PN Flashcards
Indications for PN
diffuse peritonitis, obstruction (unable to bypass), intractable N/V, inadeq intestinal absorption, GI ischemia, ileus, unable to place TF, nutrient req more than able to be met via GI tract
Duration of PN
over 7 days
CHO Source: Glycerin ? cals/gram
4.3= sugar alcohol
PRO Source: Renal uses
Essential AA, dillute
Hepatic AA
Branched chain AA with dec AAA
Stress AA
Branch chain AA with normal AAA
FAT Source: If egg allergy
test dose 1cc/min x 30 mins
FAT component in US
How much Vit C in standard MVI for PN
200 mg
How much thiamin/folic acid in standard MVI
6 mg/600 mcg
Extra zinc (4-30 mg/d) for what reasons?
diarrhea, ulcer, wounds, aid GI Fx, drugs Ampho B, cisplatin, diuretics
Iron Dextrose in what kind PN
2:1 only
Sodium Ferric gluconate
not compatible
Iron Sucrose
neonatal AA 2:1
Dec L-carnitine in what GI d/o
fat malabsorption
2:1 PN uses what filter
.2 micron (better)
3:1 PN uses what filter
1.2 micron (larger particles get thru)
PPN Facts
3-7 days, good veins (PIVs), osmolarity 600-900, phlebitis risk, large total volume, not good with renal failure, CHF
High osmolarity components
AA 10 mosm/gram, Dextrose 5 mosm/gram, Ca Gluc 1.4/meq, K/Na 2/meq
Dextrose rule
3-5g/kg/min or 7g/kg/day Safe Practice Guidelines
Fat rule
2.5g/kg/day (adult)
Cath occlusion-thrombic
instill anti-thrombotic agent, drug/lipid precipitation
Cath occlusion- non-thrombic
drug related (identify drug), HCl-Acid or Na Bicarb-base
Inc LFTs r/t PN Tx
transaminases (Inc LFTs)-suspect PN if occur after PN 2 weeks, normalizes with d/c PN
Inc Alk Phos
seen with bone disease
Inc Bilirubin
GB sludge/stones, seen often in peds with jaundice
Hepatobiliary Complications caused by what
Multifactorial, disease, excess Gluc, 24hr infusion, lack of enteral stimulation, bacterial overgrowth in sm bowel, infection/sepsis, sterols in IV fat (toxicity)
What level of Inc TG in PN Tx do you adjust therapy
Max 400, dec IVFE 400-500, hold IVFE over 500-immunosuppresants, poor glucose control
Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency s/s
Fat free 2-4 weeks, altered PLT, hair loss, poor wound, dry scalp/skin.
Supplement Ess FAcid Def
2-4% total kcals as IVFE, 1-2% linoleic acid
Metabolic Bone disease from CPN
CPN over 1 year, 40-100% CPN pts with malabsorption, chr liver, immobile, steroids, loop diuretics, heparin
Metabolic Bone Dz- what labs show this
inc Ca/PO4, urine net loss Ca/Mg, Vit D (def/toxicity)
Conditions that increase urine Ca+ excretion
High PRO (2g/kg/d), High Na, chr metab acidosis, excess fluid, Hyperglycemia, Alum contaminates, steroids, loop diuretics, cyclic PN infusion
Safe Aluminum amounts in LT PN pts
5mcg/kg/d, AA replaced with crystalline from protein hydolysates
Low Ca associated with low
Bone disease reported in infants with what lacking from PN formulation
Example Stability in PN
Maillard reaction (browning), Photodegradation by light (B vits), hydrolysis (Vit C)
Incompatiibility in PN
physically alters end product
Ca/Phos stability
pH < 5.3 or > 10 of AA, use Ca Gluconate or Ca, gluceptate, lack mixing, storage conditions, add Phos than other additives before Ca
L-cysteine in peds PN AA to lower pH
unfavorable for IVFE
store in plastic, excretes kidney but binds to transferrin, not more 25,mcg/L, toxicity with renal dz, Fe def, high intake in PN, AA,Ca, Phos have affinity for bind with aluminum
Aggregation (flocculation)
fat particles aggregate to form larger droplets but redisperse with agitation.
Large fat droplets rise to surface= cream layer but REVERSE with agitation.
fat droplets aggregate into larger but irreversible, can’t use PN
Oiling out
total separation oil/water phases- unusable PN
2004 Safe Practice Guidelines for Ordering PN: Mandatory
clarity of form, ingred listed same order as bag label, avoid decimals/percents, all components amt/day, contact # for provider, location of CL, ht/wt/dosing wt, dz, PN indication, hangtime guidelines, infusion rate
PN label: Mandatory
amt daily or kg/day (peds), dose wt, route admin, admin date/time, exp date, overfill is stated, PO4 in mmol and mEq salts, rate cc/hr or cycle, who prepared and reviewed sol’n, additives for pt to add in HCPN
Who developed PN/when
late 1960s Dudrick
3:1 sol’n when developed
PPN Facts
5-10% Dext, 3% AA, high total volume, mild-mod malnourished, short duration up to 2 weeks
Indications for PPN
good PIVs, tolerate volume, @ least 5 days, no more than 2 weeks, NOT SEVERLY Malnourished
Contraindications PPN
Severely Malnourished, sever metabolic stress, lg nutrient/lytes needs, fluid restriction, over 2 weeks, renal/liver compormise
Pre-op PN
In mod/severe malnutrition pts
PN beneficial for
crohns flare, GI fistulae, extrese SBS, critical care pts NPO for long time, nectrotizing pancreatitis, failed EN, pulm aspiration
Severe Malnutrition Defined as
over 10% involuntary wt loss x 2-3 months, lower 75% DBW/UBW, prealb less 10, transferrin less 100, inadequate po greater than 7 days
Contraindicated PN
well nourised pt, inadequate EN, less 7 dyas, DNR
GI indications for PN
Crohns flare with fistula
PN not beneficial in GI
bowel rest not needed for crohns, mild, acute, chronic or relapsing pancreatitis less 7 days, could harm mild pancreatitis, EN favored for severe acute pancreatitis
PN in Periop Malnutrition
Malnutr inc OR complications, benefit fro mod malnourished for OR or upper GI Cancers. Benefit for severely malnourished. Less than 7 days=inapp.
PN in critical illness
EN is #1
PN in Cancer
PN with chemo/rad increases infections, unclear with BMT, associated with net harm
Comorbidity that influences pt’s response to therapy/outcome
Decrease phlebitis in PN
K less 60meq/L, heparin, piggyback IVFE, osmolarity less/equal 900 mosm/L
Essential Fatty acid deficiency test
High oleic/palmitoleic acids & Low linoleic/arachidonic acids, Mead acid is present (by product of oleic)
Increases circulating plasma TG
10% IVFat (contains inc concentrations of phospholipids)
FAT Daily
1g fat/kg/day
Prevent EFAD
2-4% t. cals
Correct EFAD
8-10% t cals
Fibrin Sleeve
inability to aspirate blood
Vessel thrombosis
resistance to infusion/aspiration- may have neck distension, edema, tinglin or pain over ipsilateral arm/neck, tight feeling in throat–may result permanent vascular obstruction