Aristotle Flashcards
Who is the father of political science?
Who is the father of political pragmatism, political realism ,founder of historical and compare two methods in politics, constitutionalism and formal logic
How many books were written by Aristotle?
30 books
Most famous books written by Aristotle
2. Nicomachean ethics
Difference between Aristotle and his teacher Plato
In his political thought, Aristotle deferred significantly from his teacher. He was more pragmatic and realist in his approach. He rejected the jollity a world of idea versus world of matter or intelligible versus invisible world. To him, both the worlds are one and Same.
His approach was empirical, where as Plato’s was normative. In contrast to purely deductive method of Plato, he adopted more inductive method of theorisation
Who gave the theory of causes explaining why anything is what it is?
Four. Causes explaining every substances by Aristotle
- Formal cause- Form/essence, which makes it what it is
- Material cause- matter from which it is made
- Efficient cause- what caused it to be, what happened from which it came into being.
4.Final cause - what it its purpose/End/goal of being
Aristotle’s theory of justice
He gave comprehensive theory of justice which was very different from that of plato. To him justice has two dimensions, when is moral or article and another is political.
What is justice in ethical sense According to Aristotle.
In ethical sense, justice is virtue in action, that is virtue in practice.
In ethical sense, Justice denotes moral goodness , righteousness, right conduct, complete goodness, common good
What is justice in political sense according to Aristotle
In political science, justice is fairness in distribution of income, Wealth, rewards , honours, political offices, punishments etc based on the principle of equity, proportional and arithmetic equality.
Greatest contribution of Aristotle in the field of constitutional government
After comparing about 158, constitutions of his time, he came out with six types of ideal constitutions based on two battery metrics on two dimensional analyses. First dimension is whether the rule is by one ,few or Many and the second dimension is whether the rule is in the interest of the rulers or for the whole community.
How many constitutions did Aristotle compare?
Six. Ideal constitutions according to Aristotle.
Kingship, tyranny
Aristocracy , oligarchy
Polity, democracy
Which constitution is best according to Aristotle
To him, the best combination is polity and aristocracy. In such constitution, political power is distributed among many on the principle of equity, but also in accordance with correct standard of virtue or goodness.. in such constitution, few ways in which is balance the rule by multitude
Distributive justice in Aristotle’s idea of justice
Distributive justice, hands out, honours and rewards, according to the merits of the recipients- equal to be treated equally and unequal , unequally , reward in proportion to what ones contribute, and as per his merit- PROPORTIONAL EQUALITY
Corrective or rectifactiory justice in Aristotle’s idea of justice
Regulating the social or ethical relationships between the citizens of a particular polis - ARITHMETIC EQUALITY . - Simple reciprocity- Do with others, what you would do with yourself. For example, if someone has stolen hundred rupees, he will have to return or pay fine of hundred rupees
What did Socrates, plato, and Aristotle, think about democracy
They were against democracy. According to them democracy is rule of mob or multitude. They believed that politics is a specialised activity requiring special knowledge. The poor, the hungry, the masses are not capable of deliberation and taking decisions for the entire community. Philosophers., the virtuous and knowledgeable persons are best suited to rule. To them democracy degenerate into rule by many in the interest of select few, who rule on behalf of the masses, claiming their support. The terms democracy as unjust or perverted form of government.
What is the name of ideal mixedConstitution according to Aristotle
In which book did Aristotle write about his idea of justice?
Aristotle’s view on this state
State is a natural entity. It is prior to individual. It means that though in time State evolved after individual, family and communities, but in essence, it is prior to individual/family. Human can fulfil their final cause, there is leaving a virtuous fulfilled life only living in a state. State is like in organic whole, individuals, it’s integral part. Humans ad social animal require State. One who doesn’t need state is not human , either God or beast
How can an individual attain Eudemonia
By being virtuous and acting excellently , and Only by living in a state
What is eudemonia
Fulfilment and happiness- final cost or goal of being human
Which class of the polis did Aristotle considered to be best suited to rule
Middle class
Best possible state according to Aristotle
Small size
Homogenous population
Moderate richness
Ruled by middle class
Rule of law (constitutionalism)
Justice is the highest virtue of the ideal state
Principle of equity and merit or standard for distribution of political power or offices
Both the principle of justice based on proportional and arithmetic equality or followed in such state
Aristotle’s view on household or family
Family is primary and essential unit of the state. It helps build society and maintain it.
