Players in Int Env Law Flashcards
UN Environment Programme
- est 1972 at Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment
- principal UN environmental agency
- primarily big impact on agenda setting, can promote coherent implementation
- BUT doesn’t have same particularized authority as treaty bodies (lots of env treaties establish particular governing bodies)
- has legitimacy, but tough b/c not actually charged w/ particular tasks
UNEP - Staff/Resources
- many development institutions have much larger budgets + have integrated env protection into their policy (even secretaries of multilateral env agreements have more staff + resources)
General Function of UN Subsidiary Organs/Agencies
- facilitate creation of most new treaty law by sponsoring scientific assessments of env issues, preparing drafts, + convening negotiations
- also contribute to dev of soft law by passing resolutions, declarations, model codes, + guidelines on env issues
Public International Organizations
- like the UN
- term used to refer to bodies created by int agreements among states
- neither States nor purely non-State actors
UNEP - Mission
- facilitate international cooperation in the environmental field
- keep the world environmental situation under review so that problems of int significance receive appropriate consideration by Governments
- promote the acquisition, assessment, and exchange of env knowledge
UNEP - General Roles
- primary reason for being was coordination of env activities in UN system
Also expected to:
- produce scientific assessments of the state of the environment,
-provide sound technical + policy analysis, +
-catalyze env action w/in both UN system + at national level
UN Environment Assembly - Creation
- prior to 2013, UNEP Governing Council was comprised of reps of 58 States selected to have geographic representation (constrained its political influence somewhat)
- after Rio+20, UN General Assembly created UN Environment Assembly (universal membership for UNEP Governing Council)
UN Environment Assembly - Role
- Prof noted that there’s lots it can do, but has never really had the role of being a world env org
- concept that we have lots of treaties with their own secretariats + their own operating systems -> Prof wanted us to think if this is good or not
UNEP - Funding
- generally a major challenge
- lack of sufficient funding for gen ops
- three sources: UN Regular Budget, Environment Fund (voluntary contributions to flexible funding), + Ear-Marked Contributions (also voluntary, but intended for specific things) -> approx 80% of funding = Ear-Marked
Conferences of the Parties
- established by MEAs -> meet regularly, allows the MEA to operate on an ongoing basis
- reps of each state that are party to the treaty participate
- each state gets one vote
- knowledge + info disseminated re what’s going on in the sessions
Participation in COPs
Lots of other entities participate beyond official parties:
- NGOs
- other indivs
Means opportunity for side events, info sessions, protests, etc. even though core decisionmakers remain state reps
Multilateral Environmental Agreements
- dominant force in international env law
- result in longstanding mutual commitments + cooperation
- create institutions that coordinate science, explore new frontiers of env policy, + address intersection of env issues w/ development, human rights, + trade
General Activities of COPs
- activities requiring formal consent (ex: formal amendments to treaty text)
-> states can decide to opt out - consensus-based activities - require only consensus, NOT formal consent, to be binding + no opt-out option for objecting states
Consensus-Based COP Activity
Result in resolutions + decisions without which the treaty cannot be adequately understood
- interpret treaty obligations
- develop rules, modalities, + procedures for implementation of particular treaty provisions
- provide guidance to parties about implementation
- consider compliance + dispute resolution matters
- establish subsidiary organs
- address financial + organizational aspects of the treaty + its subsidiary organs
- set strategic frameworks for the future of the treaty
Scope of Consensus-Based COP Activity
- can be internal or external
- also direct or indirect