John Rawls Flashcards
Main works of John rawl
A theory of justice(1971)- imp
Justice as fairness (1985)
Political liberation (1993)- imp
The laws of people (1993)
Justice as fairness : a restatement (2001)
Who gave the term veil of ignorance
John Rawls
Rawlsian individual
Stripped down abstract individual , free and equal , rational , self interested but not egoist, individualistic, autonomous but having sense of justice and conservative risk takers
Assumption sand definition of Rawls theory of justice
Social contract- people come together leaving state of natire to frame rule to construct society
Initial position- beginning of a society or political system when members of society frame rules to govern social life
Veil of ignorance- members of society framing rules are ignorant of their status and position.
Rawlsian individual- striped down abstract individual , free and equal , rational and self interested but not egoist , individualistic , having sense of justice and conservation risk takers
Two principles of justice
Principle of equal liberty - the cab person has an equal right to the most extensive liberties compatibles with similar liberties for all. (1st priority )
Difference principle - social and economic inequalities should be arranged so that they are both a) to the greatest benefit of the lest advantaged persons (3rd priority )
and B) attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of equality of opportunity. (2nd priority )
Features of Ralws theory of justice
Type of social contract theory - contract among free and equal individual at initial position is an thought experience just to show its rationality for policy decisions in real life.
Under controller condition, rational individual having different notions of morality , would frame rules for socio- political order consistent to idea of distributive justice
Blend of procedural and distributive justice , humane and egalitarian approach to liberal ideology .
Idea of chain connection - society strengthened by strengthening its weakest link.
Provide a standard for assessing distributive structure of any society.
Who have the idea or cabin connection
John Rawls
In which book did John Rawls talk bout his theory of justice
John rawl
I’m which book did Rawls talk bout his global justice
Law of people 1999
3 kinda of people by Rawls (global justice)
Decent non liberal
Outlaws and burdened people
Characteristics of decent non liberal people
Well ordered hierarchical society
Society must not be aggressive. It must conduct it affairs in ways that is peaceful and respectful of other societies.
It must provide basic human rights, life, liberty and property, right to formal equality to all its members
Those who administer the law must believe that the law incorporates a common good idea of justice.
Must have a ‘decent consultation hierarchy’ in which the interest of all members of the society are taken into consideration .
Rawl’s law of people / steps to achieve global justice
1st step- social contract among citizen of each liberal society /people.
2nd step- agreement on eight principles and 3 organisation among representatives of liberal people in original position and under the veil of ignorance.
3rd step- decent nonliberal People were also accept the law of peoples- why?
Because it would be rational, choice, consistent with their commitments to be well and ordered decent people.
4th step- decent people will help non-decent nonliberal, burdened people develop into well- ordered decent people and accepting law of people
8 principles by John Rawl , global justice
- People are free and independent and their freedom and independence is to be respected by other people.
- People are equal and parties to their own agreements.
- Peoples have the right of self defence, but no right to war.
- People are to observe a duty of non-intervention.
- People or to observe treaties and undertakings.
- People start to observe certain specified restrictions on the conduct of war.(assumed to be in self-defence.)
- People are to honour human rights.
- People have a duty to access other people, living under unfavourable conditions that prevent them having a just a decent, political and social regime.
Three. Global organisations by John Rawls in his law of people.
- One for ensuring fair trade among people.
- Cooperative banking institutions from which people may borrow.
- Confederation of people like UN
How did John Rawl propose his theory of global justice
Realistic utopia
Critique of Rawls law of people
Mostly from cosmopolitans- Pogge , Nussbaum ,Criticised for very limited obligation to help burdened people .
Who are People according to John Rawl
Politically organised society having sufficient commonality of culture, tradition , history , world view , way of life .
They any have one or more state of none. People are represented by their legitimate govt