if hamstring
craig test
-abnormal femoral anteversion and retroversion