1.2 Ecological Land Classification Flashcards
What is a Ecozone?
Defines major physiographical features of the country
What defines an Ecozone?
Climate, landforms, and regional vegetation patterns
What is Ecoprovine
Subdivision of Ecozone based on
surficial forms, hydrology, climate and
What is a Ecoregion?
Distinctive climate zones or large regional landscapes within a ecozone
How are Ecoregions expressed?
By vegetation, soils, hydrology, and sometimes human interaction
What is a Ecodistrict?
Distinctive assemblages of relief surficial geologic material, soil, hydrology, vegetation, or land use
What is a Ecosection?
Subdivision of ecodistricts based on soils, climate, hydrology, landforms
What is a Ecosite?
A representation of an ecosystem. A recurring stand or on site with a homogeneous combination of soils, vegetation, and other site characteristics
What is a Ecoelement?
Subdivision of ecosites based on vegetation, soils, topography
What do ecological classifications allow for?
Examine various attributes of an ecosystem
What do ecosite classification allow for?
Summaries of the site attributes for each ecosite
What are the distinguishing factors of an ecosite?
-abiotic conditions
-plant species present on the site
-cover values associated with the plant species