Pluralist society Flashcards
What is a multicultural society?
A society where divers cultural groups live together. There is a certain degree of respect and tolerance among the group.
What are the basis of a pluralist society?
A society with diverse cultural groups and lifestyles together. With respect among the group.
What is the definition of tolerance?
People’s ability to accept people who behave differently.
What is the Dutch translation for ‘a pluralist society’?
Een pluriforme samenleving
What are the three types of cultures? And explain each.
- Dominant culture => the body of norms, values and other characteristics that are accepted by the majority of society
- Subcultures => a group has developed norms and values that deviate from the dominant culture
- Counterculture => groups that clash with/threaten de dominant culture
What is another word for culture transfer?
(=the process in which someone consciously of unconsciously is taught the values, norms and other cultural features of his group)
Name some examples for socialising institutions.
f.e. family, school, media, friends, hobby/sports, clubs and government
What are the two sanctions of social control? Name a positive and negative example for each.
Formal sanctions:
+ diploma
- fine
Informal sanctions:
+ compliment
- punishment for not cleaning your room
From what 5 dimensions can culture vary?
- the degree of power distance
- individualistic vs collectivist
- masculine vs feminine
- the degree of uncertainty avoidance
- long-term planning vs short term planning
What is power distance? And name a few examples.
Which role the authority play in a culture.
F.e. parents/teachers, employers/employees, teacher/pupils or police officers/civilians
What is the difference between individualistic and a collectivist culture?
Individualistic culture => focuses on the freedom to develop a personal identity. Development is important.
Collectivist culture => emphasise the important of social identity. Hospitality and taking care of loved ones are important values.
Name some differences between masculine cultures and feminine cultures?
- strong separation of men and women
- men have a leading role in the society/family
- men are focused on their career
- f.e. mexico and saudi-arabia
- roles of women and men are more fluid
- more focus on individual than gender
- f.e. Scandinavia and the NL
What does the degree of uncertainty avoidance mean?
Some cultures tend to anticipate on future problems by avoid uncertainties.
This lines up with following the rules, saving up money and religious circles/cultures.
What is meant when talked about long term vs short term planning?
Whether the process of decision making focusses on the benefits of the long or short term.
The Dutch for example save more for their retirement funds than Americans.
What does ethnocentrism mean?
A way of looking at other cultures. Ethnocentrism happens when one’s own culture is considered the center, and (people of) other cultures are compared to what one considers normal.
What is xenophobia?
When prejudices lead to a hostile attitudes towards a group of people with a different ethnic background.
What are the four groups of immigrants?
- work migrants
- postcolonial migrants/citizens from former colonies
- family formation and family reunification
- refugees
What are work migrants?
People who come to the NL for work. Since the 1970s work immigrants (from outside of the EU) can only work in the NL when they are knowledge migrants.
What are illegal immigrants?
People who have no legal permission to work and live here.
Staying illegally in the NL is not punishable, however is is possible to be deported and get an entry ban (reisverbod).
What are the three groups we consider as post colonial migrants?
- Dutch East Indies
- Antilleans
- Suriname