Pluripotency and iPS cells Flashcards
What is understood by Waddington’s epigenetic landscape model?
Cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent, if in the correct environment and then can become another specialised cell
What happens during somatic cell nuclear transfer
the nucleus of a somatic cell is transplanted into an oocyte and an electric pulse triggers development and division
What is a heterokaryon
during somatic cell nuclear transfer when the cell contains both nuclei and a mixed cytoplasm
During somatic cell nuclear transfer, which nucleus is dominant
the nucleu of the pluripotent stem cell, NOT the somatic nucleus
What are the mechanisms of maintenance of pluripotency in culture?
Growth factor/ cytokine signalling
Pluripotency genes and transcriptional network s
What do culture conditions determine?
Cell signalling, which determines gene expression and so determines cell potency and determination
What does the dominant nucleus do on a molecular level during somatic cell nuclear transfe r
reprogrammes the cell, through the expression of certain genes such as oct4. ES-like colonies are formed.
What does Paracrine LIF signalling regulate? How?
Regulates ES cells specific gene expression by a activating the transcription factor STAT3
LIF binds to receptor - allows for phosphorylation of STAT3
What are the 4 yamanaka genes and what do they do?
oct4, sox2, klf4, cMyc
they are the genes capable of reprogramming in human iPS cells
Why is serum important in pluripotency?
It contains additional inhibitory signals of ES cells specific gene differentiation to neuroectoderm
What gene important for pluripotency is a direct target of TGFb signalling?
How do reprogramming factors reconfigure the genome?
DNA binding and epigenetic chromatin remodelling.
eg, oct4 turns on its own gene and activates other genes through gene networking.
find the targets of gene expression and recruit chromatin modifying proteins and bind DNA to either activate or repress at certain loci
What does BMP4 and LIF do in serum free-culture?
Blocks ES cell differentiation
What happens to histones and DNA when sox2 and oct4 bind
activation and his tone acetylation
What happens when oct4 alone binds DNA
repression of genes. his tone deacetylation and DNA methylation
What is BIO?
A GSK3beta antagonist identified in a drug screen for molecules that promote pluripotency- led to focus on wnt pathway