Household consist of husband, wife, children, slave and property
There is a hierarchical relation in the family to maintain order and harmony. There are three kinds of her article relation in the family- Master-slave; husband-wife; Father-child.
All three are different kinds of hierarchical relation. There is complete subordination of slave to the Master. But the wife is subordinate to husband. She is not like slave, she is independent as your husband. In household matter, she supersedes her husband . Only in matters of vital and economic decisions., husband’s view prevails. Father child relation is like king subject relation. But once children become adult, they not remain sub ordinate and become equal to their father.
Status and role of women in the family. According to Aristotle.
Women or inferior to men, a complete defective Male
Has reason but without authority and she has to be under command of male
Women are freebeing, half a free man of the state, and their education, bringing up well-being must be ensured
Women should be kept away from public Realm because their deliberative and decision-making capabilities were not fully developed
In matters of household she is the master of the family
Did Aristotle support right to property?
Yes. Considered it as integral part of household
Who first proposed reality of private versus public life?
To him family is the Realm of personal or private, where is politics belongs to public life. He is criticise, especially by feminist to have created the dichotomy of personal versus public. It took thousands of years to break this duality.
Aristotle’s view on slavery
Aristotle had supported the institution of slavery on natural, rational and social grounds. He had the view that some people or by nature submissive and others dominant. The people who Are submissive need guidance and ordered by somebody else for performing their functions.
Slavery also fulfils a very important social Need. Play free their masters to participate in public affairs which required knowledge. By serving his master and taking care of all the routine affairs of his household, The slaves does an important duty towards the society.
Conditions for slavery. According to Aristotle.
Enslavement justified, only if slave lack virtue or reason, winning war and paying Debt shouldn’t be ground floor slavery
Master must be more virtuous than the slave
Slave should be treated well and should be made free for their good services
Aristotle anticipated No need for slavery with technological advancements.
In which books did Aristotle Write his views on ethics, morality , ethical virtues etc ?
nicomachean ethics
Eudemian ethics
Who gave the idea of the golden mean?
What is the idea of the golden mean according to Aristotle?
Golden mean denotes appropriate response to feelings and situations. Virtue is temperance, moderation, balance in thought and action on face of different, feeling and circumstances.
Principles of golden mean is to have a right response to different feelings and situations . Virtuous actsare those who are in between the two extreme responses. For example, courage is virtue which is in between cowardice and fool hardiness(deficient respond to fear)
How can golden mean become a virtue according to Aristotle?
Determining golden mean in each situation is like skilful craft. It can be learned only true life long practice. It should become part of one’s habit, then only golden mean becomes virtue.
How the principle of golden in reflects in the conception of best practises will state by Aristotle
Hi discarded the extremes of the ideal state, without any need of law and constitution, as conceived by Plato. He discarded the other extreme of a state in which lawlessness anarchy and chaos prevails. Instead, he chose the state which is less perfect than the platonic ideal state. The practice of a state which is based on formal laws and Constitution became the best practicable state for Aristotle
Whom did Aristotle denied citizenship to?
And those without property .
To him being ethical, moral and virtuous is same as being good citizen . Only those who poses property, moral, ethical, and intellectual excellence, have virtue and have proper deliberative and decision-making capabilities are suited for citizenship
Who gave the famous quote “ Man as zoo politikon “
Explain the quote” man a zoo politikon”
The word political in these phrases can have multiple meanings. In positive sense political may denote social arrangement in which laws are made in various social needs human lives of fulfilLed.
In this sense, politics and sure is good life of community and fulfilled and florist life of individuals.
If we take politics as game of interest and power, then politics denotes how humans are naturally inclined towards desire, ego and power . They are self interested, egoistic and try to dominate the weaker ones whenever they get the chance to do so. Whatever way we think of politics., humans are naturally seem to be a political animal
Books by Aristotle
Nicomechean ethics
Eudemonian ethics
Metaphysics, rhetoric
On the soul
Who was the first to give the idea of distributive justice
Who was the teacher of young Alexander the Great of Macedonia
Name of Aritotle’s academy
Names given to Aristotle
The philosopher
First teacher
The master of them that know