Plastics & Reconstruction Yellow Book Flashcards
A dressing that is held in place by long suture ends crisscrossed and tied is called
All of the following statements regarding the preparation for a skin graft are true EXCEPT
the dermatome is placed on the recipient table
How many layers does the epidermis contain
Colorless prep solution may be indicated for
plastic surgery
A graft containing epidermis and only a portion of the dermis is called a
split-thickness graft
A progressive disease of the palmar fascia is termed
Dupuytren’s contracture
Microtia refers to
underdeveloped external ear
Good contact between a skin graft and the recipient site is facilitated by use of a/an
stent dressing
Syndactyly refers to
webbing of the digits
A facelift is termed a
The intraoperative use of bone allografts requires all of the following responses from the scrub team EXCEPT
completely thaw
Bulky dressings added to the intermediate layer of a three-layer dressing are used to
eliminate dead space and immobilize a body part
All of the following rules cover handling of prosthetic devices during plastic surgery procedures EXCEPT
prosthesis must be dried completely before implanting it
Free jejunal tissue transfer are frequently successful as adjunct surgical revisions following
laryngectomy and esophagectomy
What bandage affects the process of exsanguination of a limb prior to the use of a tourniquet
Which muscle is utilized to effect a TRAM flap in breast reconstruction
transverse rectus abdominis
The most widely used method of scar revision next to scar removal is
A scar that is hypertrophic and bulbous and usually does not reduce over time is a/an
split-thickness skin graft
Burned tissue that is nonelastic and may constrict underlying structures is
Which graft is derived from pig tissue
The skin provides which of the following vital functions
all of the above
The most common type of skin cancer is
basal cell
A graft transferred from one individual to another is a/an
A graft made up of tissue taken from one species and grafted to another species is
Removal of nonviable tissue from a nonhealing or traumatic wound is known as
A mentoplasty involves augmentation of
Macromastia in males is referred to as
A panniculectomy is
a surgical procedure performed to remove excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen
In order to reduce friction between the skin and the blade of the dermatome, the site is prepped with
mineral oil
What are natural lines in the skin that are used as landmarks for plastic surgeons to provide optimum cosmetic results
Place the following layers in the correct order from most superficial to deepest layer
1. subcutaneous
2. muscle
3. fascia
4. skin
The large scar with a raised, nodular, and reddish appearance is termed
When using the rule of nines burn assessment chart, what percentage is given to both legs together front and back
What burn is characterized by a white pearly skin appearance and includes all of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue
third degree
What burn is characterized by destruction of skin, muscles, tendons, vessels, and bone
fourth degree
What is the manual instrument used to harvest thin slices of skin from a donor area for use in skin grafting
Which dermatome is commonly used to retrieve skin for a graft and contains an oscillating blade
Which of the following is a handheld knife dermatome
all of the above
A pedicle flap is
a full-thickness skin graft that remains attached to an area where it continues to receive blood supply
The most aggressive skin cancer that can spread to other organs is
Sites of pressure ulcers include
all of the above
The blood supply that maintains the TRAM flap is
superior epigastric artery and vein
A DIEP (deep inferior epigastric perforator artery) flap procedure involves all EXCEPT
it involves the latissimus dorsi muscle
What procedure is performed to increase the size of the breasts
augmentation mammoplasty
The procedure performed to reduce the size of extremely large breasts is termed
reduction mammoplasty
When performing the procedure for reimplantation of a finger, the order of repair is
1. nerve repair
2. bone-to-bone fixation
3. debridement
4. artery and vein repair
5. skin
6. tendon
A congenital deformity of the pinna is termed
What procedure is performed to reduce the wrinkle lines across the forehead and raise the sagging eyebrows and the bridge of the nose
all of the above
A blepharoplasty is performed to remove fat deposits and excess skin from the eyelids. Incisions include:
subciliary and transconjunctival
Dermatochalasis is the diagnosis for what procedure
Tattoo removal is performed with which laser
Q-switched laser
Which of the following pertain(s) to liposuction
all of the above
The term used for large breast is
Malar implants are inserted into
A rhinoplasty is
nose job
The burn classification that is characterized by a dry, pearly white, or charred-appearing surface is
third degree
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a governmental regulating agency whose aim is to
execute requirements designed to prevent transmission of blood-borne pathogens in the work environment
Inflammation is characterized by pain, redness, heat, swelling, and loss of function. The redness can be attributed to
vasodilation bringing more blood to the area
The congenial deformity of radial dysplasia
all of the above
If tissue is approximated too tightly, it can cause
Tensile strength of a wound refers to
the ability of tissue to resist rupture
The substance that unites with thrombin to form fibrin, the basic structural material of blood clots, is
A cicatrix is
a scar
Why is a mesh device used on a skin graft
it expands the size of the skin graft by making small cuts in the graft
A wound that is infected or in which there is excessive loss of tissue heals by
secondary intention
The type of wound healing that requires debridement is
third intention
To promote healing, a surgical wound must have all of the following requisites EXCEPT
loose sutures
Wound healing that employs a technique allowing the wound to heal from the INSIDE OUT is called
second intention
A band of scar tissue that binds together two anatomical surfaces that are normally separated from each other is called
What is the classification of a wound that is indicated by a delayed closure
third intention
A complication of wound closure when the organs protrude through the edges of the wound is called
Arrange the three phases of wound healing in the correct order
1. proliferation
2. inflammatory
3. remodeling
Tissue breakdown at the wound margin is
Wound complications include
all of the above
A wound is described as __________ when there is a collection of pus around the incision
Which of the following statements regarding routine prepping for skin graft procedures is correct
donor site is prepped first and considered clean
What would be used to confirm adequate blood supply to the pedicle flap during the TRAM flap procedure
Which type of skin graft/flap would preserve skin sensation
All are glands found in the body EXCEPT
For which procedure would the surgeon require a sterile tattoo machine
nipple reconstruction
The natural outline of the upper lip is known as Cupid’s bow because of the obvious curve of the border of the upper lip. What surgical procedure would use this as a guideline
cleft lip