Plant ID Flashcards
Abies balsamea
Balsam Fir
-2 ranked needles
-Grey upright cones
Larix laricina
-needles change in colour in Fall
-raised needle-plate
Picea glauca
White Spruce
-shorter than pine
-sharp, light needles
Picea marianna
Black Spruce
-shaggy scales, darker
-lichen, egg-shaped cones
Picea pungins
Colorado Blue Spruce
-green blue colour
-cones light brown
-long papery cones
Pinus banksiana
Jack Pine
-bear claw cones
-needles in bundles
Pinus Contorta
Lodgepole Pine
-straight trunk
-shorter needles than Jack Pine
-sharp tip on cone
Pinus sylvestris
Scots Pine
-straight trunk
-sharp tip cone
-needles shorter than Jack Pine
-large cones
Populus balsimefera
Black Poplar
-round pediole (stem)
-simple, serrated leaves
-deeply furrowed grey bark
Populus deltoides
-deltoid leaf shape
-heavily serrated
-deep ridges in bark
Salix discolour
Pussy willow
-fuzzy catkins
Salix exigua
Sandbar Willow
-long and skinny leaf
Betula papyrifera
Paper Birch
-noticeable lentisals on twig
-double serrated leaves with sharp tip
Betula occidentalis
River Birch
-has droopy things
-serrated leaves
Betula glandulosa
Dwarf Birch
-glandular twigs
-serrated leaves
Betula glandulifera
Swamp Birch
Alnus virdis sp. crispa
Green Alder
-very finely serrated
-dark green
Alnus rugosa
River Alder
-hanging catkins
-grey bark
Corylus cornuta
Beaked Hazlenut
-pointed shell
-serrated leaves
Acer negurdo
Manitoba Maple
Acer spicatum
Mountain Maple
-produces small keys
Caragana aborescens
-little yellow flowers
-little pea-like thing
Quercas macrocarpa
Bur Oak
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Green Ash
Syringa vulgaris
-purple or white flowers
Ulmas americana
American Elm
-weird fuzzy seed things
-leaves kind of look like mint
Ulmas pumila
Siberian Elm
-lateral leaves
Symphoricarpos occidentails
Western Snowberry
-white flowers
-white berries
Vibernum eduhe
Lowbush Cranberry
-small dinosaur feet
Vibernum opulus
Highbush Cranberry
-big dinosaur feet
Diervilla lonicera
Norther Bush Honeysuckles
-little yellow flowers with suckles
Lanicera dioica
Twining Honeysuckles
-longer sickle stems
-little yellow flowers
Cornus stolonifera
Red Osier Dogwood
-red bark
-white berries
Juniperous communis
Common Juniper
Juniperour horizontails
Creeping Juniper
-ground cover
Eleognus communtata
Wolf Willow / Silver Berry
-silver hue to whole plant
Shepherdia canadensis
-bright red berries
Ledum groenlandicum
Labrador Tea
-thick ugly leaves
Vaccinium myrtilloides
Velvet Leaf Blue Berry
Champaedaphe calyculata
Leather Leaf
-tree shaped tree
Kalmia angustifolia
Sheep laurel
-pink colour
-vortex looking
Amelanchier alnifolia
Saskatoon Berry
-blue berries
Prunus pennsylvanica
Crataegus Spp.
-bright red berries
Potentilla fruitcosa
Shrubby Cirquefoil
-yellow flowers
Prunus virgiana
-shiny black berries
Rosa Woodsii
Woods Rose
-pink flowers
Rosa acicularis
Prickly Rose
-light pink flowers
-bigger leaves
Rubus idaeus
Red Raspberry
Sorbus scopulina
Mountain Ash
-little red and white berries clustered
-smooth bark