Plate tectonics key terms Flashcards
The outer most layer of the Earth, with two types:
a thin layer of dense basalt (oceanic)
a thicker layer of dense granite rock (continental)
The thickest layer of the Earth, made up of (semi) molten rocks with iron and magnesium. At a depth between 100-700km, the mantle becomes hotter and more fluid, known as the asthenosphere
The innermost part of the Earth, split into the inner and outer core, containing rocks made of iron and nickel alloys. The inner core is solid, while the outer core is molten at over 5000C
Primordial heat
Heat left over from the Earth’s formation
Radiogenic heat
Heat given from the decay of radioactive isotopes
The crust and the rigid mantle, divided into 7 large continental and oceanic plates
Part of the Earth’s mantle that lies below the lithosphere at depths between 100-700 km
Plate tectonic theory
The theory that states that the Earth’s crust is made up of several rigid plates moving relative to one another
Sea floor spreading
The theory that the ocean floor is moving away from the mid oceanic ridge and across the deep ocean basin, to disappear beneath continents and ocean arcs
A record of the history of the Earth’s magnetic field, preserved in magnetic minerals in volcanics rocks
The sideways and downward movement of the edge of the plate of the Earth’s crust into the mantle beneath another plate
Constructive plate boundary
A plate margin where new crust is generated as the plates pull away form each other (found at mid ocean ridges)
Destructive plate boundary
A plate margin where crust is destroyed as two plates converge (associated with island arcs or young fold mountains)
Conservative plate boundary
A plate margin where two tectonic plates are moving past each other with no addition or destruction of plate material
Deep sea trenches
Prominent, long, narrow topographic depressions of the ocean floor. Typically 50-100km wide and 3-4km deeper than the surrounding ocean floor