Plant Responses (only key points so refer to notes) Flashcards
toxic to MOs/herbivores found in upper epidermis leaf taste bad prevent pathogens entering root in cell vacuoles or surface wax on plants
derived from amino acids
taste bitter
in tips, flowers
peripheral cell layers of stems and roots
affect behaviour/physiology of other individuals
directional growth response
shoot of climbing plants wind around other plants/structures for support
nastic response
non-directional response
respond to touch like fold leaf
to do with bud growth
promote cell division
delay leaf senescence
overcome apical dominance
promote cell expansion
promote bud growth
override apical dominance if applied to bud
high auxin make shoot apex, sink for cytokinins produced in root
apex removed - cytokinins spread through plant
abscisic acid
info to do with bud growth
inhibits seed germination and growth
stomatal closure when plant has low water availability
inhibits bud growth
high auxin in shoot keeps levels of acid high in bud
tip removed - abscisic levels drop so bud grows
promote cell elongation
inhibit growth of side-shoots
inhibit leaf abscission (leaf fall)
promote seed germination and elongation
growth of stems
promote fruit ripening
promote lateral growth
apical dominance
auxins from apical bud at tip of shoot prevent lateral buds from growing
seed germination
seed absorbs water
embryo releases gibberellin
travels to aleurone layer in endosperm region of seed
enables production of amylase which breaks donw starch to glucose
substrate for respiration for embryo as grows
auxin’s effect
increase stretchiness of cell wall
promote active transport of H ions by ATPase on plasma membrane to cell wall so low pH optimum for wall-loosening enzymes
break bonds within cellulose and H ions break H bonds
less rigid walls so expand as cell takes in water
man made auxin that kills weeds because difficult to break down so acts in plant longer leading to too much shoot growth, stem can’t support and dies