plasticity and functional recovery Flashcards
What is plasticity?
-The brain’s tendency to change and adapt as a result of experience and new learning.
-This generally involves growth of new connections.
What is functional recovery?
-a form of plasticity
-Following damage through trauma, the brains’ ability to redistribute or transfer functions usually performed by a damaged areas to other, undamaged areas.
What is synaptic pruning?
-rarely used synaptic connections are deleted and frequently used ones are strengthened.
-Enables life-long plasticity where new neural connections are formed in response to new demands on the brain.
True or False? Synaptic Pruning is an example of functional recovery and plasticity.
False. Synaptic Pruning is an example of plasticity only.
What is axon sprouting?
-when an axon is damaged its connection with a neighboring neuron is lost.
-In some cases, other axons that already connect with that neuron will sprout extra connections to the neuron, replacing the ones that have been destroyed, compensating for the loss of a neighbor.
How long after trauma can axon sprouting happen?
-This occurs for the most part 2 weeks after the damage happens
What is Denervation Super Sensitivity?
-when axons that do a similar job become aroused to a higher level to compensate for the ones that are lost
What is recruitment of homologous areas?
-function moves to similar areas on the opposite side of the brain
What was the aim of Maguire et al’s study?
-To examine whether structural changes could be detected in the brain of people with extensive experience of spatial navigation
What was the procedure of Maguire et al’s study?
- Structural MRI scans were obtained.
-16 right-handed male London taxi drivers that had all been driving for more than 1.5 years participated.
-Scans of 50 healthy right-handed males that did not drive taxis were used as a control.
-The mean age did not differ between the two groups.
What were the findings of Maguire et al’s study?
-Increased grey matter was found in the brains of taxi drivers in the right and left hippocampi (compared with controls).
-The increased volume was found in the posterior hippocampus.
-A correlation was found between the amount of time spent as a taxi driver and volume in the right posterior hippocampus.
What were the conclusions from Maguire et al’s study?
-Extensive practice with spatial navigation can cause structural changes to the brain, especially in the posterior hippocampus
Who studied the ‘Italian Boy’ Case Study?
Danelli et al (2013)
Who did Danelli’s research focus on?
-Followed EB, an Italian Boy that was operated on at the age of 2 ½ to remove a large benign tumor from his left hemisphere, resulting in him having virtually all of his left hemisphere removed.
What was the initial impact of the surgery on Italian Boy?
-all of his linguistic abilities disappearing, as his language was seemingly localized in his left hemisphere, as he was right-handed