pleural and mediastinal Flashcards
5 types?
p- often in? caused by?
s- caused by?
high mortality if with what?
Pneumothorax clin findings
2 things present???
if small? symptoms? treatment?
large? “”
tension pneumo?
on film what is diagnostic? if supine?
avoid future exposure to?
High altitudes, flying in unpressureized aircraft, scuba, smoking
Pleural effusion
created via? leading causes?
Diagnosis- symptoms? radiography will have what signs???? how much to do this? can do thoracentesis with what?
therapy- large? massive?
if fail to resolve?
can treat with?
Plueral effusion
types of effusion? 2 caused by?
<10000 leuckocyte?
<10000? >50000?
if bloody? 3
normal pH? if low? if real low?
Mediastinal disease
anterior mediastinum- most common lesions?
middle- most common? contains what?
acute mediatinitis- what can occur?
Posterior Mediastium- most common lesions?
chronic mediastinitis? via? test for tb via?
pneumomediastinum- what is it?