PM3110 Chapter 6 Flashcards
.The perception by others that a person is approachable for communicating and interacting with on problems or concerns related to the success of a project.
At some point, the project has been completed and the team is disbanded to return to their other functional duties within the organization. In some cases, the group may downsize slowly and deliberately.
Administrative conflict
These conflicts are often centered on disagreements about reporting relationships, who has authority and administrative control for functions, project tasks, and decisions.
.It is the strength of desire all members have to remain a team.
.a process that begins when you perceive that someone has frustrated or is about to frustrate a major concern of yours.
Cross-functional cooperation
.influence cooperation and behavior are superordinate goals, rules and procedures, physical proximity, and accessibility.
.individuals each bring to the team their preconceived notions of the roles that they should play, the importance of their various contributions, and other parochial attitudes.
the process or approaches used to mold a collection of individuals into a coherent project team and has sometimes been referred to as the “floundering” stage.
???if we assume that the other person disagrees with us for valid reasons, it implies a flaw in our position. Many individuals do not have the ego strength to acknowledge and accept objective disagreement, which leads us to this _____.
Goal-oriented conflict
.associated with disagreements regarding results, project scope outcomes, performance specifications and criteria, and project priorities and objectives.
.??? trust occurs on several levels:6 (1) trust as it relates to professional interaction and the expectation of another person’s competence (“I trust you to be able to accomplish the task”),
.the degree of knowledge that team members have and the importance they attach to the interrelatedness of their efforts.
Interpersonal conflict
.This occurs with personality differences between project team members and important project stakeholders. This can include different work ethics, behavioral styles, egos, and personalities of project team members
.a process that is predicated on a manager’s ability to use his influence productively
Norming stage
.behavior in a group implies that the team members are establishing mutually agreed-upon practices and attitudes.
Results Orientation/Orientation
.suggests that each member of the project team is committed to achieving the project’s goals. The project manager can influence team performance in many ways, but it is through constantly emphasizing the importance of task performance and projectoutcomesthat all team members are united toward.
.the “eyes on the prize” attitude, a commonly held characteristic among successful project teams. The benefit of a results orientation is that it serves to continually rally team members toward the important or significant issues,
Performing stage
.team relationships are characterized by high levels of trust, a mutual appreciation for one another’s performance and contributions, and a willingness to actively seek to collaborate.
Physical proximity
.refers to project team members’ perceptions that they are located within physical or spatial distances that make it convenient for them to interact.
Principled negotiation
.the art of getting agreement with the other party while maintaining a principled, win-win attitude.
Psychosocial outcomes
.represent the team member’s assessment that the project experience was worthwhile, satisfying, and productive.
Punctuated equilibrium
.rather than evolution occurring as a steady state of gradual change, real natural change comes about through long periods of stasis, interrupted by some cataclysmic event that propels upward, evolutionary adjustment.
Storming stage
.refers to the natural reactions members have to the initial ground rules. Members begin to test the limits and constraints placed on their behavior. This is a conflict-laden stage in which the preliminary leadership patterns, reporting relationships, and norms of work and interpersonal behavior are challenged and, perhaps, reestablished.
Superordinate goal
.refers to an overall goal or purpose that is important to all functional groups involved, but whose attainment requires the resources and efforts of more than one group.
Task outcomes
refer to the factors involved in the actual implementation of the project (time, schedule, and project functionality).
Team building
_____ staffing a project team, building a sense of common purpose and shared commitment, encouraging cross-functional cooperation among team members, and recognizing the causes of and resolving conflicts among all project stakeholders..
.For a project team, this can best be understood as the team’s comfort level with each individual member. Given that comfort level, this is manifested in the team’s ability and willingness to squarely address differences of opinion, values, and attitudes and deal with them accordingly.
Virtual teams
.A group of persons with a shared objective who fulfill their roles with little or no time spent meeting face to face. Various forms of technology are often used to facilitate communication among team members. Often these teams can be composed of persons separated by great distances.