Plant Evolution and Diversity Flashcards
Alternation of Generations
A life cycle in which there is both a multicellular diploid from, the sporophyte, and a multicellular haploid form, the gametophyte
A flowering plant that forms seeds in the ovary
A sac located at the tip of a flowers stamen; contains male sporangia in which meiosis occurs to produce spores the form the male gametophytes
a saclike structure made up of a jacket of sterile cells one cell thick; it encloses many cells, each of which, when mature, produce one sperm
Apical Meristem
Growth-producing regions of cell division found near the tips of roots and stems
the site of nutrients exchange between the plant and the fungi
the female reproductive organ in ferns and mosses.
a saclike structure enclosing the ascospores.
A plant that lacks xylem and phloem; a seedless nonvascular plant; include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts; a group of plant species that reproduce via spores rather than flowers or seeds.
The outermost whorl of the flower; Sepals are the functional units
The female part of the flower; consisting of a stalk, ovary and stigma, which traps pollen
the part where the pollen lands and starts the fertilization process.
a long, slender stalk that connects the stigma and the ovary.
The basal portion of the carpel in which the containing ovules develop
a strong, flexible nitrogen-containing polysaccharide that makes up the cell walls in fungi
a collection of petals that strongly displays color and encircles the stamen and carpel, the reproductive organs of a flower.
a waxy coating on the surface of stems and leaves that helps retain water
Diploid Generation
sporophyte generation, produces spores asexually
Double fertilization
In flowering plants, the formation of both a zygote and a cell with a triploid nucleus, which develops into the endosperm.
Another name for land plants
In flowering plants, a nutrient-rich mass formed by the union of a sperm cell with two nuclei during double fertilization; provides nourishment to the developing embryo in the seed
Fossil Fuel
an energy containing deposit of organic material formed from the remains of ancient organisms
the ripened ovary of a flower; protects developing seeds and aids in their dispersal
any member of the group of eukaryotic organisms that includes microorganisms such as yeasts and molds, as well as the more familiar mushrooms.
A reproductive organ that houses and protects the gametes of the plant
The multicellular haploid from in the life cycle; produces haploid gametes that unite and grow into the sporophyte generation
A naked seed plants; not enclosed in an ovary
Haploid Generation
The sexual phase; gametophyte generation; produces gametes, or sex cells
Heterokaryotic Stage
A fungal life cycle stage that contains two genetically different haploid nuclei in the same cell
A chemical that hardens the cell wall of plants
rapidly growing fungus that reproduces asexually by producing spores, often at the tips of specialized hyphae.
In seed plants, a structure that develops within the female cone (in gymnosperms) or ovary (angiosperms) that contains the female gametophyte
obtains nutrients at the expense of living plants or animals; harms the organism
A modified leaf of a flowering plant; colorful to attract pollinators
living cells that distribute sugars throughout the plant
Pollen Grains
The structure that will produce the sperm in seed plants; the male gametophyte
consists of an embryo packaged with a food supply within a protective covering.
Seed Coat
A tough outer covering of the seed, formed from the tissue surrounding the ovule
Seedless Vascular Plants
The lycophytes (such as club mosses) and the widespread monilophytes (ferns and their relatives)
A modified leaf of a flowering plant; protects flower bud before it opens
brownish or yellowish cluster of spore-producing structures (sporangia) usually located on the lower surface of fern leaves
A structure in fungi and plants which meiosis occurs and haploid spores develop
A haploid cell that can develop into a new organism without fusing with another cell.
The multicellular diploid from of the life cycle; results from a union of gametes and meiotically produces haploid spores that grow into the gametophyte generation
A pollen producing male reproductive part of the flower; consisting of an anther that is supported by a filament
The thin stalk that supports the anther in the male portion of the flower.
A microscopic pore surrounded by guard cells in the epidermis of a leaf. When open, CO2 enters a leaf, and H2O and O2 exit. When closed, a plant conserves water
Summer Wood
the wood that is produced by a plant near the end of the growing season: consists of small thick-walled xylem cells
Vascular Plant
A plant with xylem and phloem
Vascular Tissue
a network of thick-walled cells joined into narrow tubes that extend throughout the plant body that transport water and nutrients
dead cells that form microscopic pipes conveying water and minerals up from the roots.
refers to any single-celled fungus; reproduce asexually by cell division, often by budding; inhabit liquid or moist habitats
The diploid fertilized egg, which results from the union of a sperm cell nucleus and an egg cell nucleus.
Zygote Fungus
name comes from forming special sexual spore is called zygospore, which is resistant spherical spores are formed during sexual reproduction