ARDS/COPD Flashcards
ARDS- severe what? seen as what physiologic value?
CXR? intubate when?
ARDS- the two stages? what dominate during each phase?
e- hallmark? cuases a physiologic (deadspace/shunt)
can happen to alveoli?
p- what is it? what cells do what?
Two main types of strategies to treatment of ARDS?
m-can cause what injury? mode helpful here?
n- manage what to reduce time on m? other machine?
ARDS predictors
best predictor of outcome?
treatments? all of them 5
if survive ARDS- at 1 year?most often?
COPD- what is it? 2 underlying?
risk factor? *gene)
prevention? main?
screening? in?
COPD diagnosis
look for what of phys ex?
in emphysema? what is the GOLD criteria? confirms?
COPD therapy- 3 classes of durgs?
exacerbations- mild? treat with?
moderate? treat with?
in hospital main treatment?
COPD treatment cont
ype of brochodilator more effective?
oxygen therapy- how often? severe COPD O2 sat?
pulmonary rehab? non pharm (lol)
GOLD- stages? dependent on? treatment