Parliamentary democracy Flashcards
What is government?
The way a country is governed
What is the difference between efficient administration and maximum participation?
If you want as many people to vote as possible. Or as fast and easy as possible.
What is direct and indirect democracy?
In a direct democracy citizens vote for a specific bill.
In a indirect democracy citizens vote for representatives who vote for bills.
What are some advantages to a representative democracy?
- It prevents society to need to vote for every single bill
- Different political organs can check each other (trias politica)
What does the constitution describe?
- the tasks of 3 powers
- explains political constitutional rights
- rules for political decision-making
- that the media are free and the government has the responsibility to provide correct information
What is a parliamentary democracy?
A political system where the parliament is in power.
What are direct and indirect elections?
By direct elections citizens vote for a specific representative.
By indirect elections citizens vote for provincial state elections, who vote for the 1st chamber, who you don’t directly know and vote for as a citizen.
What is the difference between (in)direct democracy and elections?
(In)direct democracy circles around specific bills, whether we as citizens vote for a specific bill or whether our representatives do so.
While (in)direct elections is about the representatives themselves. Whether you vote for someone specific of indirectly vote for someone.
What is a constitutional monarchy?
Countries with a king/queen, whose power is limited by the constitution.
What are some feature of the presidential system?
The population votes for parliament and the president.
He is the head of state and can appoint and dismiss ministers.
However he doesn’t have the power to dismiss the parliament.
What are the three dictator styles? Explain them too.
Totalitarian - ideology that revolves around political, economic and social aspects of life. Indoctrination is normal. (North-Korea)
Theocracy - religion is the state ideology and the basis for all legislation (Iran)
Autocratic - One leading figure > a military officer or a democratically elected president who turned into a dictator over time (Myanmar)
Name some features of a dictator?
- individual freedom is restricted
- there is no political freedom
- very often there is institutional violence
- no independent judiciary
- the mass media and the art world are censored by the government
What is an ideology?
A body of related ideas about man and the way society should function.
What are some of the things an ideology has standpoints about?
- values and norms
- socio-economic relationships
- the desired division of power
What are the three ideological movements?
Liberalism, socialism and denominationalism
What is the difference between reactionary and conservative?
Conservative is more about keeping laws and things the same as the present.
While reactionary is about trying to get it back to the way things once were (very right-wing).
What is the most important value within Liberalism?
Freedom > it is all about personal freedom
When did liberalism start?
During the 18th century, during the French revolution.
What role does the government play in liberalism?
What are some economic values of liberalism?
- less rules
- free market economy
- lower taxes
What are the most important values within socialism?
Solidarity and equality > fair division of knowledge, income and power
When did socialism start?
During the 19th century, a reaction to the poor working conditions of labourers.
Which two groups were there within socialism?
The communists - they wanted labourers to take power through revolution
The social democrats - they wanted to achieve social improvements constitutionally
What is the current standpoint of social democrats?
The free market economy is desired, but within an extensive welfare state.
What is the most important value within denominationalism?
Christian value > people should take care of each other, solidarity
Name some examples of liberalist parties.
VVD, D66 and GL