Cough Flashcards
acute cough
timing? treat when?
Viral upper resp infection- lower? upper? (recognize)
treat sinusitis?

Influenza- presents with?
test via? if negative?
antiviral only in?
treat with?

Non-viral uncomplicated acute bronchitis
caused by?
if you think pertussis? signs of this?
whats not reccomneded?

Pneumo- vital signs? importance in cough?
Asthma- need what to help diagnose? cough and wheezing treat with?
Acute excacerbation bronchitis/bronchiectasis-
Chronic cough- how long? tests? discontinue?

UACS aka?
caused by? symptoms? appearance? treatment? if allergic? if you dont know?
Cough variant asthma- caused by? confirmed by? treat? but?

GERD- cough due to? 2
test for how? initial treatment? how long to work?
NAEB?- tests that are normal? 3
what is present? teatment?

Chronic bornchitis- cough w/?
treatment is to?
ACEi cough- occur when? dose related? treat? how long?

Hemoptysis- what is it?
caused by?
test you must do? in order to rule out?
massive is how much?
90% chronic cough caused by? (if non-smoker, normal cxr, no ACEi)