Plato Flashcards
Father of western classical political philosophy
Plato’s political philosophy
Normative (value loaded), idealistic, radical, rationalist, and somewhat utopic
 Discuss the theory of forms of plato
Plato’s theory of Form is his metaphysical idea of a sense of being something. As per this theory, every object, Indies observable or visible world carry or hold the ‘form” of being that object. In other words, the objects in the visible world or like the copy or shadow of their forms, which belong to the intelligible world , not visible by your senses. His theory of Form, separate two worlds- intelligible and visible. The former can be known only by a sense of reason, logic and knowledge, whereas the later is the world in which we live in which we observe from our senses. The forms are essence of being belongs to the intelligent world- World of being whereas the object who carry for those forms, belong to the visible world -world of becoming
Theory of forms is related to what?
Idealism, giving preference to world of idea over world of perceivable materials
Essentialism -every entity has a set of attributes features that are necessary to its identity and function.
The theory is metaphysical in nature .
According to Plato, who can see the intelligible world
Only few knowledgeable persons have eyes to see the world. To plato they are the philosophers.
Explain plato’s theory of justice
Plato envisaged a Perfect in just society constituting of Just individuals. to him just is denoted perfect harmony and balance of individual soul as well as of the society. In a just individual three elements of the solar, in perfect harmony, that is the element of reason, govern and guides, the elements of spirit and bodily appetite. In a just society three classes.-ruler, soldiers, producers or individuals in whom the elements of reason, spirit, and appetite, dominate, respectively. In just society, the tree classes perform their duty meticulously for which they are best suited without crossing into domain of other classes. This justice for plato what is doing ones on duty as for one’s station of life
What is a just individual according to Plato
Reason governing the element of spirit and bodily appetites.
Individual who performs social duty for what he is best suited for.
Individuals actions are directed for achieving societal ‘common good’
Just society/state according to Plato
Functional division of society: three classes of society- ruler, auxiliary, producer, class- do you know three elements of individual soul. People in whom ‘reason’ dominate, belong to ruling class, in whom spirit dominate, perform duty or protection meaning of soldiers, and who is dominant element is appetite joins the producer class. Thus state is magnified individual
Plato’s theory of communism
Plato’s theory of communism of wife’s and property was his novel idea to set up an ideal society/state. Communalism of wife’s and property was to have such water tight separation between the domains of three classes.
As per the theory Nagarjuna class, that is the red and and auxiliary class cannot have any private property neither they can have a normal life, wife and children. The Produxer class on the other hand can have private property in normal family life, but where prohibited from participation in politics Nagarjuna class, where supposed to leave a communal life in barracks like the soldiers. They have to live in a commune, live together, it together in pursuit duties assigned to them that is ruling and protecting. But for having table and healthy next generation, the cheery proposed temporary marriages arranged by the state for the guardian class.  After children are born from such marriages, the children Are separated from them , the children were brought up by the state, you got free and compulsory education. On the basis of their performance in the test and their natural abilities, they were assigned one of the three classes.
Features of Plato’s theory of philosopher king
In the just society/state , first one to rule are the philosophers because the dominant element of their soul is reason. Philosophers by virtue of possessing true knowledge are able to see the intelligible word- the real world, world of ideas of true Forms
Philosopher kings are therefore like spiritual guide or captain to the ship that is the society
They are wise ,courageous ,temperate and just .
They accept refer not for personal glory or benefit, but true desire to guide members of community, lead a good and happy life
How is the philosopher king selected?
They are selected on the basis of multilevel test after each phase of education. They get special rigourous training in administration., when is in public affairs, state craft for 15 years , after getting specialised education for 35 years. Thus only after 50 years of education and training, one may become philosopher king
Duties of philosopher Kings
- Territorial integrity of the state.
- Prevent extreme in equality.
- Provide prescribe system of education.
- Frame just laws for furtherance of common good of the society.
Where did Plato write his theory of justice?
The Republic
Who wrote the book “Emilie”
Plato’s scheme of education
Free, compulsory, universal, state-sponsored for all classes and genders.
Three phases- 1st phase for 20 years to all
Second phase for 15 years, only to guardian classes
Third phase- 15 years only to ruling classes- philosopher Kings
Education was the basis for choosing citizen for specific tasks in the ideal state .
1st phase of education , elementary education
- Elementary education - upto age of 20 years.
- For all classes
- Gymnastics for training the body and music for training the mind.
- Test at the end of 20 years to select the guardian class
Higher education - next 15 years
20 -35 age
Only to selected persons of high sexes of guardian classes
Mathematics, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, philosophy, and logic, higher does of gymnastics and music
To cultivate reason , teach students to search for forms and learn the art of dialectic in order for the guardians to become capable of ruling the city
Last phase of education - 15 years
35 to 50 age
Practical training of administration , managing public affairs
Only after rigorous education and training upto 50 years , the philosopher kings were given the responsibilities of ruling the Polis
Can be both men or woman
Plateaus idea of censorship
Plato supported censorship of poetry, music and paintings. To him, it would create wrong impression on young minds. To him, wrong poetry, music and paintings me wrongly influence young children. They might start hating gods and stop believing in them if God is portrait as immoral and quarrelsome in poems and paintings. Similarly, poetry on sadness of death of loved one me instill fear of death in citizen. Wrong note in music, Mr up their soul and make them agitated and settle.
Plato’s idea of good
“Good” just supreme form, all other forms subordinate to it.
Idea of good is like son in whose light all other things are made visible
Explain plato’s allegory of cave
Visible world- life in the cave, in chains, in shadow, not real .
Intelligible world - world of sunlight outside the cave, the real world, world of ideas or forms
Plato’s analogy of the divided line 
Plato represented this idea in form of a dialogue between Glaucon and Socrates .
The divided line represents division of intelligible invisible world.
Books written by Plato
Timaeus (dialogue)
Books on Plato
- The open society and its enemies - Karl popper (critic)
- Plato today - RHS crossman - critic
- The platonic legend- W Fite - critic
- Lectures on the Republic of plato- RL nettles hip- praise
- The man and his work - A. E taylor (praise)
Who was the 1st to use Socratic dialectical method?
“ state(polis) is the individual writ large” who said This
“ what Aristotle called the ideal state is always Plato’s second best state” who said this
Who was the teacher of Aristotle?
Plato and plato was the student of Socrates
Name of the university founded by Plato
The academy
Which book contains Plato’s second best state
Admirers of Plato
RL nettleship
AE Taylor
Ernest Baker( greek political theory)
Who was the founder of philosophical idealism?
what is sophism
Relativism, scepticism, individualism, and humanism, generally Ek knowledge as the founding school of democracy and social change
Cephalus ‘s concept of justice
Justice as telling the truth, being honest in word and deed and paying one’s debt
Polemarchus ( cephalus son) concept of justice
Giving each man his Due, doing good to friends and harm to enemies
Thrasymachus concept of justice
Justice as the interest of the stronger
What is Plato’s second best state
In the book “laws” , government by law was supreme, apply equally on both the ruler and the subject. The state has mixed constitution. Both the features of aristocracy and democracy was mixed. The rulers were chosen by election, but a super council or voice and knowledgeable citizens guided the government
Several causes of revolution and change of government and constitution according to Aristotle
Instigation of revolution by some resourceful citizens for their own interest
Disappropriate aggregation of power in hands of few persons
Fear and contempt of the ruler
Imbalance by dis proportionate increase in any one part of the state