Pleural space Flashcards
Pleural anatomy
- Parietal
- Covers the entire inner surface of the thorax
- Divided into 3 parts:
- Costal
- Diaphragmatic
- Mediastinal
- Visceral
- Covers lung parenchyma
- Left and right pleural sacs are closed
- Pleural space is a potential space
- Contains some fluid that lubricates lung and thoracic body wall
- Space is in the area between
- Individual lung lobes
- Lung lobes and body wall
Radiographic anatomy
- Normal pleura is usually not visible
- Silhouettes with adjacent soft tissue
- Too thin to absorb enough x-rays to be detected
- Except if radiographed tangentially
- Occasionally, thin soft-tissue/fluid opaque pleural lines are noted between lobes
- Pleura may be thick
- Pleura may be in line w/ beam and absorb enough x-rays
- Cannot determine exact reason but slight pleural thickening is usually of little significance
- Location of pleural fissures, the regions between lung lobes, is an important radiographic-anatomic feature
- Pleural fissure lines will vary with
- Positioning or recumbency of the patient
- Amount of fluid present
- Tangential alignment of normal pleura w/ x-ray beam
Pleural disease
Clinical signs?
Thoracic auscultation?
Resp. pattern?
- Clinical signs for pleural fluid include:
- Dyspnea, thoracic cavity distention, dyssynchronous breathing
- In cats, breathing is slower and more deliberate than in dogs
- Thoracic auscultation reveals muffled lung sounds over the affected regions
- The resp. pattern is the same whether air, fluid, or abdominal contents are in the pleural space
What are the 3 main categories of pleural disease?
- Pleural effusion
- Fluid in pleural space
- Cannot be distinguished
- Fluid in pleural space
- Pneumothorax
- Gas in pleural space
- Enters from outside, mediastinum, or lung
- Gas in pleural space
- Diaphragmatic hernias
Pleural effusion: clinical significance
- Primary pleural disease is rare
- Often a sign of disorder elsewhere
- ALWAYS IMPORTANT–requires workup
- If detected with peritoneal effusion: indicates severe disease with a poor prognosis
Pleural effusion: DDx
- Malignancy
- Pyothorax
- Pneumonia
- Trauma
- Coagulopathy
- Rib tumor
- Diaphragmatic hernia
- Chylothorax
- Mediastinitis
Pleural effusion: what do radiographic signs depend on?
- Volume of fluid
- Patient positioning
- Distribution of fluid
- Free vs. loculated fluid
Free pleural effusion (11 thingz)
- Radiograph signs are the same for dif. types of fluids
- Gravity
- Lung compliance
- Appearance will be different in dif. views
- Wide interlobular fissures
- Soft tissue opacity between lungs and thoracic wall
- Retraction of lungs from thoracic wall
- “Scalloping” of lung margins
- Silhouetting of heart in DV view
- Silhouetting of diaphragm
- Soft tissue opacity dorsal to sternum
Pleural effusion: wide interlobar fissures
- Thickness and # depend on amount of fluid present and position of the patient
- Min of 100mL of fluid must be present to detect fissure lines in MBD
- X-ray must strike the intralobar tangentially
- In cases of small amounts of fluid, interlobar fissures are more likely to be detected on VD and laterals
Important positioning concept w/ pleural effusions
- Gravity is in play
- Fluid will migrate to dependent regions
Pleural effusions: restrictive pleuritis
- Signs of pleural fusion
- Severely rounded lung lobe margins due to changed lung compliance
- Lung lobes do not return to normal space following thoracocentesis
Pleural effusions: atypical or asymmetrical distributions
- Usually uniform distribution
- If non-uniform displacement, consider:
- Lung pathology altering compliance of the lung
- Mass in thoracic wall
- Loculated fluid
- Pyothorax is a common cause of unilateral distributions of pleural fluid
Pleural effusion: other tests
- Horizontal-beam radiograph
- Other view to look for inciting lesions
- If large amounts of fluid are present remove before continuing further imaging studies
- Ultrasound +/- FNA
- CT
Pitfalls of pleural effusion
- Thickened pleura
- Mineralized costal cartilage
- Thoracic wall deformity
Pneumothorax: classifications
- Open
- Free communication between pleural space and environment
- Closed
- Air leaks into pleural space via lung, bronchi, trachea, esophagus, or mediastinum
- Tension
- Valve, continuous influx of air upon inspiration that does not return to lung on expiration
- Pleural pressure > atmospheric pressure
- Normotensive
- Pleural pressure = atmospheric pressure
Pneumothorax: clinical significance
- Traumatic is the most frequent type and result in a normotensive closed
- Young, males predisposed
- May be open due to gunshot wound or penetrating foreign body
- Spontaneous type occurs more frequently in deep-chested breeds
- Small pneumothorax w/o clinical signs will not require treatment
- Pneumothorax due to lung disease will likely require intervention
- Usually occurs bilaterally
- Air moves easily between right and left sides
- Unilateral can occur for similar reasons as unilateral pleural effusions
Pneumothorax: DDx
- Trauma
- Lung rupture
- Ruptured pulmonary bulla
- Chest wall rent
- Pulmonary emphysema
- Extension of a pneumomediastinum
- Rupture of a cavitary lung mass
- Iatrogenic barotrauma
Pneumothorax: radiographic signs
- Gas opacity between lungs and thoracic wall
- Pulmonary blood vessels do not continue to thoracic wall
- Retraction of lungs from thoracic wall
- Lung is small and has increased opacity
- Appearance of dorsal displacement of heart on lateral view (“loss of sternal contact”)
- Best seen on lateral view
- Easier seen on DV versus VD
Tension pneumothorax: radiographic signs
- Greater degree of lung collapse
- Tenting of diaphragm
- “Barrel-chested”
Pitfalls of pneumothorax
- Skin folds
- Soft tissue bands extend beyond pulmonary limits and into chest wall
- May need hot light to see pulmonary vessels
- Breed variations
- Chondrodystrophic breeds
- Chest conformation
- Miscellaneous
- Small cardiac silhouette
- Hyperinflated lungs
Pneumothorax: other tests
- Horizontal beam radiography
- Lateral recumbency
- CT
- Test of choice to find bullae
- Greater sensitivity than rads